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The Devil's Love For The Heiress novel Chapter 45

Chapter 45:

Explosive Chemistry ‘He is alive.

He is alive.

The words kept ringing in Carlos’ head while they settled in another room following Hugo’s interrogation. His chest was congested, and he could barely breathe at the possibility. Yet, he also thought back to his uncle Ethan’s words. At least Kate’s parents saw his father’s remains, and Ethan considered it was his father resting inside a coffin. Looking at his head of security, he whispered, “What if I have my father’s body exhumed?” “That’s up to you, sir. At least, it would clear up your suspicion, but Hugo could also be lying.” Lemuel suggested. “It’s a lengthy process, considering what is left of your father’s corpse by now, and it may cause emotional trauma, disturbing your father’s resting place. However, DNA tests can still be on bones.” Detective Bernard responded. He then promised him they would look into it further. “We have already tracked down the attorney who notarized the document. Maybe we can get information from him.” “I don’t know if I can wait. I can’t rest easy knowing the probability that my father may still be alive? So I want answers. I want the DNA test done,” Carlos replied. “If Hugo is lying, then it’s just money and time wasted, but if that’s not my father buried next to my mother, then 1 should stop at nothing to find him, dead or alive.” Looking at detective Bernard, Carlos asked, “Can you help me with this?” “Of course, I will course it through officer Baker in New York,” detective Bernard acknowledged. “We’ll need your signed approval for the procedure.”

They were about to leave when they heard a knock on the door. Officer Laurent, the French police officer in charge of Carlos and Alexander’s safety, walked in, saying, “I’m feeling sick. I’ve been going in and out of the toilet for thirty minutes. I think the water here made me sick.”

“Detective Martin offered to cover for me until I feel better. He happens to be here,” said officer Laurant.

A hiss left detective Bernard’s lips, and he replied, “Very well.” Carlos left prison with all four of his bodyguards, two still from New York police, and a new French Police named Jules Martin.


That evening, Carlos and Alexander had a celebration party to attend, arranged by the French Open organizers. Amongst the attendees, Alexander and Carlos stood out the most, and this was because of the amount of security that followed them around. Carlos had four, while Alexander had two.

Throughout the event, Lemuel stood behind Carlos while the others were spread across the Wand ballroom of the Hotel Peninsula. One was oni standby inside an SUV.

Carlos al Alexander were seated with Erik Berg, his girlfriend, two other players, and their

favorite umpire. There were two seats left vacant at their table, and just as Carlos was in deep thought, still thinking about his father, he saw Hannah Dil from the corner of his eye. “Hi, Carlos. Is this seat taken?” Hannah asked. Her eyes gleamed, and her lips thinned into a smile.

“Yes.” Pointing to his bodyguard, Carlos replied, “Lemuel needs to sit once in a while too.”

“But ”

“Savannah? There you are? You asked me to save a seat for you?” Carlos called, seeing how Savannah walked in just in time.

“She asked you? But we just walked in together!” Hannah protested. Carlos saw the protest in Savannah’s face, but he insisted, saying, “Come on, Savannah, I have kept this seat for you for half an hour. Besides, Alex has something to tell you!” Turning to his friend, Alexander gave him a death glare. Carlos just shrugged. He turned to Hannah and said, “There is an empty table at the end, Hannah. You can sit there.”

Ultimately, Hannah left bitterly, and Savannah approached their group. Carlos immediately got up and offered the chair next to Alexander.

Savannah cast an angry look at Carlos, saying, “Really? I just saved you from sitting next to Hannah, and you are throwing me to sit next to him?” “He has something to tell you,” Carlos maintained. “And thank you for helping me.” “I don’t have anything to say to you,” Alexander said to Savannah. “Well.” While taking her seat, Savannah narrowed her eyes at Alexander, saying, “It’s typical of you not to say anything when it matters, right? You are good at that.”

Carlos did not miss how Alexander clenched his jaws, turning red at Savannah’s words, and then a staring contest happened between the two, not the pleasant kind.

“You two look like you have a lover’s quarrel,” Erik remarked from across the table.

“They do. And they do this very often,” Carlos suggested.


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