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The Divorced Heiress Revenge (Bella Thompson) novel Chapter 820

Chapter 820 

Everyone present could sense the hidden edge in his words. 

Lance had long found out that Bella had divorced once, and her 

former husband was Justin. 

At that time, he indignantly thought that it was such a pity. 

It was ridiculous enough for Bella to marry a Salvador, and to make things worse, Justin was an illegitimate son. She was undermining herself. Lance thought that his sons, even Christopher, would still be 

a better candidate than Justin. 

“Uncle Lance, are you thirsty? I’ll treat you to coffee.” Bella’s expression was a little awkward after hearing Lance’s words. 

She knew Lance had a good relationship with Wyatt, but he did not need to say such words to Grandpa Nigel. 

“Bella, I’m not thirsty! I haven’t showered you with enough praise!” 

Lance was oblivious to Bella’s intentions. 

Bella was speechless, while Zoe gritted her teeth in resentment with a 

gloomy face. 

Why did all the big shots in Savrow have to dance in this wretched woman’s palm? Were all the other women in this world dead? 

Justin stared at Bella sharply, his heart hurting as much as how cold 

his gaze was. 

“Your own daughter? Lance, I guess you really like daughters. One 

daughter isn’t enough for you. You even want to acknowledge 

another one, huh?” 


Nigel did not let go of the loophole in Lance’s words. “It’s different for 

  1. I want a granddaughter-in-law, and it could only be Bella. Anyone 

else can dream on!” 

Bella was shocked. 

Christopher smiled, but his hands, placed behind Bella, curled into 

fists. He was filled with discontent. 

Zoe felt a buzz in her head. An overwhelming sense of humiliation 

and embarrassment tugged at her heart. 

She should not have come tonight. She should have hidden at home 

and waited for her mother and grandfather to settle things for her by 

forcing Justin to marry her. 

If she took action, it would only bring humiliation and shame. 

Lance’s smile froze, and he wanted to retort, but Justin stepped in at 

this moment. 

“Grandpa, I’ve divorced Ms. Thompson for half a year. She has moved 

  1. Your actions will put her in a difficult spot.” 

The hallway suddenly became quiet. 

Bellä felt a dull throb in her heart, but she smiled in relief. 

There was nothing to regret. It was not the first time Justin had given 


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