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The Divorced Heiress Revenge (Bella Thompson) novel Chapter 821

Chapter 821 

In the end, Lance arranged for Christopher to send Bella home.. 

Justin pushed Nigel’s wheelchair and headed toward the parking lot, while Zoe followed closely behind like an annoying pest. 

“How long are you going to follow me?” Justin suddenly halted and 

asked without turning around. 

Caught off guard, Zoe almost bumped into Justin’s back and stumbled awkwardly. 

“Justin, I want to accompany you in sending Grandpa home.” 

Zoe acted pitifully. “Grandpa was just discharged from the hospital, so he must need someone to take care of him. I want to help you…” 

“Help? What can you do?” Justin asked bluntly. 

Zoe was at a loss for words. 

“I watched as you grew up. I know how much your mother and Ryan spoil you. You never did any household chores, so what can you do?” Justin spoke coldly without considering Zoe’s feelings. 

“Justin, I…” 

“You know who Grandpa needs right now.” 

Thinking of Bella, Justin felt his heart tighten, and he lowered his eyes. “If you have this intention, you should go home and take care of Old Master Logan instead.” 

After that, Justin, left with Nigel. Zoe was left behind. Her face flushed 

with embarrassment. 

On the way home, Justin and Nigel sat in the back row as the driver 


The car was warm, but Nigel’s cold face made the people in the car 

feel as if they were in an icy cave. 

Justin knew his grandfather was furious. 

However, it was an undeniable fact that he had divorced Bella, and 

the rift between them was unsolvable. 

Justin pursued Bella with everything he had, even putting his life on the line, but he could not get a single bit of trust from her in return. 

He was not afraid of one-sided devotion, but he feared that she had 

never trusted him. 

When they reached Crescent Bay, Justin got out of the car and prepared the wheelchair with Matt, intending to help Nigel into it. 

“I’m not using the wheelchair. I’m not crippled, so why do I need one?” 

Nigel pulled Justin to the side irritatedly and said, “Matt, get me my walking cane.” 

Soon, Matt came with Nigel’s walking cane. 

Nigel took it and pursed his dry lips, hitting Justin’s back with the 

cane without hesitation! 

Matt was shocked. 

With a loud bang, Justin felt a dull pain spreading from his back, and 


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