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The Divorcee Who Shines novel Chapter 4

Chapter 4 Difficulty

Under the bright lights, Shannon looked stunningly beautiful. In person, she was even more breathtaking, like a delicate rose in full bloom. She and Brendon made a perfect couple with their exceptional looks.

As Ranita scrutinized Shannon, Shannon also curiously looked at her and tilted her head with a smile. Her voice sounded like that of a songbird, "Hello there! You must be Ranita? I'm Shannon. It's nice to meet you."

Shannon quickly walked over and intimately held Ranita's hand. "Ranita, I accidentally spilled coffee on my skirt earlier and had to borrow Brendon's shirt to wear instead. I hope you don't mind."

Ranita lowered her eyes and smelled the scent of cedarwood on the white shirt before speaking in an indifferent tone, "Miss Murphy, you're being polite, but men and women have different standards of dress code. Besides, Brendon is already married so it's not quite appropriate for you to wear his clothes."

"Ranita! What relationship do I have with Brendon? It's just one piece of clothing! He didn't say anything about it either! You're so petty!" Shannon pouted while looking at Brendon.

Brendon frowned slightly, "It really is just one piece of clothing; it doesn't matter."

Ranita felt uneasy inside.

"If you don't agree that it's inappropriate, then why ask me if I mind? Since that's the case, then don't bother asking me anymore," said Ranita coldly as she looked at Shannon with disdainful eyes.

Shannon felt wronged as she leaned towards Brendon while rubbing her chest against him, "Brendon, sorry! Did I make Ranita angry? Maybe I should change back into my skirt so that you two won't fight because of me."

"No way!" said Brendon as he reached out to pat Shannon on the head gently while speaking softly, "Ranita won't fight with me over something like this. Besides, my clothes are mine to decide who wears them. Feel free to keep wearing them!"

"Thank you so much Brendon! You're always so good to me! I really like you!" exclaimed an overly sweetened voice from Shannon which made Ranita feel nauseous as if she had swallowed a fly.

"If Mr Stuart is busy, then I'll leave first," thought Ranita who couldn't bear watching this lovey-dovey scene any longer.

In haste, Ranita left but when closing the door, she met Shannon's gaze which was filled with prideful provocation.


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