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The Double Life of My Billionaire Husband novel Chapter 801

Chapter 801

As darkness fell over the Larson family mansion, Natalie lay comfortably with her head resting on Brandon’s lap, engrossed. in the latest celebrity buzz on her phone. Vivi’s scandal had skyrocketed to the top three trending topics. A single tap on any headline revealed a cascade of negative gossip and sordid revelations about her, Natalie aimlessly opened one such article. detailing Vivi’s reprehensible past, from her bullying antics in middle school to physically assaulting her assistant as a budding Internet sensation.

With a sigh, Natalie mused, “Vivi, in all her glamor, has done some deplorable deeds. As a public figure, she should have valued her reputation, but she consistently chose the path of wrongdoing.” Brandon glanced at the phone screen, a sardonic smile playing on his lips. “Evil doers can never truly mask their decay, regardless of the glitzy facade they uphold,” he scoffed. finovels.com

Natalie wholeheartedly concurred, “If she had avoided mischief and focused on her career, she might have accomplished something. Now, she has no one to blame for her downfall but herself.” Mid- conversation, Natalie’s phone buzzed with an incoming video call from Laney.

As soon as she picked up, a concerned Laney inquired from the other end, “Natalie, how are things with Vivi’s scandal? Is there anything I can do to help?”

With a reassuring smile, Natalie responded, “Don’t fret, everything’s under control. How have you been? Is Garrett keeping up the good work?”

Just as Laney finished speaking, a familiar figure appeared behind her. The man, dressed in casual home attire, adeptly held and fed a baby.

Natalie recognized the man and, with a chuckle, teased, “Garrett, I never expected you to become so proficient at caring for a baby. You seem to have mastered holding and feeding her.”

Cradling his daughter, Garrett wasn’t taken aback by Natalie’s jibe. Instead, he wore a proud smile, proclaiming, “Exactly! I’m on the path to becoming an exceptional dad. My little girl has already taken a liking to me.”

Slyly, he glanced towards Brandon, taking the opportunity to boast “Having a daughter is a wonderful thing. She’s so adorable and clingy.”

Brandon remained stoic, offering Garrett a simple response. “Piss off.”

With a helpless tap on Garrett’s head, Laney chided, “Behave. You’ve only been looking after the baby for a few days. Don’t let it go to your head. You’re not off the hook yet.”

Despite her words, the joy and tenderness in Laney’s eyes were unmistakable.

Observing the warm interaction among the duo, Natalie felt genuinely happy for Laney. It was hard to believe that Garrett, once a wealthy playboy who revelled in a glamorous lifestyle, was now a responsible father, personally taking care of his child.

Perhaps the familial bond, along with Garrett’s attentive care, had endeared Anya to him.

Yet, Natalie noticed that Laney still seemed somewhat distant from Garrett, hinting that their reconciliation was not yet complete. With this in mind, Natalie inquired, “Laney, when do you plan to forgive him?”

Laney shot Garrett a sidelong glance and deflected, “We’ll discuss that later. If you’re free, come over and visit Anya. I think you’re the best choice to be her godmother.”

Sensing Laney’s reluctance to continue on the topic, Natalie wisely pivoted, “Sounds perfect! I’ve been eager to become Anya’s godmother.”

While observing the video of the sweet and tender Anya, Natalie and Brandon exchanged a knowing smile, silently acknowledging their mutual yearning for a child.

Chapter 801 1

Chapter 801 2

Chapter 801 3


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