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The Double Life of My Billionaire Husband novel Chapter 806

Chapter 806

Upon seeing such comments, Natalie scrolled further down and was appalled to find some individuals had purposefully posted dubious “evidence” to accuse her directly as the perpetrator. What irked Natalie the most was that some people actually bought into these accusations and began incessantly urging the police to investigate her.

Natalie seethed with anger, but she quickly regained her composure. She knew that fury wouldn’t resolve the situation and that Internet users were often swayed by rumors, lacking the discernment to distinguish truth from fabrication. She realized that her immediate course of action should be to uncover the truth. Natalie quickly contacted Brandon and her family, urging them to probe into the matter and determine the truth as swiftly as possible. finovels.com

If Vivi’s car crash was merely an accident, it would be a regrettable tragedy but understandable. However, if it was a deliberate act, it meant someone was specifically targeting her. The mere notion that someone could target her with such malevolent and insidious tactics, even risking an innocent life to frame her, sent shivers down Natalie’s spine. Without uncovering the truth, she would be unable to find peace in her daily life.

Upon receiving the news, Brandon grew concerned for Natalie’s safety and hastily returned home.

Upon his arrival, he found Natalie curled up on the sofa, looking alarmingly drawn and visibly shaken by the incident.

Brandon’s heart ached at the sight, and he quickly approached Natalie, enfolding her in a tight embrace and reassuring her gently, “Don’t worry, it might just be an accident.”

Natalie’s fingers dug into the fabric of Brandon’s shirt, her frame quivering like a leaf in the wind. “It doesn’t seem like some random occurrence. It feels… personal, calculated. The odds… they’re just too stacked,” she admitted, her voice barely more than a whisper.

Brandon’s hand traced soothing circles on her back. “Easy, Natalie. You’re not alone in this storm,” he murmured in reassurance. But his words, meant to comfort, seemed to fall on deaf ears. If anything, the terror gnawing at Natalie’s insides only seemed to intensify, a relentless tide with each passing second.

She lifted her ashen face to his, her lips quivering like a frightened bird. “Vivi’s death wasn’t just some freak accident. It couldn’t be that straightforward. It’s like

I’m caught in a web, a meticulously spun trap. The puppeteer had Vivi plead with me in the morning, and by evening, she was a casualty of a fatal car crash. They manipulated dubious evidence, riling up the Internet users and drawing me into their play. It’s all laser-focused on me!” Her voice dropped to a dangerous growl, her eyes flashing fire. “It’s despicable, utterly inhumane! They sacrificed an innocent life just to frame me!”

Sensing her emotions spiralling, Brandon pulled her closer, his arms a firm anchor in her storm.

Nestled in his embrace, Natalie drank in his comforting scent, and the chaos within her began to ebb away.

She took a steadying breath, locking her gaze with his. “Brandon, level with me. What are the odds this crash was just that—an accident? J] need the unvarnished truth.”

His brows furrowed in thought, the gravity of the situation weighing on him before he finally conceded, “It’s a minefield of coincidences. It’s highly likely there’s a puppeteer pulling the strings.”

A sad, knowing smile touched Natalie’s lips as she nodded, a whisper of resignation tinging her voice. “I thought as much.” Brandon exhaled a sigh heavy with self-reproach. “I let my guard down. I should’ve sniffed out the puppeteer sooner, before they had the chance to ensnare Vivi in their scheme.”

Vivi’s sudden death and the unfounded accusations and curses from Internet users left Natalie in a state of unprecedented depression.

Knowing that Natalie was in a bad place, Brandon didn’t say much. He decided to hold her tightly and stay by her side. Both of them were aware of the imminent danger that was waiting for them at every corner.

They felt like helpless preys targeted by a vicious predator.

Chapter 806 1


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