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The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary novel Chapter 137

Chapter 137 

Raizel wasn’t even looking at me. He was staring off over me, probably trying to restrain his wolf from acting out. His desire to protect and honor me the only clear thought in his mind

But I’ve made it abundantly clear I don’t want him.” 

Raizel says nothing to that. He’s trying to read me for any bluff or lie that would suggest the opposite of what I was saying. When he finds none, he closes his eyes. He takes in a lengthy breath, pressing his forehead against my own in a way to calm himself

What do you want?” 

The sudden question leaves me breathless. My gaze drops to his lips as the heat starts to spread through me again. The raw emotion this man manages to pull from the inner crevices of my heart never fails to amaze me. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever felt before

Though, admittedly, theres not much I could compare this to. This feeing of affection and overwhelming warmness is unprecedented

You know the answer to that” 

I mumble, curling my fingers into his shirt. A wicked glint swirls in his eyes as he stares down at me

No, I don’t. You’ll have to refresh my memory.” 

I bite my inner lip, feeling a bucket of embarrassment drench over me at his request. I have the sudden urge to smack the beginnings of a grin right off his face

Or kiss it off

I press my lips to his. He doesn’t waste any time to take control, sliding his fingers through my hair to tilt my head up. The earlier fear, anxiety, and relief all bundled up with this easy show of affection

By the time we pull away, I’m nearly drunk on him. I frown

You play dirty.” 

The answering smile he gives me is one without shame

I never said I wouldn’t.” 

Rolling my eyes, I was about to lean down once more to kiss his annoyingly attractive face when the door springs open. It had been so quick I was almost surprised it hadn’t flung from the hinges. Sitting up without really processing I was straddling the Alpha, I look to the intruder and feel my eyes widen. I should’ve sensed him but I was too distracted by the man under me to notice. His scent completely overpowered anyone elses and now, sitting here with this man feeling no ounce of shame, I begin to regret a few of my life choices

One being that I forgot to lock the door

Raizel’s hand falls to my hip, gripping tight but his head turns to where I was looking. Panting and heaving heavily by the door with one hand clutching onto the door knob was none other than my Gamma, Isaac


His eyes dart between Raize! and I and then fall to where his hands laid

Chapter 137 

Wwhat’s going on here?” 

Noah and the others were quick to follow, all of them stopping dead in their tracks behind Isaac when they take in the scene in front of them. Meredith’s eyes widen, a hand falling to her mouth as a small


leaves her ruby red lips. Williams looks like he’s about to have a heartattck with the way he puffs out a breath and wipes his forehead with the back of his hand. Needless to say that I’ve never been in a more embarrassing situation like this. I don’t have the heart to look at Noah when I can feel the smugness through our bond. I have no doubt in my mind that he’s staring down at me with that little smirk of his followed by him folding his arms across his chest

Well, then. I guess Nate wasn’t that far off when he mentioned little Bloodhounds.” 

Weston stands there with a smirk, looking down to his Alpha with what seemed like pride and amusement lingering in his brown eyes. When his gaze connects with mine, the little smirk gets even smugger. How that’s possible is beyond me


Isaac stands there gaping, eyes frantically searching mine in panic. I feel the anxiety his wolf is giving out; utter fear and nervousness for me and the pack


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