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The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary novel Chapter 138

Chapter 138 

The absentminded look in his eyes narrow into slits when he turns to look at Noah who sheepishly tries to blend in the background

This idiot decided to send me a text saying something about the Bloodlust Alpha eating you.” 

Weston snickers, earning a glare from the accused. Of course the one responsible for this mess is my Beta but, eating me? Since when did I become food? What the hell did that mean? My thoughts immediately ran back to when Noah caught Raizel and I kissing. Oh. That’s what he meant. Did Noah really have to word it like that? I sighed exasperatedly, getting slightly uncomfortable from all the spectators surrounding us. I was still straddling the man and from the tight hold he hand on me, he had no intention of letting go anytime soon

Not that I really had a problem with that, but we at least had to appear decent

Sliding my legs off him, I pry his fingers off and go to stand. I catch the slight pout on his face and had to bite my lip to stop myself from grinning. Meredith, however, doesn’t hesitate to grin at the two of us feel the smugness practically radiate out of her

I was already a few miles away in the car but I got worried and so Ijumped out the car and ran hereleaving mystuff.” 

Isaac trailed off, an uncomfortable silence following his words. Isaac’s expression molds into confusion and slowly panic when reality sank in. Looking down at the ground with intense concentration, his eyes warily lift up to meet mine

Oh shit.” 

Without another warning he dashes out to where we all assume is the car he left his stuff in. His heavy footsteps pounding against the stairs ringing down the hall

Noah, Beta Creed, do help Isaac locate his belongings.” 

Meredith says suddenly without batting an eye, watching Raizel and I. Weston looks like he’s about to protest when Raizel adds

Do as she says.” 

With a resigned look on his face, Weston slumps but shrugs leisurely at the command. Noah rolls his eyes but turns on his heel with Weston staggering back. Drifting his gaze to his Alpha, the Beta mocks a salute

Aye, aye Captain. I know when I’m unwanted. Have fun with the inlaws.” 

I will.” 

I look at Raizel in open surprise, not catching Weston’s eyebrows raising in equal astonishment at his easy response. My heart clenched and the smile I failed to restrain grows

The inlaws. Of course there was a chance he was just going along with Weston’s harmless joke for the sake of cutting it short, but with his personality and seriousness I doubted it. It made me heart flutter just thinking of the chance he and I could one day be… 

I shook myself out of my daze. This was not the time to get lost in daydreams of the far future

Raizel raises a brow at Weston who slowly shuffles backwards with his lips pressed in a grim line of 

The Comala Alpha’s Sanctuary 


Chapter 738 

trying not to smile. When the blonde finally followed Noah down the stairs, I let out a shuddering 


I like the sound of that.” 

Meredith chimes in, a gleeful smile on her face as Williams frowns

I don’t.” 

He flinches when Meredith cuts him a glare

Kidding, kidding.” 

But from the begrudging mumble under his breath, he really wasn’t


Meredith drawls, ignoring the pitiful Williams pouting beside her. She crosses her arms, looking far too pleased for my comfort and stares at me to which my reddened cheeks strained with a whole new shade of red

What a very interesting position you two were in.” 

I open my mouth to defend myself but really, what could I have said? It was exactly what it looked like. No way was it a coincidence that I was laying ontop of him simply because I fell. I’d just be digging myself in a very deep hole if I did. Shutting my mouth and chewing on the inside of my cheeks, I felt Raizel stand to take his place beside me

Alpha Crestfield, would you mind speaking with me?” 

His eyes swept between Williams and I



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