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The Fire and The Storm - The Nexus of Kellaran #2 novel Chapter 1

The Fire and The Storm – Book Two of The Nexus of Kellaran

(please read Book One first; Blessings of a Curse)

Part 1

Chapter 1

This book begins at the exact same time and place that Book One ends.

(If you are reading this account in a language other than Grand High Draconian, you might consider making a contribution to the Translation section of your local Magic Users Guild. XVD)

“Have you noticed exactly who is here today?” Quewanak asked Mark while throwing a two meter white cross to circle the young man. The comparatively tiny green dragon was looking astoundingly healthy since he had become Draconian God of Dreaming.

Mark looked around again, then shrugged. “Just our usual friends and accomplices.” he grinned, and threw his cross to circle his green friend at the same time.

“Think a moment. This is not the first time that this exact group has been together in this place.”

It took a moment, then realization came.

“Ah.” Mark nodded. “Right after I Healed Dalia and Bezedil. When we found out that all of us except Gran were candidates for divinity.”

Quewanak nodded, and made another toss while calmly meeting Mark’s eye. “It’s an incredibly beautiful experience, you know. And it’s as easy to set godhood aside and ignore it as it is to do so with the magic you already know. Sure, it changes you profoundly, but you can simply enjoy time as a mortal whenever you want, just as being a great wizard and warlock isn’t impeding your enjoyment of playing with toys like a child right now.”

Mark nodded thoughtfully. “You’re saying you think I should take the big step?”

Quewanak raised an eyebrow. “Don’t you?”

Mark paused and looked around, noticing that everyone was now following their conversation intently.

“What do you think, my love?” he silently asked Talia psionically.


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