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The Fire and The Storm - The Nexus of Kellaran #2 novel Chapter 122

Part 18

“Why nothing, actually.” Kovink answered, surprised again. “All of us take part in the civic preparedness training in the communities where we live, many of us are reserve members of various militaries, and a few of us are full-time soldiers. If war with the demons comes to Kellaran, the members of my ‘empire’, as you put it, will all report to the various defense organizations we belong to.

“The Game of Status is just that, Honored Princess; a game, and we are merely playing. I win partly because I don’t take it too seriously, unlike most of my opponents. You might note, for instance, that none of my organization’s members have been apprehended by your spell that catches murderers, because we’ve never found it wise to murder anyone. We’ve killed in legitimate cases of self-defense when we’ve been attacked, and as you might imagine, we’ve been getting quite a lot of that lately. But your spell doesn’t consider that to be murder for the purposes of The Game. And rightly so. We’re not killers. I see as little use for my organization in warfare as I do for any other sporting team or gaming league.”

“I disagree.” Fire sternly informed him. “Almost all of the sneakiest, nastiest, and most cunning gnomes work for you, and you’ve instilled a high social cohesion and morale among them. When we win the tournament and lead Kellaran in war, there’ll be missions that I’ll assign to your command because your group are well suited to them, and most gnomes aren’t. You’d best be prepared.”

“Hmm.” Kovink mused as he considered it. “If we were going to war against other people, I might think you’re right. We’d be good at infiltration and covert penetration for the purposes of spying and sabotage, for instance.

“But I can’t picture anyone being able to sneak into a camp or compound of demons disguised as one of them, or as anything else. And we couldn’t spy on them because we don’t speak the language of demons.”

“Then I’ll make those your first two assignments.” Fire informed him with a glare. “Demons come in all sizes, including yours, so disguising yourself as one of them is not impossible. Though remaining undetectable is probably more practical. You can get the language of the demons from any of the good chronicles of The Demon War. I recommend Somonik’s.

“I’ll give you a week to show some good progress on those assignments.”

“Now hold on!” Kovink declared with determination as he came to a sudden stop in mid-air, forcing Fire and Povon to stop as well, or just run into him, which they chose not to do. “I don’t see how you have any authority to assign me to do anything, or anyone who works for me either! And just what do you propose to do if I refuse?!”

“If you haven’t done your assignment in a week, I’ll just have to help you with it!” Fire told him with a cruel little laugh. “Whether you want me to or not.”

“If you intend to force me to do anything, you’re in for a big surprise, and maybe out of your mind besides!” Kovink insisted. “You’re sworn to justice on The Truthstone, and you have no legal authority over me! If you think you can act against me effectively despite that, then do your worst, and we’ll see what happens to you!”

Their exchange was drawing attention all over the room, and suddenly the huge Revealing was showing and amplifying their conversation. They both noticed these things, but ignored them.

“First of all, we are going to win the tournament and the Leadership of Kellaran, at which time I’ll legally have the authority to assign you to the crappiest task in the military!” Fire insisted. “Even if you doubt we’ll win, it would be wise of you to prepare for it, just in case we do!

“Second, being sworn to justice doesn’t stop me from using my power, so long as that use is just. Like forcing you and yours to do your fair share to prepare to defend Kellaran.

“And third, I’m acting this way toward you because I don’t like you. You’re a very nasty person, Kovink Seg Mivtz, and what you do goes against the spirit of The Game of Status, if not the rules.

“In fact, I think I’ll teach you a lesson right now.” She held up her hand and a portable Truthstone appeared in it, and she continued speaking without pause. “I’m joining The Game of Status for the next thirty-two seconds, and I swear to abide by the rules of it while I’m playing.”

The stone disappeared from her right hand as her left shot out and grabbed the gnome by the hair at the back of his head and knocked his forehead into hers with an impact that must have hurt them both.

“Think with me a moment Kovink, that’s a good lad, thanks.” she growled as she glared into his eyes from so close that their eyelashes almost touched, and she cast a complex Sphere of Protection around the two of them to protect the onlookers from the coming conflict.


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