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The Fire and The Storm - The Nexus of Kellaran #2 novel Chapter 124

Part 18

They cast magical pictures in the water to show their delicate artistic architecture, and their sculptures of all manner of sea creatures, some of which were fanciful, some extremely realistic.

Then the group was introduced to the Mer, who lived in the oceans around Xervia. While Bubniiiilduptiii provided proud commentary, the Mer demonstrated a beautiful underwater ballet involving hundreds of dancers swimming in intricate patterns. It was accompanied by hundreds of voices in wordless humming song, which the Mer accomplished underwater and while holding their breath by keeping the exhalations of their singing in their mouths until their mouths were full, then breathing it back in.

Finally they visited a great crowd of Selkies playing on the surface. They stayed there longer than they had with the other aquatic peoples, simply because the Selkies were the most fun. From the youngest to the oldest, they played together like giddy children; chasing each other about, making great leaps out of the water, and playing team games.

Karz commented on the amazing athleticism of the Selkies, and Prime Wisdom Gloz proudly mentioned that a greater proportion of Selkies regularly played in organized sports leagues than any other race on Kellaran.

Mark’s party joined in on the fun with laughter and abandon.

It was so much fun, and the participation of Mark’s party was so novel, that a great many Mer, Kag, and Southernmost joined in. Even a few of the Mogitar filled part of their shells with air and floated up to join the gathering.

A Selkie news-sharer had been surreptitiously transmitting their aquatic experience to the great Revealing out in the dry part of the great hall since they’d entered the water, so many other land-dwellers from almost every race in the alliance were inspired to join the party at the water’s surface, many of them using magic to improve their swimming and underwater endurance. The translation spells of the gods seemed capable of allowing anyone to converse with anyone else, even when there were people of several races talking together, since they affected the listener, not the speaker. Everyone who wasn’t playing and had breath for it were chatting with everyone else around them. Soon it was the most inclusive and multi-racial celebration that had ever occurred.

By the time they took their leave of the aquatic people, Mark’s group had been in the water for over three hours. They Translocated out together, leaving bubbles in the water that were momentarily shaped exactly like their bodies.

Then Alilia noticed that her daughter wasn’t with them, and turned to Six. “Val?” She simply inquired.

“She’ll be out in a moment.” Six assured her.

“I’m out, but I’m over here. There’s more room here.” Val told them in a Speaking, and gave them her location, which was near the wall at the edge of the hall, halfway between the Sylvan and The Hidden Nation’s woods.

They joined her there, and found that she’d found the biggest open floorspace left in the hall, and she wasn’t alone.

“This is my friend Inventive Wizard.” Val stated, indicating the young Southernmost floating in the air beside her. “All their names are really literal. She’s only eleven, and she’s one of her people’s best wizards already. She helped me figure out the spell she’s using that gives her comfortable pressure and the right water and air mix for her skin, and slow-speed flight that works like swimming. She helped me make versions of it for the other races as well, as you can see.”

As she’d been speaking, aquatic citizens from all the newly-known races began appearing all around them.

“She can’t talk right now, ‘cause we’re guiding most of these people’s Translocations.” Val continued, then waved to a Mer that appeared six meters away. “Tiiiilta! Over here!” she called, then continued. “It was so much fun with all of us in the water, we thought this would be a good idea. This is really gonna be the strangest party ever pretty soon!”

And it was. By the time Val and Inventive Wizard had guided most of the Translocations and passed the task to others, and the party had wandered over to a Staff Only Translocation circle to talk to some servers about snacks and drinks, there were aquatics ‘swimming’ around all over the room; conversing, showing magic views of their homes, showing off unique spells, and even dancing on the huge dancefloor areas. A few of the Kag even swam over to the Sylvan area, and after talking and observing for a few minutes, some joined the line for the challenge circle nearest them. One of them won his bout, and held the circle for seven challenges before being bested by an aggressive young giant.


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