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The Fire and The Storm - The Nexus of Kellaran #2 novel Chapter 133

Part 19

Eventually Alilia stood and stretched, then surveyed the silently concentrating group. “We all need a break.” she decided. “I’m inviting you to go flying with me among the great trees of Heartwood, capitol city of The People of Life and my home for most of my life. It’s a beautiful place to fly, night or day, and I miss it. I’d like to stop in at my home there too.”

“Sure, that sounds like fun.” Mark agreed with a grin as he stood and Sent the scroll he was reading back to his desk in the cottage.

“It sure does!” Val agreed as she flew up a few meters while stretching and pirouetting.

“I think it’s unanimous!” Povon agreed. “Though I think we three dragons had better assume smaller Simulacrums, if we’re going to be chasing elves through a forest without wrecking the place. I think about a two meter wingspan… There.”

“All right, we’re ready.” Kragorram stated as he and Karz did the same.

“Then follow me!” Alilia laughed, and Translocated.


They appeared around her a moment later, over a hundred meters in the air. Mid-afternoon sunlight dappled the leaves of the great trees all around them.

“Ah, home.” Alilia grinned as she slowly spun in the air and surveyed the busy city around her. “It’s hard to believe I was here less than two weeks ago in real time.”

Elves and a few from other races, mostly humans, strolled or ran along the many narrow paths and broad thoroughfares that were suspended from the trees all around them, and almost as many flew among the many birds. The homes and businesses in the trees all around them bustled with activity. As always, the incredibly vibrant life-force of the world’s lushest forest seemed almost palpable in the air.

“I feel that, a bit.” Val smiled. “The feeling that this is home, that is.”

“Of course you do, my sweet!” Alilia laughed as she flew over and gave her daughter a spinning hug. “It’s in our blood!”

“Hmm. It’s funny I didn’t really feel that in The Nine Valleys when we went there to charge up.” Six commented.

“I never spent much time in Laylas Valley, and even less a kilometer above it.” Talia thoughtfully stated as they all took in the sights around them. “And it was night, which makes things seem different. I’m sure when we visit First Valley you’ll get the same feeling. Though I think it more likely that the emotion is induced in you through us. It may be inherently psionic, or just transferred by normal empathy from parent to child, but I doubt it’s carried in the blood.”

“I definitely got that feeling in The Lair in Serminak.” Karz noted.

“And all three of you should get it if we ever go to Shinosa Valley, where I grew up.” Mark told his children with a smile. “Though of course I’m sure it’s pretty different now from when I last saw it.”

There was a pause, then Alilia said; “Well, we’re halfway between Sweettower, Mark and Talia’s place here, and my place. You can just see Sweettower from here, that big maple over there, though it’s a lot easier to spot from higher up. My place is in that big walnut tree over there.


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