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The Fire and The Storm - The Nexus of Kellaran #2 novel Chapter 137

Part 20

“Well said.” Povon noted with a nod. “I was far older than you, and still considered myself to be very young, when I asked Somonik those same questions. He gave me almost exactly the same answers.”

“Good to hear.” Mark chuckled. “Since I learned that I’d be long-lived, I’ve been a bit troubled by the thought that I’d get to be very, very old. Some of the elders in Shinosa valley were tired of life and ready for death when they were only sixty-five or seventy years old. But now I’m sure that was only due to their steadily deteriorating health and the constant pain that comes with it, combined with living a very simple and predictable life in an isolated place with a small population. Not enough variety. And knowing that they were likely to die soon anyway.

“Now that we’ve beaten aging, I imagine humans will soon take on the attitudes of the other long-lived races. Humans less than a thousand years old will consider themselves to be young. And that still strikes me as very strange.”

“You’ll get used to it.” Caria chuckled as she kissed Val’s head and set her aside, then stood. “I must be going. Is there anything that you’d prefer for your wedding’s decorations or catering?”

Alilia exchanged smiles with Mark and Talia before she stepped forward and hugged her mother. “No, just make it as nice as you can in the time you have, according to your own tastes. Cost is no object, so don’t scrimp in the slightest. This will be a state wedding, reflecting the dignity and honor of Hilia, the High People, and The People of Life. We do want it to be tasteful, but impressive.”

“Ah.” Caria nodded. “What will you be wearing?”

“I hadn’t considered it yet.” Alilia admitted, and looked questioningly to her mates.

“Well we won’t be wearing white this time, that’s for sure!” Talia giggled. “We certainly aren’t virgins anymore.”

“Alilia, of all the clothes I’ve seen you wear, I liked you best in the outfit you wore to our first wedding.” Mark grinned. “The raiment of a Battle Wizard of The People of Life, with the white silk blouse and the black pants and boots that all fit like paint, with a black cape over it. If you girls have no objections, I’d like you both to wear that. And it should show the elves here that we’re becoming one of them.”

“Agreed, on the condition that you wear the same thing, including the skin-tight pants and shirt!” Alilia teased.

“Agreed, on the condition that I get to wear the underwear that Nemia gave me for our first wedding. They’re handy for preventing a man from embarrassing himself with an obvious arousal.”

“Done!” Talia laughed.

“All right, so you’ll be in black and white.” Caria nodded with a smile, seeming a bit preoccupied with envisioning her preparations. “I’ll contact you in a couple of hours to show you what I’ve come up with.”

“Contact us if you want.” Alilia smiled as she gave her mother a farewell hug. “But don’t show us. Surprise us with it tomorrow. And please, join Talia and I here for our preparations right after the meeting is over.”

“Of course.” Caria smiled as she gave a kiss on the cheek. After a quick round of hugs for everyone, she was gone.

“Who’s going to conduct the ceremony?” Fire asked.

“That’s a good question.” Mark thoughtfully responded. “I’d like Yazadril or my Grandfather to do it, but they’ll have their roles speaking for Talia and me already.”

“Since it should be a well-loved and respected elder who’s politically neutral, I suggest Quewanak.” Six offered.

“That’s good thinking.” Mark nodded as he looked to Talia and Alilia for approval, and they gave it with smiles.

“That would be wonderful and unique.” Alilia chuckled. “And I’ve truly come to care for the old gent during our time on Hiliani.”


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