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The Fire and The Storm - The Nexus of Kellaran #2 novel Chapter 21

Part 4

The babes couldn’t help but giggle at the slightly-ticklish sensation of the dragons’ soft warm fuzziness against their skin.

“Thank you for this, Povon.” Helemia said as her body continued giggling. “You’re a lot less scary this way. Still very scary, like a hurricane contained in a teacup, but less.”

“Ah, and why should I be so scary?” Povon teased. “Your father has more power than I, and Yazadril has a greater intellect. Or are they equally scary?”

“We don’t sense magic power yet, and Mother and Father haven’t given us access to the magic part of their minds yet. And intellect isn’t very scary. But we sense psionic power quite well on our own, and you have more of that than anyone. You’re only projected into this body, but still, being this close to you is like being beside a big fire.”

“You think?” Povon chuckled. “There are others in this room who have greater psionic power than I.”

“No there aren’t, I’m sure of it.” the baby girl replied, puzzled.

“Yazadril, cast a Measurement for psionics, would you please?” Povon asked as she turned to the senior elf. “Now, who in this room has the greatest psionic power?”

“They do, Reggie and Helemia!” Yazadril marveled. “And psionicly speaking, there’s only one of them! I’ve never seen such a close Linking between two minds before. Some parts of their minds are quite individual and distinct, but other parts, including their psionic ability, are shared so closely that they are literally of one mind!”

“Oh. I never thought of that.” Helemia admitted.

At that moment Povon realized that as Kragorram continued hugging Reggie, the two had been communicating privately. Since Kragorram almost never excluded her from his thoughts, she was surprised. “My Love?” she inquired.

“He apologized for hurting me, and I forgave him.” Kragorram quietly replied. “And he has let me get to know him as deeply as he knows me, to be fair.”

“Kragorram will be my very best friend.” Reggie stated. “That’s a prophesy.” he added in a matter-of-fact tone.

“Oh, you’re a prophet now?” Talia teased.

“Yup. I guess so anyway. I just felt like saying that, so I did. Maybe I’m wrong.”

“No, you’re not wrong!” Mark said in surprise as he considered his son’s aura. “You’ve got the same thing in your aura that Tithian and the other Seers have! Helemia doesn’t have that, but both of you have a bunch of other magic qualities that I can’t sort out yet!”

“How about their power?” Alilia asked. “Can you see the glow of their magic potential, as you can with others?”

“I don’t know. You’re so bright that way that I keep my Optical Attenuator spell tuned to block that kind of light.”

“I’m curious about that.” Helemia told them.

“So am I, now that the subject’s come up. I’ll take you in the bedroom where I can get a good look at you without anyone else’s glow distracting from it.” Mark said as he waited for Povon to move from his lap and stood with his daughter.

As he left the room, Dren asked; “What’s the difference between a seer and a prophet and an oracle and a soothsayer?”


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