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The Genius Delta novel Chapter 19


Many things have blown my mind in my life. Usually, it has been some new discovery I’ve made. But nothing, and I mean NOTHING, has blown my mind like sex with Persephone Fayte. I was so caught up in the moment that I forgot a condom. Though saying I forgot a condom implies I have condoms. I’ve never required them.

I bought a few boxes of condoms once. I bought multiple boxes of different sizes, types, and brands for an experiment when I was fourteen. Luna Elizabeth, unfortunately, came across my experiment and had a total meltdown over a minor having condoms. She called it improper and scolded Logan for ‘raising a heathen.’ She didn’t care that I was running scientific experiments.

Logan rolled his eyes and said she should be happy I was learning about safe sex. He also pointed out that I was in college getting my master’s degree, so the fact that I was doing such a lowbrow experiment showed that even if I’m a genius, I’m still a kid. Logan was big on the idea that kids should get to act like kids. I guess that included experiments on condoms. He asked for the results from my findings and would probably buy stock in the brand I found most effective.

After reviewing my findings with John, they bought the one I deemed the best instead of simply investing in a brand and then made improvements to the product based on my results. It’s funny to think about now. That was sort of what gave birth to the eventual founding of Silvercloud Industrial. My company was born from an experiment on condoms.

But I digress and have lost my train of thought. Not an unusual thing for me to do. Now, where was I? Right, my negligence in using protection. Even if I had a condom on my person, Persephone climbed on my dick before I would have had the chance to put one on. And let’s be honest, no matter how many improvements get made to condoms, a layer of latex will never feel the same or as good as bareback.

I was serious that I was sending a thank you basket to Luna Crista for ensuring my mate had such a good and lasting form of birth control in place even before she needed it. I have a mental list of all the apology baskets I need to send, so adding her as a thank-you wasn’t a stretch. It still amazes me how alike Persephone and I are; she has an apology list too.

I hadn’t wanted to move. I was perfectly content lying in the grass, still buried inside Persephone. But we both should wash up and get somewhere more private, even if no one often comes near my bunker. Only a few people even know it’s out here. Its location is a ‘need to know’ thing. Only we ranked wolves, and the guards of the ranked females know where my bunker is.

Ben Bristow was blown away when he learned of my bunker lab. Born and raised in Bloodmoon, he never considered I had a secret liar, his word, not mine. It was bittersweet when Ben joined the guards. It took a whole year after Nigel died in the battle of Mount Adams before we finally selected a new Gamma guard. Warren would have pulled double duties as long as we needed, but we knew guard duty was not a one-person job.

Ben’s a nice enough guy, mated with three cute kids. He takes his job of guarding Sybille seriously and is doing his best to fill the irreplaceable shoes of Nigel. It still hurts to think he’s gone, and Holly is on the other side of the country with their little boy. She hasn’t come back since Logan gave her permission to leave. We all felt it when she took the oath of Ironfur and returned to her birth pack. It was like losing Nigel all over again. But I’ve seen pictures of their son, Sammy, and he’s a cute little kid. He reminds me of photos I’ve seen of Nigel as a kid.

While Persephone went to use the shower, I thought about the guards and wondered who would be assigned to Persephone. I need to start at least narrowing down my choices. Who do I trust to protect the most precious person to me? The people I trust most in this world are ranked wolves here in Bloodmoon and up in Silverclaw. I glanced back at the bathroom door and smiled as I heard her humming mixed with the running water.

“Dove, pull up a list of mated Bloodmoon warriors. Limit the list to those with gifts that either lend themselves to physical strength or stealth. Also, limit the list to warriors under the age of forty.” I outlined my query, knowing Dove should be able to do this from what it told me this morning.

“Generating. Your query may take a few minutes to process.” Dove answered. I nodded, having assumed as much.

I turned my attention to the bathroom when the sound of water stopped, and her humming became easier to hear. Shit, she doesn’t have any clothes here. I smacked my forehead and started digging around in the little plastic dresser Sarael insisted I have since I spend more time in my bunker than at the packhouse. I managed to find a pair of Bloodmoon tearaway shorts and a tee. They’ll be big on her, but it’s better than her standing around in a towel or nothing.

‘I think you are confused. The fewer clothes Persephone is wearing, the better.’ Jaci commented.

‘Silence, horny wolf. We just had sex like five minutes ago. Shouldn’t you be sated?’ I rolled my eyes.

‘You stopped me from marking her. I’m not going to be satisfied till our mark is on her neck, so everyone knows she’s ours.’ Jaci scoffed.

‘Of course, I stopped you. Persephone just started her internship. She doesn’t need to miss a week so soon. If we mark her beyond what it needs to be with her full consent, it will send her into heat. Not to mention it will look sus as fuck if we are both out for a week. And that would be a week that Mila could spread whatever rumors she wants and discredit our brilliant mate in the eyes of her peers.’ I pointed out.


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