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The Genius Delta novel Chapter 18

Maybe it’s the mate bond, Jonathan, that I’ve spent too much time around the D’Amore family, or perhaps I never knew I was a sexually bold person. Whatever the reason, there’s no going back now. I made my choice, and despite the initial discomfort of having his cock buried deep inside me, I regret nothing.

Is this how I pictured my first time? Outside with my legs wrapped around my mate, held in his strong arms in a standing position? No, absolutely not. Is this a LOT hotter than what I’d pictured? Hell yes. Then again, I never really thought about what my first sexual experience would be. And I hadn’t tried to imagine what my mate would look like. I can assure you I would never have thought he’d look like Jonathan.

That might have made me a pessimist, but I figured I’d end up with someone dull as toast. A stable, average guy in the Goddess’ effort to try and balance out my personality. Yet here she went and surprised me by giving me a man who has been my idol for the last four years and is so like me it’s almost scary. We fit together, sure, pun intended, like two puzzle pieces. And damn, I can’t imagine this being any other way with anyone else.

“Fuuckk… Persephone…” Jonathan groaned as the grip on my ass got so tight it would probably leave a bruise. Which is saying something given I’m a werewolf and heal.

I liked how he said my name. I’ve heard my name in various settings and tones, but this is my favorite. The mate bond had my body on sensory overload. I’m not naive to think sex wouldn’t be good. I didn’t know it would feel this good. My eyes practically rolled back when he used his hold on my ass to start moving me up and down his cock. Major props to Jonathan because he’s doing all this standing with nothing to even lean back against. A genius, handsome, and strong. This man is a triple threat.

‘Yeah, a threat to your pussy with a chance of multiple orgasms.’ Sara snickered.

“Jon-ATH-an,” I moaned, my voice raised and lowered as the waves of pleasure crashed through me with each thrust.

I clung to him as I tried to keep in rhythm with him. I dug my fingers into his thick hair and kissed him, moaning his name into the kiss as his cock hit just the right spot to make my body quake with pleasure. I’m not sure how long either of us, especially him, will be able to stay in this position. I knew I wanted to make the most of it while it lasted.

I was right that we wouldn’t stay like this for long. I know Jonathan had wanted us to get to the bunker, and maybe I should have waited, but I just couldn’t. After I got my hands on his cock I knew I needed it inside me asap. I don’t know where the entrance to the bunker is, but it could have been a meter, and it would have been too far to wait.

“Need…to…relocate…” Jonathan instructed between kisses as he went from standing to kneeling to having me on my back in the grass.

I don’t care that I will have grass stains on my backside. I was going to need a shower anyway. The new angle meant new discoveries. I seriously enjoyed the feel of his weight on me as we didn’t miss a beat and as we continued our rhythm. This actually made it easier for me to put as much into matching his movements.

I tried to catch my breath as he kissed down my neck, but as he scraped his teeth over where his mark would go, I sucked in sharply and dug my nails into his shoulders. He hadn’t even bit me, and I was pushed over that metaphoric edge. I’m not saying this is my first orgasm, just my first one, not self-created. And shit, it blew every masturbatory orgasm out of the water.

“Jonathan!” I shouted in pleasure as my head tilted back in ecstasy, my neck fully bared to him.

I don’t think I’d mind if he marked me here and now. Granted, I’m not looking to miss even a day of my internship. Least of all, for my heat, but a week of this sounds like a sinful heaven on earth.

As his movements slowed and he growled my name against my throat, finding his release, one terrifying thought crossed my mind. We didn’t use protection!

‘Dummy. Crista insisted you start on the birth control intended for she-wolves after you shifted. It’s a five-year implant. We have three more years before his swimmers could create a pup.’ Sara reminded me, and my blood pressure went back to normal.

Jonathan must have had the same thought moments after I did because he went from slacked against me to suddenly leaning up with concern in his eyes. “Shit… I didn’t even think about a condom or pu….” He started to speak.

I stopped him by pressing my finger to his lips. “We’re good,” I assured him.

He didn’t look very reassured. “But I should….” He protested, so I kissed him.

“IUD.” I sighed as I pulled back from the kiss. When his brow furrowed, I realized he had no clue what I was talking about. I guess that should be expected from a male.

“Crista was pretty insistent that I be on some form of birth control after I shifted. I didn’t want to keep up with remembering a pill or a schedule of a shot every three months. So we have about three years before it needs to be replaced.” I explained.

He sighed in relief and rested his head on my shoulder. “Good to know. When I send out apology baskets, I guess a thank you basket goes to your sister.” He snickered against my skin, sending a shiver through me.

“You can send her a thank you basket while I send an apology one.” I chuckled, and he groaned.

“We really should go inside.” He sighed and made us both groan as he pulled out.


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