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The Genius Delta novel Chapter 28

I am so fucking happy for Shikoba and Rohan. After hearing what his first mate did, he deserves a second chance mate. And Shikoba is incredible. I’m glad she can finally know the last big secret I was keeping. Maybe now she’ll stop calling the pack a cult. What a domino effect of new mate bonds the arrival of Persephone has created.

Cillian wouldn’t have been assigned to spy on that Demonclaw girl if she wasn’t here. And if Cillian didn’t spy on her to find out they were mates, he wouldn’t have excused himself from the assignment. And because Cillian couldn’t spy on the Demonclaw girl for the pack, Rohan was brought into the mix. And now he’s found his second chance, mate. Other than the whole Cillian being mates with that Demonclaw girl, these are good things.

It may take Shikoba some time to accept everything, but despite her cynical exterior, I know deep down that she’s a softie who wants to be loved for who she is. She deserves the unconditional love that the mate bond should be. She’s had her troubles in dating because of her transition. But I know Rohan enough to be sure he wouldn’t let her transition stop him from loving her.

This all worked in my favor because while Rohan gets to explain things to Shikoba, I get to be alone with Persephone. I know my office is soundproof, I may rarely use it, but I still made sure that anything said inside the space wouldn’t even be overheard by a fellow werewolf or another supernatural being. So it’s a safe bet that Shikoba and Rohan won’t hear when I have Persephone screaming my name.

Fuck, who the hell am I? That was NOT a sentence I’d have even thought of a couple of days ago. That was more like something Logan would say. This is what the mate bond does. It turns perfectly sane people into sex-crazed deviants. That’s the only explanation I have for my current behavior.

‘It’s simple, Jonathan. It’s our animal instinct. The bond is calling us to complete the bond. It wants us to mark, fuck, and put a pup in her.’ Jaci offered his commentary while I was busy hiking her skirt up.

‘We are NOT getting her pregnant. Thankfully she has that IUD, but I should buy condoms.’ I shook his words away, not wanting to let that thought get in my head and make me lose my hard-on.

For a brief moment, the image of Persephone with a baby bump popped into my head, and let’s say my dick liked the mental image. I pushed the thought aside because I would not let myself think about it. Instead, I focused on Persephone. On how her breath hitched. She growled into our kiss when my fingers pushed aside her underwear and dipped inside her.

I love how her body responds to my touch. I know it’s the bond, but it’s nice that she’s already wet and eager. Her hips rolled against my hand as she hooked one of her legs over my hip, giving me more access. We broke the kiss only to catch our breaths.

“We…oh fuck… we should move… away from the door.” Persephone panted as I continued fingering her, adding a second finger.

She’s right. As solid as the door is, our silhouette could still be visible. Not that I think Shikoba or Rohan is paying attention. They have more important things to deal with than us fucking in my office. And it’s not like I didn’t have places to move us. My office offered plenty of surfaces to enjoy Persephone on. The glass round meeting table, the black leather club chairs, the soft velvet black sectional sofa in the sitting area, against any floor-to-ceiling windows.

But as I turned my head slightly, I smiled, looking at my clear desk. I had wanted to bend her over the workstation in the lab. My desk is a close second. There wasn’t anything on my desk. Not even a pen would need to be tossed aside to put her on it. With my destination in mind, I withdrew my fingers, making her pout that I stopped. Before she asked me what I was doing, I grabbed her thighs and lifted her.

“And where are you taking me?” She asked as her legs wrapped around me, skirt riding up to her hips.

“When I saw you in this skirt, I wanted to bend you over my workstation in the bunker. So I’ll take the next best option.” I smirked as I set her ass on the edge of the desk.

“Oh.” Her eyes widened, but I don’t think it was from surprise but more from intrigue. “You’re a rather naughty CEO, Mister Silvercloud. Fucking an intern on your desk.” She taunted with a playful click of her tongue.

“I don’t exactly fantasize about fucking just anyone, but I have to admit that you calling me Mister Silvercloud is hot.” I groaned as she rocked her hips against me.

“It’s a fun fantasy, and I’m game if you are, Mister Silvercloud.” She moaned, arching her body as my fingers thrust back inside her. “I am disappointed that there isn’t anything to push off the desk in the heat of the moment.”

I chuckled or tried to chuckle hard to laugh when her hands were on my jeans. I sucked in a breath as she reached into my pants and started stroking my cock in time with my fingers fucking her pussy. I moaned, unable to even find words right now. I love how good her hands feel on my dick. They aren’t perfect, there are calluses and little cuts from working with her hands, but the areas that didn’t have the calluses or cuts were soft and made for one hell of a hand job experience.

“I hope that is the only area I disappoint.” I teased as I reluctantly took her hand off my dick and pushed her back on the desk.

She smiled at me with her blonde hair splayed across the desk. Her face was flushed with arousal, and her eyes were dark with desire. Holy shit, a man could get used to having a woman look at him the way she’s looking at me. Her breasts rose and fell as she panted, and her legs opened wider, putting the simple white cotton panties on full display. They were skewed from when I’d been fingering her, so her wet pink pussy was peeking out behind the damp fabric.

“Fuck me…” I groaned, licking my lips at the sight of my sexy mate.

“Isn’t that my line, Mister Silvercloud?” Persephone teased, crooking a finger as she lured me closer.


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