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The Genius Delta novel Chapter 29

Goddess, help me. Is this a genetic thing, or just osmosis? I was so fucking turned on when he took control like that. I LIKED it when he spanked me. I liked it even more when I could watch us from multiple angles. I’ve become a sexual deviant. How the hell did this happen? I’ve mocked Crista, Tie, and even Darren for YEARS about how they get off being dominated by their D’Amore mate.

Yet here I am, getting my rocks off on Jonathan, dominating me, bent over his glass desk, and it’s not just any glass desk. It’s a fucking see-through computer! His desk is a fucking computer! That is so Silvercloud. It’s crazy. This is the kind of insane, next-level, mind-blowing tech I expected when I started working here.

‘Forget the damn desk! How about the insane, next-level, mind-blowing SEX!’ Sara reminded me.

Sara didn’t need to remind me of that part. We may have climaxed a few moments ago, but I still felt the aftershocks. My ragged breath fogged up the desk as I desperately tried to catch my breath from the workout Jonathan had just given me. My thighs were aching. My feet had long since slipped out of my kitten heels. I’d been on my tip toes while he pounded into me, and now my toes even hurt. And my pussy, well, she’s still on cloud nine with him balls deep inside.

“Fuck… Persephone…” Jonathan groaned as he leaned over me and kissed my neck.

“Jonathan…” I sighed his name. I moaned because this movement changed the angle of his softening cock inside me and had my pussy at attention.

“I love you… and I don’t think that’s the post-orgasm talking.” Jonathan whispered as he kissed my neck before leaning back up.

I was so shocked at his words that I barely reacted as he pulled out with a moan. He loves me? We’ve known each other for two days, and he’s already saying that. Is that moving too fast? Is he saying it because of the mate bond? I know he said it’s not because of the orgasm but is he being objective when he says that?

‘Will you STOP overthinking shit!?’ Sara scolded me.

“I know it’s probably too soon to say it.” Jonathan sighed.

I frowned as I stood up and turned to face him. “I… I’m not sure. I mean, we’ve known of each other for years, but we only met yesterday.”

“I know.” He nodded as he zipped his jeans. “I’m just not the kind of guy who keeps his feelings bottled up. I was raised to voice that stuff right as I feel it. If I don’t, I overthink it, and it all gets muddled.” He explained while he knelt and picked up my panties.

“I guess that makes some sense. I know I overthink many things. It’s just how I’m wired.” I shrugged, watching him curiously.

“Peas in a pod.” He smiled, and I swear my heart burst.

He has such a crazy effect on me. My body ignites with just a look from him. My heart skips beats when he says sweet or goofy things. When I encounter new tech he’s created, my mind goes into override, wanting to understand it. I’ve never met anyone like him in my life. No one could ever hold a candle to this man. He’s my mate, so obviously, no one should. We’re made for each other.

I chuckled as he kissed up my legs to put my underwear back on me. His beard always tickles, and I like that. In less than forty-eight hours, this man has turned my world upside down in all the best ways. When I’m with him, I feel treasured, safe, accepted, challenged, supported, like an equal, and… and…

‘Loved! You feel loved! Because he LOVES you!’ Sara huffed, rolling her eyes.

I blinked as it all settled into my brain. We may have just met, but I know what I feel between the mate bond and how alike we are. I shouldn’t overthink this. This is the one time I don’t need to analyze. His head cocked, watching me curiously with those flecks of amber swirling in his eyes. I reached down to hold his chin as I hopped off the desk so he could get my underwear over my ass.

“I love you too,” I confessed. “And I’m not saying it because I felt obl..” I started to reassure him.

Reassurance wasn’t necessary as his hands gripped my ass, and he went from kneeling to standing with his lips on mine. I moaned as I returned the kiss, yelping as he squeezed both cheeks, his tongue slipped past my parted lips, and the kiss deepened. I’m pretty sure we’d have worked our way into round two if the growling of our stomachs didn’t make us pull apart in laughter.

“Right… we only have like ten minutes left of our lunch.” Jonathan chuckled.

“Sounds like a vending machine lunch.” I sighed as he set me down.

“Let’s raid the kitchenette in Shikoba’s office. There might be something worthwhile to eat. Anything should be better than what we could get from a vending machine.” He suggested.

“Do you think Rohan and Shikoba will mind if we intrude? I’m sure they had a lot to talk about. I can’t begin to imagine how mind-blowing learning all this must be for her.” I frowned as I glanced at the door.

“It’ll be alright. I wanted to check on them anyway.” Jonathan shrugged as he took my hand and led the way confidently out the door.

I blinked as I looked around and only saw Shikoba. She was back at her desk, her lunch had been cleared away, and she diligently typed with her eyes focused on her computer screen. I wanted to ask what happened and where Rohan had gone, but I don’t think it’s my place. I’m not even Rohan’s Delta yet, and I don’t know Shikoba to try and pry into her personal life.

“What happened? Where’s Rohan?” Jonathan bulldozed right into the questions.

Shikoba shrugged, not looking away from her computer or missing a keystroke. I furrowed my brow and looked at Jonathan. I don’t know her, but even I can tell this reaction doesn’t bode well for her and Rohan’s mate bond.

“Shikoba.” Jonathan sighed, reaching over and turning her monitor off. “What happened? I’m not asking as your boss but as your friend. Did Rohan say or do something to upset you? Is all this news too much to handle? Do you think we’re freaks? Do you not like me anymore? Are we not friends?” He bombarded her with questions.

“Jonathan, do us all a favor and shut up.” I rolled my eyes and pulled him back by the shoulder.


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