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The Hidden Luna Queen (Maeve and Xaden) novel Chapter 15

Chapter 15 

Maeve POV 

I was alone

Surrounded by pitchblack darkness, where all I could see was the empty space before me and all I could feel was a bitter, cold. chill prickling my skin like millions of razorthin needles. I walked and walkedand walked for what felt like miles, searching for something that always seemed to be just out of reach

Every step I took, it took one hundred more

And every time I called out for it, I was plunged into an abyss where I had to fight tooth and nail just to keep on going

Exhausted and bruised, I was ready to give up my pursuitwhen I finally saw it

A light there was a lightsmall but glowing and realon the far horizon

Gathering all the strength I could muster, I made a run for it until the distance between us lessenedand lessened

This was itI could do it! I reached out and leapt- 

And then I suddenly found myself in the middle of a wideopen field sprouting with purple wildflowers as far as the eye could see. The blackness of the sky had vanished, all I could feel was warmth. Like an unburdened child, I sprawled in the tall, swaying grass and let myself be swallowed by the bright sun

I could’ve died surrounded by purple and died happy


A voice, deep and loud and clear, resonated in the air. I froze, slowly sitting back up. I couldn’t tell if it belonged to a man or a womanbut I sensed love in its vibrations

I’m sorry I can’t be there for you” 

My eyes began to water. I didn’t know why, but I didn’t care. Why aren’t you?? 

It wasn’t the right time.. but now, you’re ready.” 

As tears began to fall, I closed my eyes, letting this mysterious voice wash over me

It’s time, Maeve” 

Slowly, I felt the warmth of the sun vanish. The tall grass I’d laid in began to fade away, melting into satin sheets and blankets, a soft pillow cushioning my head. My eyes fluttered open and I was met by the concerned faces of Xaden and Maggie watching me from above

Had something happened

What..I mumbled, groggy with sleep as I rubbed my face. What’s going onMy confusion only deepened when my hand pulled away covered in sweat

You had me worried sick, Macve..Xaden said, heaving a heavy sigh of relief. When I made a move to pull myself into seated position on the bed, he moved to gently help me up. You were crying in your sleep” 

  1. was

It’s nothing,” I said, wiping at my wet cheeks, just a few tears. There was a voice in my dream. It was warm and gentle.Something in my soul yearned to hear that voice againto hear what else it had to say

The serious look on his face did not budge. I tried to wake you up for hours. Nothing seemed to work.” 

I blinked. What? Hours?” 

It took so long that I had no choice but to call for the doctor,he murmured, touching my belly. His hand trembled ever so slightly, and I couldn’t help but feel guiltywhat had been mere minutes for me must have felt like a lifetime to him. “I don’t 

Chapter 15 

want to take any chances with you or the baby.” 

No,I assured him, covering his hand with mine. No, you did the right thing.” 

All of a sudden, I felt stirrings in my belly. There was a possibility it was only unease, considering how I’d woken up, and what I’d heard in my dreambut it felt different. With a jolt, I wonderedwas this my baby sharing my unease

It was not long before we heard a brisk knock on the door. As soon as Maggie pulled it open, the doctor came bursting in 

I came as soon as I received your r summons, Your Highness! Are youoh.” 

I peered up when he entered and saw the unfiltered surprise on his face, seeing the prince in bed with an unknown woman. My face flushed. I realized the awkwardness of the situation he found himself in

My apologies,he muttered, embarrassed. Perhaps I misunderstood something from the phone call. I can come back at a more opportune time if you’re so inclined.” 

Please stay, Doctor Pearce, Maggie pleaded. Prince Xaden sumen 

Luna Princess?he repeated, shocked. What seems to be the problem?” 

you to examine his Luna Princess

Xaden got out of bed and walked up to the doctor, recounting the harrowing events he had endured while I was lost in my dream. The doctor seemed intrigued, yet concerned as the story unfolded, and approached my bedside with a small device

Placing the device on the table, he put on a pair of latex gloves and squeezed something onto his hands, asking me to lift my shirt enough to expose my belly

Alright, this might feel cold to the touch,” he warned

He rubbed some sort of blue jelly over my baby bump, the sudden cold of it making me jolt with surprise. Ooh, I shuddered. You were right that was cold.” 

You’re doing well. It’s entirely quick and painless, I assure you,Doctor Pearce said. Now, if you could brief me about your conditionhave you experienced any pain or unusual symptoms as of late?” 

I shook 

my head. No, I feel perfectly fine. Now that I think about it, though. I did feel a lot of movement from the babybut that might have been because of..I slowed, a blush creeping up on me as I realized I’d begun to say more than I’d intended, um because of last night.” 

Seeing my blush, Doctor Pearce raised an eyebrow. If I may inquire freely.. were the two of you 

two of you intimate last 


Embarrassed, I averted my eyes from everybody in the room

Maggie cleared her throat, I’ll wait outside

Once the door shut completely behind her, Xaden let out a breath. Yes.. we were,” he said with a brisk nod. Is it harmful to the baby?” 

Intimacy during pregnancy is notunrecommended.” Doctor Pearce said after a brief moment of consideration, but we try to advise any concerned parents to be as gentle as possible until the baby has grown a bit more. If any restlessness persists, the best option would be to abstain for the time being.” 

Xaden looked deep in thought. I thought I was gentle.Wrinkling with worry, he then turned to me. I didn’t hurt you point, did

at any 

My blush deepened, and I quickly shook my head as I grew more mortified. I understood a doctor accompanied us, but that didn’t mean I was comfortable sharing such private details in front of him! Last night marked the second time I’d ever slept. with a manthe second time I’d ever done suchthings

Was this a part of my new life I needed to get used to

Doctor Pearce hummed as he continued to read the test results. All things consideredyour baby appears to be perfectly healthy.” 

The tense energy in the room almost vanished with that revelation

I felt significantly lighter, hearing that my baby was alright

Chapter 15 


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