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The Hidden Luna Queen (Maeve and Xaden) novel Chapter 31

Chapter 31 

Maeve POV 

What do you think, Maeve?Xaden murmured, gazing at me. Are you alright with waiting to hold the mating ceremony?” 

I couldn’t even begin to describe how much I appreciated his desire for my opinionno one ever gave a damn about my thoughts before he came along. Out of pure reflex, I nodded my approval. Only after he continued to discuss the matter with his father did it sink in what I had done

I just agreed to officially become mated to Xaden

The thought made my heart skip a beat. We were going to be married in less than a year, albeit with the Alpha King’s tentative blessing

To be honest, however, I wasn’t sure how to feel about the whole thing in the first place. I didn’t even know how these sorts of ceremonies really worked. For goodnesssake, I was barely even capable of navigating ordinary parties or gatherings

The last one I attended stuck out all too well in my mind, how my entire family’s social standing almost fell apart because of 

  1. me

Frantically, I wracked my brain for anything in my recent memory that would somehow help me mentally prepare for it. A faint recollection flashed in my mind of Alpha Prince Henry and Isabelle’s mating ceremony, which my family had eagerly watched from the comfort of our home. I remembered it took place in the Temple of Diana in the Royal Palace for loved ones and the most renowned Alpha ministers to personally witness, while also being televised for the rest of the kingdom to watch at their enjoyment

Andthat was where the memory stopped

The moment Victoria realized I had paused my chores to catch a fleeting glimpse of the royal ceremony, she immediately began scolding and berating me. What happened in the palace was none of my business, according to her, and should never take priority over my duties at home, unless I was eager to spend a night locked away

Her argument wasquite persuasive

After that, any palace intrigue that reached me was instantly tucked away under lock and key. I never made it clear that I paid attention to anything, nor would I make any comments or ask any questions. I thought it would be a smart move on my part to disobey Victoria’s advice

Now, I detested how quick I was to keel over and obey. That extra bit of knowledge would have been so helpful right now

It’s settled, then,” 

The solemnity in Alpha King Arlan’s voice pulled me back into the conversation. The mating ceremony will be held before the year is uphe said, raking over my pregnant belly, after the pup has been born.” 

Thank you, Father,Xaden said, nodding his head. And with that, the meeting was adjourned. Everyone was at their feet and preparing to leave the conference room

Much can happen in only a few months,” the king said loudly as the two of us left the room, the knowing, foreboding tone in his voice making me falter. Warily, I glanced back at him and saw a hint of warning in his cold, green eyes. Let us hope that this attachment of yours withstands the test of time.” 

My stomach twisted with unease. I did not like the look he gave me when he said that

What did he mean by

All of a sudden, Xaden’s presence once again made itself known beside me. Don’t listen to him, Maeve,” he mumbled by my ear, the distaste in his voice apparent but contradictory to the warmth that radiated from his body. He only means to frighten 


With a shaky breath, I nodded, continuing to leave the room

Yes, I thought, that makes sense. The king had made his thoughts about me very clear. He did not think me worthy of mating 


Chapter al 

with one of his sons, especially one who had such an eminent claim to the throne as Xaden

More than likely, he sought to intimidate me into fleeing with whatever scare tactics were at his disposal. It was up to me to prove him wrong, I could not let fear overpower my feelings for Xaden

But how could I call it a simple fear when it reeked of nothing but truths

Another presence materialized behind me, shielding me from the Alpha King’s menacing, penetrating gaze. Xaden’s right,” 

your Princess Charlotte said reassuringly, my second conscience after Xaden, don’t let our father get inside head.” 

Something inside me calmed down as I found myself surrounded by these two people. I wasn’t sure they were aware of the effect they had on me, and I wasn’t sure I could explain it even if I tried

Once we were well away from the king and that room, Xaden let out a loud sigh of relief, gazing gratefully at his little sister. Charlotte, you were sent by the Goddess herself today. How could I ever repay you for your help?” 

She smiled. Think nothing of it,she chirped. I’m happy you entrusted her to me.” 

Thank you for everything. Your Highness,” I said earnestly, drawing her attention back to me. If it hadn’t been for her intervention. I would have made a fool of myself in every possible way. I had no idea how, but I owed her greatly for what she 


What did 1 say about the formalities?she pressed, wrinkling her nose. There is no need for any of that. If you need me, I’m 


The three of us exchanged pleasantries before Princess Charlotte bid us farewell, needing to finish some business of her own, leaving Xaden and me to our own devices in that hallway. As soon as we were finally alone, he pulled me into a tight embrace, breathing in my scent with long and deep inhales

The sudden display of affection made my heart pound. XXadenI questioned, startled but definitely not pulling away

I’m so sorry,he murmured, his low voice rumbling in his chest and reverberating throughout my body. It was strangely comforting, enticing me to wrap my own arms around him. I did not think this would turn into an attack on you.” 

I frowned, digging my fingers into his shirt. My inner conflict was deeper than ever. Despite not having known him for long, I wanted nothing more than to be with Xaden and live happily and peacefully with our babybut now that I was beginning to meet his family and I could see how deep the strain ran in their relationship, I couldn’t help but feel like my presence was only making things worse

I was far from an ideal mate for him. In more ways than one

That was made very clear to me over the last few days that I’d spent with him, and this meeting only further solidified that fear. Fated mates or not, marrying me would only humiliate everybody. There was no doubt I was well beyond the point of hoping for anything salvageable with my own family, and I didn’t want the same thing to happen to him

He seemed to sense my mind was somewhere else, as he pulled away ever so slightly to look at me. Talk to me, Maeve what’s on your mind?” 

After taking a long breath, I finally spoke up. L. I feel like I’m tearing you and your family apart.” 

Xaden’s brow creasedWhat?” 

1I am,I stuttered, feeling tears sting at the backs of my eyes. It felt like such a foolish thing to worry about now that it was being said out loud, but it was all I could think about at that moment. Your father disapproves of our union, andand II don’t want you to fight bbecause of- 

Maeve,he cut me off urgently, cradling my face between his large, sturdy hands, none of this is happening because of you. This all began long before you entered the picture. Don’t even think about blaming yourself.” 

I gulped. But” 


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