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The Hidden Luna Queen (Maeve and Xaden) novel Chapter 33

Chapter 33 

Xaden POV 

II’m sorry,Maeve stammered out quickly, rubbing her swollen lips together. I could still taste her, that natural, sweet tinge to her lips mixed with the red wine I’d drank during our dinner. Did I do something wrong..?” 

The embarrassed blush that spread across her face made my heart clench. Truthfully, I wanted nothing more than to kiss her senseless.. to peel away her clothes piece by piece until there was nothing left to hide her from me.. to lose myself in her soft. warm body and make her moan for me all night long

Words couldn’t even begin to describe how much I wanted to be with her again

But I couldn’t

Not after what I did to her in that forsaken room in Moonstone, after I almost took her against her will amid such a violent heat. Any trust I might have had in my selfcontrol vanished that day. I would have rather never slept with her again than risk putting her in any danger at my hand

With a shuddering gulp, I slowly shook my head

Her gaze darted uncertainly. Diddid you not want to..?she asked. She had no idea just how much her mere presence made my soul tremble with need

It’s nothing you’ve done,” I insisted. “LI just” 

After a brief pause, realization flashed in her eyes. OhXadenshe murmured, are you still?” 

I set my jaw. I won’t put you through that again. I’ve made up my mind.” 

She shook her head defiantly. I’m not afraid of you.” 

Something in my chest tightened. Maeve was so trusting I could not fathom how the Moon Goddess could have possibly paired someone as sweet and innocent as her with someone as abrasive and terrifying as I. 

Sighing. I plopped down onto the bed and buried my head in my hands. You should be,” I whispered into the air, unsure if she heard me

No matter what I’d do, I would never deserve her in a million lifetimes

All of a sudden, a warm pair of legs straddled my lap. Startled, I lifted my head to see my future Luna hovering above me. The soft look in her eyes as she gazed at me with reverence was hypnotizingI couldn’t look away from her

Without a word, her thin fingers brushed along the contours of my face, mapping every feature as if she were dedicating them. to memory. Softly, she pressed kisses to each plane of my face, from my foreheadto my cheeksto my nose… 

She was tearing down my wall brick by brick. There was nothing I could do to stop her

Please,she implored between kisses, the pain in her voice scraping at my soul. Don’t push me away.” 

What little was left of my restraint was all but gone with the way she so gently touched me. II’m doing it for you….I feebly tried to protest, but my lips began to respond to hers despite my better judgment

You don’t need to treat me so delicately,she breathed, hot and needy against my skin. I’m stronger than you might think.” 

Slowly, my hands roamed underneath her shirt. I won’t be able to stop.” 

Maeve dragged her teeth across my lower lip. I don’t want you to” 

Without wasting another second, our clothes scattered around the roomout of sight, out of mind. We came together in the middle of the bed as a mess of kisses and gentle touches. It was like we were discovering each other’s bodies for the first time

My greedy eyes and hands took in the beautiful vision that sat atop me, watching with bated breath as she lowered onto me with a gasp, taking all of me like she had been made for meand, for all I knew, she was

She felt fucking perfect

XXadenshe whimpered, arching against me as my mouth softly fell open in ecstatic awe, you ffeel so good…” 

The desire in her voice and the sight of her writhing naked body, swelling with our baby, on top of me was too much to bear. Swiftly, yet carefully, I rolled us over so that I was now hovering above her and took control. It was not long before we transformed into a tangled, panting mess, slowly and desperately building towards our pleasure like nothing else mattered

This was the power of our bond brought to life in its basest and most natural form, minus the risk and unpredictability of our wolfish heat. To deny it would be to deny her

How could I possibly do that

s quick to follo 

With a loud gasp, she cried out, finishing around me in a beautiful, exhausted mess. I was quick to follow, throwing myself into the abyss with her

II told you there was nothing to be afraid ofMaeve said with a breathless smile. Maybe Orenda was right about us, after all” 

I huffed out a chuckle against her shoulder before raising my head. You’re bringing her up now!” 

Maeve bit her lip shyly. Her black hair sprawled around her head like a halo against the satin sheetsa perfect picture of innocence despite the sinful sheen of sweat that shimmered on her skin. Just thinking out loud.” 

My chest swelled with affection for her. I was rightnothing I could think of would ever justify her sudden falling into my life. For what it’s worth, I murmured, kissing her neck and thriving under the soft noises she made, I’m more inclined to believe that psychic with every passing second.” 

Whatwhat changed your mind..?she managed to ask between moans

I dragged my teeth gently over her neck. Someone with dark hair like midnight, blue eyes like the morning sky- and who looks like a dream when I fuck her until she can no longer speak..I rolled into her once more, savoring the chokedoff cry she let out, just like that..” 

With a soft gasp, she pulled me back up to her face and reconnected our lips with fervor, pulling me in like I was oxygen. I didn’t mind in the slightest, wrapping myself around her body until it was impossible to tell where one ended and the other began

Within moments, we were lost in each other’s bodies once more, writhing and moaning and slick with sweat. If it were up to me, I would have stayed like that with her forever

At some point after our third round, however, we fell asleep. What blissful sleep it was 

Maeve was mineand I couldn’t wait to make it official

Can’t we just stay home today?Maeve asked, biting at her lip, but decidedly not in a way to seduce me

Morning had come, which also happened to be the morning she began etiquette lessons with my mother, and she was a nervous wreck. This had been the fifth time in a very short period that she tried to convince me to turn the car around, but I would not give in, regardless of how adorable she looked

Not a chance, little seductress,I teased, making her blush. You already have a prior engagement with 



II know but..” 

She didn’t have to explain anything to me. I knew better than anyone else just what she was afraid of. She’s going to love you, Maeve,I swore. I wouldn’t be sending you off alone if I didn’t think so 

That seemed to do little to appease her, but she didn’t ask again. Soon enough, we made it to the palace, where I kissed her goodbye as she went off toward my mother’s parlor, and I made a quick stop to request Maggie’s new identity card, promised

With my palace errand done, I returned home, where Burke awaited in my office, ready to begin work for the day. Good morning, Prince Xaden, sir.” 

Burke. Have you made any progress into that investigation on Burton?” 

I’m trying my best, but he’s done quite a remarkable job to ensure he has a clean record. I have only found reports and correspondence here and there detailing his pluck and ambition as a young alpha

My face pinched in confusion. Ambition In that measly wolf

The image of his pathetic form bending in submission before me, in front of his entire pack, burned in the forefront of my mind. However formidable a force he might have been all those years ago, he was merely but a shadow of that alpha now. Still, I couldn’t help but wonder if something had happened to spark that change

And if so, was Maeve connected to any of it

How peculiar,I muttered pensively. Dig further, if you can. There’s something odd about that man.” 


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