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The Hidden Luna Queen (Maeve and Xaden) novel Chapter 35

Chapter 35 

Maeve POV 

The moment First Alpha Prince Henry and I locked eyes in the Great Hall of the palace, my body went still, struck by both awe and intimidation

As the esteemed firstborn of the royal alpha bloodline, he was one of the most impressive and influential men in the entire Werewolf Kingdom, and he looked very much the part. Dressed in lavish clothes befitting a prince and radiating magnificent confidence almost rivaling that of Xaden, it was clear all he lived and breathed was wealth and power

Part of me worried that if I breathed out of turn or moved the slightest inch to the side, he would somehow find fault with it

I feared him almost as much as I did the Alpha King himself

Henry,Lucas murmured, bowing his head curtly but courteously in the presence of his eldest brother. The wariness that crept into his voice, however, did not slip past me. What gives us the pleasure of your company?” 

Oh, come now, little brother,Henry scoffed, playfully swatting Lucas on his broad shoulder. Can’t a man walk around his own home without being questioned?he teased with a smile

Lucas responded stiffly. Of course he can.” 

All of a sudden, Henry’s gaze flitted over to me, and I froze. I recognize this little face,” he said, raking me over as if to inspect me. How nice to see you again.” 

Nervous, I stepped back and curtseyed as best I could. YYour Highness.. 

Where’s Xaden?he asked, glancing around. I’m surprised he’s not here threatening to feed me to the wolves for even trying to speak to you.” 

That comment struck me as odd. Why would Xaden do that to his own brother? He was protective, yesbut always within reason. Was Henry someone I had to watch my back around or was it merely said in jest

“Icame here without him. The Luna Queen invited me.” 

Really?he asked, raising an eyebrow. Well, you surely seem to be making yourself at home quite well.” 

The remark seemed innocent enough at face value, but I could sense some bite hidden within. It was a warning to me, as a newcomer, to be careful with respecting boundaries. I did not need him to tell me that.. I was already well aware this was not my territory

I smiled awkwardly, unsure how to respond

Lucas stepped in. She’s going to be part of the family now, Henry,he said sternly. She can come and go if she pleases.” 

Honestly!Henry exclaimed, as if offended that his words had been taken as anything but welcoming. I wouldn’t even think of suggesting otherwise. It’s just not very often someone new joins the royal family. And what a welcome addition she is.I dipped my head. Thank you, sire.” 

I’d love to get to know my new sister better if time allows it.” 

Of course,I began to say out of courtesy. When would- 

How long have you known my brother?he questioned, startling me

I blushed, feeling uncomfortable. The truth, although accepted by Xaden and I, was a bit embarrassing to admit to outsiders who wouldn’t understand the circumstances of our peculiar involvement. Iah..” 

Sorry to badger,Henry said with a sly, unapologetic grin. I’m just a hopeless romantic at heart, if you can believe that or not 

I thought you had business with Eric,Lucas cut him off, loud and intentional, a firm reminder to the both of us that we were 

not alone, which made me so grateful for his presence. I felt like I could breathe again. What happened with that?” 

Henry’s face suddenly twisted with distaste, something that instantly deepened Lucas’s frown. Indeed, I didbut one can only handle so much of him at once,he said before peering at me. Let us hope you are spared from ever having to meet him.” 

I couldn’t help but feel uneasy over that bizarre exchange. Eric’s was a name I’d only heard of in passing conversation, but regardless, a name I knew. He was the everelusive Second Alpha Prince of the Werewolf Kingdom, born some years after Henry and only shortly before Xaden

But that was all I knew. Hardly anyone spoke a thing about him

What did Henry mean when he said that? Was Eric somebody else I should avoid

Besides,” he continued, the corners of his lips turning up ever so slightly, I’d much rather chat with you two.” 

I wished I could say the same, but I felt incredibly conflicted

There was something about the way he looked down at me that rubbed me the wrong way. Like he thought he had something to gain if I slipped up. I recalled what Xaden had told me the first time he brought me to his mansionabout having family who cared only about ascending the throne, and then, of course, there was Henry’s own words from yesterday’s meeting. where he mentioned needing whatever leverage was necessary to win

However cordial he seemed to be, I could not shake that feeling. I trusted Xaden’s prior warnings about certain family members and their ambitions, and I refused to give his brother anything that might hurt Xaden in some way

It didn’t matter if he turned on his wife yesterday because of her actions

I couldn’t trust him

However, Henry didn’t seem to be finished. If I may. I’d like to learn more about you, Maeve. Is that alright?” 

Uncertainly, I opened my mouth in an attempt to answer, but I was not sure how to say no without offending him

Unfortunately, Henry, she was just on her way out,Lucas interjected, pushing himself between his elder brother and me, shielding me from view. Let’s be sure to try this some other time, yes?” 

Yes, of course.” His disappointment was plain as day. Some other time, then.” 

And with that, the socalled hallway meeting came to an end, with Henry heading off deeper into the palace

Lucas, however, was kind enough to escort me to the car, ensuring that I wouldn’t get any more surprise encounters along the way. My initial instinct had been to decline, but at the same time, I knew my track record for finding trouble wasremarkable

I apologize about Henry,he said, looking embarrassed. He and Xaden have practically been at war ever since we began our campaigns. It’s nothing personal against you, I can promise you that.” 

I slowly nodded. I already gathered as much, but it was sweet of him to try to make me feel better. Things have been pretty bad, thenhaven’t they?I asked with a wince.. 

I can’t deny that. But Xaden is a tough boy,” he reassured me with a small smile, and he’s more than capable of taking on our obnoxious brother. I’ll do my best to help him whenever he needs it, don’t you worry.” 


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