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The Hidden Luna Queen (Maeve and Xaden) novel Chapter 7


Maeve POV 

Your Highness,the room collectively murmured with a bow

Prince Xaden

The crowds dispersed as he strode into the room with authority, and the ground beneath me crumbled

My onenight stand is Prince Xaden

Seeing him once more in the flesh, without the haziness of a druginduced heat, made my scared, lonely heart skip a beat. His dark, lustrous hair dangled nicely in his roguishly handsome face and he stood tall and proud, looking every bit like the daring and confident Alpha Prince he was. He truly was the vision I remembered him to be and more

And thenlike something out of a fairytaleour eyes met across the banquet hall

Panicked, I quickly tore my gaze away and lowered my head

We might’ve shared a wonderful, fantastical night together, but I needed to face reality. He is the Alpha Prince -and I was justme

He probably didn’t even remember me

However, heavy and swift footsteps made their way over to where I stood, dripping with wine. Fabric shuffled and, suddenly, the weight of a damnask blazer fell gently over my trembling shoulders, left behind by tender, reassuring hands. Still, I did not dare lift my eyes.. but I clung to the blazer as tightly as I couldmy only source of comfort that came from the most kind and generous man in the room

Alpha Burton, is this how you treat your omega servants?” 

Father cleared his throat awkwardly. Actually, she’suh.. my daughter, sire.” 

I felt the prince’s surprised gaze wash over me, yet I continued to purposefully avoid him. How ridiculously absurd,he muttered, incredulous, but not for one second did he stray from my side. I never knew it became common practice to treat one’s own daughter with such blatant disrespect 

The familiar clickclack of Sarah’s expensive high heels stepped forward

Allow me to explain, Your Highness! This is all because my sister had the misfortune of having a onenight stand with a stranger some weeks ago, and now she finds herself pregnant with the man’s child.” 

I gasped, lifting my head. No- 

He wasn’t supposed to find out! Especially not like this

He was campaigning to become the next Alpha King. If he decided he wanted nothing to do with me or our baby, I would rather never let him know anything. I would never subject my little one to a life of loathing

Prince Xaden’s eyes widened. Pregnant?” 

Yes, but there is no cause for concern,she said proudly. Our father is a strict man and is most unhappy with Maeve, so there have been talks of expelling her from Moonstone because we will not tolerate bastard mutts- 

Stop right there,” he warned. The dangerous glint in his eyes startled everyonemost of all, Sarah 

Puzzled, and a little frightened, she cocked her head. Your Highness..?” 

An increasingly irritated Prince Xaden straightened with a sharp expression. Allow me to explain something, you blabbering busybody,he spat. That baby is not a bastard mutt and I forbid you from using that term ever again.” 

Sarah reddened with outrage at the prince’s insult

That baby,he continued, is mine.” 


A chorus of gasps filled the banquet hall

I could imagine the train of thought everyone in the room must have run through: The eversopopular Alpha Prince Xaden impregnated some random Alpha’s daughter out of wedlock in the middle of his campaign for the throne? What impropriety

My family, however, were shocked for different reasons

YYour Highness must be mistaken,Sarah stammered. Maeve was seen with several men at a brothel that night. It couldn’t have- 

Yes, and if I recall correctly, it was right outside the capital’s infamous Diamond Cage brothelthe filthy alleyway directly alongside it, was it not?The color drained from my sister’s face, and it was clear she realized he spoke the truthonly three people in the entire kingdom knew the precise time and place it all transpired, and they were all gathered in this very room. It was shortly after sunset when I found her, scared and drugged and surrounded by dangerous, belligerent men

Shocked murmurs floated around behind us

This can’t be true.Sarah muttered, appalled

Victoria stepped forward, gaping at me. Why didn’t you tell us it was the prince you’d been with?” 

L.. didn’t knowHonestly

WhWhy don’t we continue this matter in my private office, Your Highness?Father suggested. I could see the crippling anxiety behind his silent plea, and I knew the thought of losing control over me utterly terrified him. There, we can further discuss what you plan to do about my daughter’s child- 

That won’t be necessary, Prince Xaden said with complete authority. Both Maeve and our baby will come to live with me.” 

Livewith the prince. with our baby

My heart fluttered, torn between confusion and hope. What?” 

I felt his hand move to caress mine in response

Only, of course,he relented, his voice softening, if that is what she desires.” 

At that moment, I could have sworn I saw a bright, golden halo materialize above Prince Xaden’s beautiful head. This man had more power than any man or woman could ever want at his fingertips, and yet, he left this decision to me. Unlike my own blood, he seemed to value my individuality.. my free will

And suddenly, it was like he was the only other person in the room

With a shy, yet growing smile, I nodded emphatically. T’d like that” 

He further pulled my hand into his in front of everyone, warmth radiating through his touch. Then it’s settled.” 

Father stepped forward one last time. Sire, I urge you to reconsider. Maeve is- 

She is carrying a child of the crown, Prince Xaden interjected, taking a menacing step forward. His eyes burned with a hostility that showed he was not to be opposed. Do you mean to say you intend to keep them both from me?” 


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