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The Killer Queen (Noella Briony) novel Chapter 124

Chapter 124 

In the Lunar Lab, it only took a couple of hours to verify a familial connection with their cuttingedge equipment

Let’s use magnetic beads to extract the DNA and run a parallel test with the silica column method.Phecda suggested, slipping on surgical gloves with practiced ease, while Megrez did the same, inquiring. Boss, if she’s adopted, why the DNA check? It can’t be another Vincent situation, can it?” 

Noella, masked and with lashes fluttering like delicate feathers, peered down at the lysis solution she had just enriched with tissue fragments. In this world, there might be random acts of kindness, but nothing truly happens without reason.” 

She had sensed something off when Vincent and Belinda showered extra attention on Briony, overlooking both her and Old Mrs. Lambert. At that time, it was just suspicion, but when she was suddenly declared not a Lambert, she took matters into her own hands to test her DNA against that of the Lambert family. She was indeed not Vincent’s daughter, and neither was Briony

So, boss, you think Yvonne might be bloodrelated to Ashlyn? What’s the angle here? To have your own flesh and blood raised without recognition? If Yvonne really is a Schnabel, why all this cloakanddagger stuff?” 

Noella expertly added isopropanol and magnetic beads to the solution, inverting the tube to mix the contents

Uncertain. We’ll know once the results are in.” 

She always preferred to let the data do the talking

Phecda was puzzled. If Yvonne was actually Ashlyn’s granddaughter, wouldn’t she rightfully be Ms. Schnabel, entitled to at least the same treatment as their boss

By the way, boss, Ivan messaged that Thorpewe nabbed last time, real name Tandy, turns out he’s the head of Heartfelt Orphanage and Tandy Hospital. He’s locked up in Lockhart 

Prison now.” 

Noella frowned slightly. Isn’t Lockhart on the border?” 

Yeah, we’ve been there before. His activities were borderbased, so they transferred him to the border prison. But our network in Lockhart Prison isn’t very strong right now, so meeting him could be tricky.” 

Their Obelisk Organization had its dealings on the deep web and some connection with 

Lockhart Prison, the largest penitentiary on the border

Which group has sway over Lockhart Prison right now?” 

Phecda gave Noella a mischievous wink, his mask nearly slipping off

Chapter 124 

Cut the clowning, Phecda. Is your mouth crooked or what?Her fingers snapped as she placed the centrifuge tubes into the magnetic rack. If your mouth is crooked, I don’t mind helping you 

fix it.” 

No, no, no need. I can’t afford your doctor’s fees, Boss. You can find another sucker for that. Right now, Mr. Pollack of Abyssal Organization has the most pull at Lockhart. You know, Vocalist.” 

Boss, all you need to do is marry Vocalist or, you know, show a little leg, wear something slinky, and he’ll be putty in your hands. Hey, hey, no facehitting, I make my living with this mug!” 

Phecda covered his face, feigning horror. Round it off, and if Vocalist has a say, then so does our Obelisk Organization, right? If you want to see Tandy, just go through Vocalist.” 

Megrez scoffed, Vocalist might be chums with the top brass at Lockhart, but to get our boss in to see a highprofile inmate like Tandy, that’s a huge favor to ask. You think our boss likes to be indebted to others?” 

Noella certainly did not

Over the years, she had learned to stand on her own two feet, never bothering others with problems she could handle herself

Phecda chuckled, his eyes narrowing. Mr. Pollack isn’t just anybody; he might be family one day. Besides, if he’s not willing to help with such a small favor, where’s his commitment?” 

Noella’s thoughts submerged as she watched the DNA samples settle in the centrifuge tubes

Tandy was pivotal to her; she had to meet him and find out exactly what happened back at Heartfelt Orphanage, how she had been moved from the Schnabels to the Lamberts

And this might well be connected to Elara’s origins

If she could unravel the mystery, at least she’d know who Elara’s real family was

Let me think it over.” 

Phecda stroked his chin. Or you could just ask Mr. Pollack outdinner, a movie, an amusement park. Isn’t that how all the young couples date these days?” 

Megrez couldn’t bear to watch. That’s how guys ask girls out, not the other way around. It doesn’t suit our boss!” 

It’s all the same. Bet if our boss asked Mr. Pollack on a date, he’d parachute into the lab right now!” 

Phecda winked at Noella, the mastermind behind the scenes. He’d already sent the text. It was up to Mr. Pollack to pick up on their boss’s hints

Two hours later, Noella reviewed the lab results with a furrowed brow

Everything was as she had anticipated


Meaning. Yvonne was truly Ashlyn’s granddaughter, though unconnected to Marcel. So Ashlyn had her heart set on looking out for Yvonne, which was sort of understandable given that Yvonne was her own flesh and blood, her granddaughter. The notion of Yvonne stepping into her shoes in the Schnabel family wasn’t too farfetched

At the entrance of the lab, Megrez, who had just changed and was about to hit the restroom, let out an exclamation, Holy smokes, Boss, have I timetraveled or what?” 

Then Noella’s phone buzzed insistently. She neatly arranged the lab reports on her desk and picked up the call

Palmer’s voice was deep and seductive, laced with an indefinable allure. I’m outside. Come on 


Noella was puzzled. Hadn’t they agreed to meet tonight? What on earth was Palmer doing here now

Phecda, with a sly smirk, nudged Noella’s shoulder, ushering her towards the door

The scene at the lab’s entrance left half the staff dumbstruck, while the jaws of the other half were practically still on the floor


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