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The Killer Queen (Noella Briony) novel Chapter 125

Chapter 125 

Noella, I’m thrilled you’d consider going out with me. Does this mean you’ve been missing me?” 

Noella had finally figured it out; that damn Phecda had used her account to send the message

The folks at Polaris Star were a clever bunch, a nightmare to keep in check. They were all geniuses in their own right, with more tricks up their sleeves than a magician

Even though Noella’s phone hadn’t left her side, they’d still managed to spoof her number and send a text to Palmer

Megrez was whistling nonchalantly, a knowing look plastered on his face

Don’t worry, Boss, we’ve jammed the signals around here. Mr. Pollack’s grand gesture won’t draw any unwanted attention. At most, people will gossip online about some rich kid’s elaborate marriage proposal, making us an overnight sensation,” he boasted with a grin

Noella sighed at her overly confident team

Was this supposed to be a good thing

Alioth, eyeing the roses, chuckled and said, Mr. Pollack, if you don’t need these flowers, can we turn them into rose petal pies? We’ll even send some your way!” 

Be my guest. These are indeed edible roses, arranged just to brighten Noella’s day.” 

Palmer wrapped an arm around Noella’s waist, showing no intention of letting go

Noella took a deep breath. Let go, or I’ll have to punch you.” 

A sparring session is part of dating, right? Next time I’ll book us a boxing gym. Does my fiancée prefer that to an underground fight club?” 

Though his words suggested a challenge, his hands complied with her request

Noella turned to face her subordinates, her smile amiable yet tinged with threat, You’re all in for it now. Just you wait.” 

A collective shiver ran down their spines as they clutched their necks and scattered

Palmer chuckled affectionately, watching the Polaris Star team flee like startled animals

The people you work with seem to have a good vibe.” 

He could tell they genuinely respected and admired Noella, loyally following her lead. It appeared the girl had quite the knack for leadership, managing to keep the renowned Polaris Star team by her side. Surely, there were more facets to her that he had yet to uncover

And he wasn’t in a rush; there was plenty of time to discover all her qualities. 

It was Phecda who sent you the message, not me.” 

Noella pulled out her phone, staring blankly at the message Phecud 

(Dinner tonight? Missing you, my Palmy!] 

Anyone with half a brain could tell it wasn’t from her, yet Palmer had believed it enough to show up

Palmer laughed softly, his arm snaking back around her waist. I knew it wasn’t you, but the truth is, I’ve been wanting to ask you out. So, I came. I’m not exactly sure how to woo a lady, this was all Annie’s advice. If it’s not up to scratch, my fiancée, I promise I’ll do better next time.” 

He knew full well the message wasn’t from her, yet he had come just because he wanted a date? All because he wanted to see her

This was all put together last minute; I couldn’t find enough roses.” 

He was aware of Noella’s fondness for roses, but sourcing such a large quantity on short notice was a challenge, which had led him to choose the more readily available, lush roses

No need for extravagance. Let’s keep it lowkey next time.” 

Alright, next date will be at a new location, and I’ll have an even bigger surprise for my fiancée.” 

That’s not necessary.” 

Surprises could wait; for now, Noella felt fortunate enough not to encounter any shocks stepping out the door

Yet, feeling cherished was undeniably nice

They mentioned your experiment wrapped up. May I have the honor of taking my fiancée out?Noella was speechless for a moment before replying, Sure.” 

She couldn’t bear the thought of returning to the lab now. She could imagine how the team would have teased her if she walked in. Since she had matters to discuss with Palmer anyway, it made sense to join him

Palmer’s car was parked on the edge of the flower field. With a courteous gesture, he opened the door for Noella and then leaned in to fasten her seat belt with meticulous care. Yet, his presence, much like his scent, was subtle yet profound, seeping into her life and making it hard for her to ignore

May I inquire about the experiment my fiancée conducted this afternoon?” 

You guess.” 

After a moment’s thought, Palmer raised an eyebrow. Is it the paternity issue between Mr. Tristan Schnabel and the Schnabel family elders?” 

Noella turned her head to watch the landscape fly by. While it was a family matter for the 

deduce on his own

Ashlyn isn’t my biological grandmother, that’s all.” 

The matter of Yvonne, however, required a discussion with Tristan to see his perspective, especially since Ashlyn and Yvonne were closer to him

Palmer chuckled. My fiancée appears aloof, but she’s actually a caring soul who values her family.” 

He was always honest, eager to express his thoughts and feelings, at the very least to let her sense his fervent affection

Noella rested her head on her hand, hiding the flush that crept onto her cheeks at his words

When he spoke, it always seemed to carry an underlying meaning

I’m glad. It proves that after we’re married, you’ll care for me as much as you do your family,his voice was laced with joy

Listening to him, Noella’s heart skipped a beat


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