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The Killer Queen (Noella Briony) novel Chapter 132

Chapter 132 

[Look at them, the picture of family harmony. If you don’t take action soon, the Schnabels will surely strip you of your position.] The nanny warned as she sent the video

Yvonne watched the video of the jolly family gathering, her eyes reddening with rage. She zoomed in on the video, spotting Palmer and Sexton

Why was Sexton there too? Was Palmer roped into this gettogether by him, with no choice but to join the Schnabelsfeast? At this rate, that country bumpkin might actually marry Palmer, and then she’d have no standing in either the Schnabel or Pollack families

All her painstaking efforts- was she really supposed to just hand everything over to someone else

Tears streaming down her face, Yvonne handed the phone to Ashlyn

Grandma, look at this. They are dining together right now, and it looks like they are one big happy family.” 

Ashlyn gave a weak glance at the video and lethargically nodded in agreement

Noella’s outburst earlier in the day had left Ashlyn terrified, fearing another violent episode. Rumor had it that a few caregivers Noella had struck ended up in the ICU

It was simply horrifying

With her own face still swollen, Ashlyn hadn’t received the slightest care, and Yvonne, upon her return, hadn’t even noticed her grandmother’s injury

Grandma, don’t you care even a little bit? Mom and Dad have no sense of filial piety towards you. They don’t treat us like family. Such an important occasion, and they didn’t even call us to join them for dinner!” 

Ashlyn merely nodded and mumbled, Oh, dinner, family dinner.” 

Frowning at her grandmother, Yvonne only now noticed Ashlyn’s bruised face. She screamed and called for a caregiver

What happened here? How did my grandmother get hurt?” 

It was the lady herself,the caregiver spoke without emotion. Also, Mr. Schnabel instructed you to prepare for a flight to Gerastor tomorrow. The arrangements for the convalescent home for the old lady and your school have all been made.” 

Yvonne nearly dropped her phone

The Schnabels were sending her and her grandmother abroadand as soon as tomorrow

The caregiver left without another glance at the duo. They were Pollack family caregivers, not the beefy, donothing bruisers Ashlyn had hired to strut around her


Chapter 132 

The entire Pollack Group had heard the rumorsYvonne aspiring to be their group’s lady wod attacking Annie, the assistant, even contemplating firing all the female employees

How could someone so contemptible bully their future lady, graceful and noble? They wouldn’t 

stand for it

Yvonne was dumbfounded

The Schnabels were partying while plotting to ship her and Ashlyn off? it was outrageous, Wiibat had she done so wrong all these years? No one in the Schnabel family seemed to have a conscience. Despite being at Ashlyn’s side, her status was less than a nanny’s

Tears streaming down her face, Yvonne replied to the nanny’s message

[I’m being sent away tomorrow. From then on, I’ll have nothing to do with the Schnabels) The nanny responded quickly: (Ms. Yvonne, don’t be so negative, Think about it if something happens tonight, you and the old lady might not have to leave, right? And isn’t someone missing from the video? You and Ms. Elara are both adopted daughters. If Ms. Elara agrees to join forces with you, the Schnabelsassets could easily fall into your hands. Mr. Pollack only joined the dinner out of politeness. The old gentlemen have been friends for generations. Don’t overthink it.

Bolstered by the message, Yvonne sprang into action

She was right; she could still do somethingshe had to

With determination, Yvonne forwarded the video to Elara, who was busy with experiments in Emerald County. She wanted to see Elara’s reaction to the footage of the Schnabel family dining happily without her, wondering if it would upset her

Elara magnified the video several times, focusing on Noella, and said to herself, Who took this? Why are they filming my brothers? Can’t they get a direct shot of Noella? Who wants to see those brats?” 

All she cared about was her sister

Elara quickly replied: [Send more.

Overjoyed, Yvonne sent all the videos she had, but Elara’s response was delayed

Was she too heartbroken, crying secretly in Emerald County

Yvonne messaged her with false compassion: [Elara, there’s no need to be sad. We were never really part of their family. It’s normal for outsiders like us not to fit in. If you’re upset, I can keep you company! Believe me, if we join forces, no one can ever hurt us again! All of that was supposed to be yours, Elara. Why should Noella get everything?

Elara’s reply was sharp: [Team up with you? If I had an IQ of 300, adding yours would leave us in the negatives. I have no interest in fools. I was never a Schnabel. None of what they have is mine, nor is it yours, Yvonne. Listen carefully! Those things, they, are, Noella’s!

Chapter 132 

With each word punctuated for emphasis. Elara sent smiling emojis to hint that Yvonne shouldn’t worry so much

Yvonne was so angry she could have bitten into her phone

Damn it a!!! 

She just couldn’t believe that Elara wasn’t the slightest bit jealous of Noella. Didn’t Elara feel like something of hers had been taken away? 

She didn’t buy it! Elara had to be faking it, sucking up to Noella, that country bumpkin, thinking it. would secure her a spot in the Schnabel family

Yvonne was about to fire off another message when she realized Elara had blocked her

With a furious scowl, she chucked her phone aside, her gaze landing on Ashlyn, who was still trembling


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