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The Killer Queen (Noella Briony) novel Chapter 133

Chapter 133 

Tristan was still reeling, unable to comprehend how Ashlyn, who was perfectly fine moments ago, had suddenly been rushed to the emergency room

Dad, I’m going to head to the hospital to check on her, You guys go ahead and eat. If anything comes up, I’ll call.” 

The tone in his voice suggested that Ashlyn’s condition was far from optimistic

Marcel set down his knife and fork, looking at Tristan intently, What exactly happened? is she really sick, or is this just another one of her acts?” 

Ashlyn’s history of faking illnesses was no news to the Schnabel family, who had endured her theatrics more times than they could count. Their pained expressions spoke volumes about the toll her antics had taken on them

Tristan spoke earnestly, The call was from the operating room at the hospital. They said she’s in critical condition, and they also mentioned that Mom has been mentally unstable and inquired about any history of mental illness. I’ve never heard of such things, and they wouldn’t make this up. I better go and see for myself.” 

Even though Ashlyn and Marcel were divorced, she was still Tristan’s mother. In a moment teetering between life and death, he felt compelled to be there

Marcel nodded, glancing at the Schnabel children. Sienna, stay put at home. No need for you to go. Noella, take Palmer with you, and Ulrich, you should go too.” 

Ulrich was a prodigy in medicine; one look at Ashlyn, and he’d know what was wrong

Noella pressed her lips together. Ulrich, you don’t need to go. I can handle it.” 

Ulrich’s arm seemed to be in bad shape; he hadn’t lifted it during dinner, and for a surgeon, hands are indispensable. Noella was worried that making the trip might worsen his injury

She nodded slightly towards Marcel, who understood

His granddaughter was also a gifted healer, perhaps not far behind Ulrich. She chose not to brag about her skills to the family, not wanting to cause worry

Marcel knew that mastering such medical expertise, aside from requiring exceptional talent, must have involved immense effort. Before rejoining the Schnabels, who knew how much hardship she had faced? If she wanted to share this secret just between the two of them, Marcel was more than happy to oblige

Alright, Ulrich just got back and must be tired. Let Noella and Palmer handle this. See what the situation is and manage it as you see fit. I’ll stay out of it.” 

Marcel had no desire to see Ashlyn again. Their relationship had deteriorated to the point of mutual loathing. But for now, he chose to maintain a facade of civility

Ulrich reached for the coat hanging behind him and draped it over Nigella’s shoulders

Neella. I can go. Let me accompany you. I’m a doctor and I can be of help,” 

Noella shook her head, whispering so only Ulrich could hear, Take care of your injury

Ulrich was taken aback

Beckett was unaware of his injury how had Noella noticed? Was it because he had accidentally aggravated it while eating, betraying his discomfort? He realized it must be Noella’s attentiveness that had uncovered what everyone else had missed

Understanding that she was concerned about his injury, Ulrich felt a rush of warmth and nearly burst into tears in front of the whole family

Oh, what an angel his sister was

Tristan, Palmer, and Noella hurried to Imperial West Hospital

Upon reaching the doors of the OR, they found Yvonne crying uncontrollably, as if Ashlyn had already passed away

Tristan stepped forward. Yvonne, what’s the situation with your grandma?” 

Yvonne wiped her tears and looked up to see a worried Tristan and Noella behind him

Why had this unsophisticated country girl come along too? Did she come to relish their misfortune

Yvonne wiped away more tears, noticing Palmer’s proximity to Noella and felt a pang of envy

Why was Palmer always by Noella’s side? Why didn’t he glance at her? She was just as valuable

Dad, Grandma suddenly started talking nonsense and then fainted. I don’t know what happened, and then she was rushed in for emergency care.” 

What kind of nonsense? What did she say?” 

Yvonne shook her head. I couldn’t understand her. She said someone hit her, and she had wounds on her face, but the caretaker said Grandma did it to herself. The hospital won’t let me see the security footage. Dad, do you think someone’s trying to harm Grandma?” 

Her excitement built as she spoke

If someone was indeed trying to harm Ashlyn, they might not have to leave the Schnabel family! After the surgery, the doctor emerged from the OR. Mr. Schnabel, the patient’s condition is still fluctuating: she needs to be observed in the ICU for a few days.” 

Eh, is my mom okay for now?” 

For the moment, yes. But she’s mentally unstable. Does the patient have a drug dependency?” 

Tristan was dumbfounded. What did the theageRKE!! 

He quickly denisd #, to way, my mom’s too old for that sort of thing, Please, take good care of her. Use the best medication and serpent, Wis, the Schnatate, WY cover the costs

After giving further instructions, the doctor thesed komu 

Boella stood aside, taking in the sight of Ashlyn connected to stilator, and quicky understood what had happened

Yvonne looked at Tristan, Gad, are you twing sted

Yeah, visiting hours in the ICU are strict. Yvonne, you should find a hotel and get some rest. Your grandma is going to need you, Noella and are heading back Don’t you two rush off tomorrow, wait until your grandma’s getting better

Yvonne stared at Tristan, incredulous

They were actually leaving her behind, with no intention of bringing her back to the Schnabel family? Her grandma was in the ICU, and her dad Tristan was suggesting she stay alone in a hotell 

Dad, maybe it’s best if Grandma comes home once she’s better. The doctors say familiar surroundings might help her recovery


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