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The Killer Queen (Noella Briony) novel Chapter 135

Chapter 135 

What’s his take on Ashlyn

Beckett hadn’t expected her to ask this question, but now that she had, he pondered for at 


He stroked his chiseled jawline and let out a heavy sigh. To be honest, it’s complicated. As kids, we never really got along with Grandma. She didn’t like Mom, and she wasn’t too fond of us either. You might not believe it, but we had it rougher than Yvonne. That’s partly why us, especially Stirling and Jasper, didn’t care much for Yvonne; Grandma showed blatant favoritism from the start

She used to say Yvonne was a gift from the heavens, and that Mom would lose you because of her sins, her lack of faith. She said you had bad luck, claimed Mom had a cursed fate. When. Yvonne was little, she could have anything she wanted, even if it meant taking things from Elara. And Grandma would scold Elara, not her.” 

Under such extreme favoritism, and with Ashlyn constantly being hard on Sienna, it wasn’t surprising that the Schnabel kids didn’t have much love for Ashlyn

When we were little, Grandma said kids shouldn’t eat too much at night if they wanted to grow tall. I believed it until Yvonne came to our house, and then I realized she could eat her fill!” 

Beckett felt a bit embarrassed recalling these memories. It was as though, even now, as the head of the Schnabel business empire, he still couldn’t shake off the memory of the meals he 

missed out on as a kid

As for Yvonne, once we caught her taking Elara’s things and damaging them. Elara and Jasper gave her a thrashing, a proper one. But even then, Grandma made Elara apologize and refused to let her eat. Eventually. Dad took us and moved out. On one hand, I feel like I should respect Grandma as my elder, but on the other, it’s really hard to muster that respect.” 

He had meant to sugarcoat his words, but for some reason, he found himself opening up more around Noella, sharing everything with her. He never felt this way about Elara

Perhaps it was because Noella was his sister

Noella nodded. I get it.” 

The fact that Beckett was this candid meant there wasn’t much affection for Ashlyn

Noella pulled out a paternity test report and handed it to Beckett. Beckett, this is for you.” 

Beckett looked puzzled, but as soon as he saw what the report contained, he stood up abruptly. eyes wide with shock

Noella, what iswhere did this come from?” 

I was curious, so I asked Professor Calvin to do it.” 

Even though Calvin didn’t know about this, she promised to share the latest pharmacological research with him, which would surely make him grit his teeth and accept it

Beckett was stunned by the contents of the report

Since Ashlyn and Tristan weren’t directly related, it meant they had no blood connection to Ashlyn at all! Was that why Noella was asking all these questions, concerned about their feelings for Ashlyn? Perhaps she feared that if they were close, finding out the truth would hurt them

Noella was just too kindhearted, too considerate

Beckett felt like bursting into tears right there. He forced himself to calm down and caressed Noella’s face. You’ve done well, Noella. Who else knows about this?” 

I’ve only told you. It’s up to you to decide when to tell Dad.” 

Beckett, as the eldest brother and the one who knew the temperaments of the Schnabel family best, was the right person to make the decision

You did the right thing. This needs careful consideration. Grandpa’s health isn’t great and telling him directly might be too much for him.” 

Grandpa probably already guessed.” 

Marcel, after all, was a seasoned veteran who had emerged unscathed from the line of fire in the military

Noella had asked Thorpe why someone would want to harm Marcel. Thorpe said that Marcel had made enemies at the border during his youth, and those enemies were people whose names Thorpe wouldn’t dare utter now

The old man’s vigor and dominance in his youth were evident

Sexton and Merrick had hinted so many times; could Marcel really be unaware

Beckett was still in shock. How could Grandpa know?” 

At the door, there was a knock. Marcel was outside in his wheelchair, pushed by Tristan

The old man exuded an air of calm authority, with his white hair a testament to his years, yet his eyes remained as sharp as ever

Girl, let me see that.” 

Noella handed the clear and conclusive report to Marcel, which proved many things

Marcel read it for a while, then suddenly chuckled. Well, well! This settles one of my worries. Once she’s in her right mind, we’ll find out who Tristan’s biological mother is.” 

Tristan was shocked to learn that Ashlyn wasn’t his biological mother; instead, Yvonne was revealed to be Ashlyn’s true granddaughter

Had Tristan become a motherless child overnight? The revelation was staggering


Is this for real? Then who’s my mom? Is she still alive?” 

This, we’ll have to ask that old lady! But I doubt she’ll tell the truth.” 

No, Dad, you mean to say you don’t know who you had a child with? I’m your blood, and you don’t know who my real mom is? Where am I supposed to find her?” 

Marcel gave Tristan a swift kick in annoyance. Shut it, you don’t get to talk to me like that

Tristan didn’t dare speak further

Marcel mused, If Yvonne is Ashlyn’s true granddaughter, then who’s her actual son? It’s probably not so simple, Beckett. I trust you to handle this; go find out and tell me.” 

Will do.” 

Marcel then looked at Noella. Girl, was Ashlyn’s illness caused by Nourishment Pills?” 

Noella nodded in confirmation. Yeah, she’s been scarfing down too many of those pills. It must’ve been Yvonne who triggered a bad reaction with the remnants still in her system, causing her to go a bit haywire.” 

Tristan glanced between his father and his precious daughter. Dad, Noella, can someone clue me in here? What in the world are Nourishment Pills?” 

Marcel rolled his eyes at his son’s question and decided not to entertain the foolishness of his offspring


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