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The Killer Queen (Noella Briony) novel Chapter 136

Chapter 136 

After hanging up the call with Master Killian, the crisp chime of Noella’s mini laptop resonated through the stillness of her room

She settled into her chair, booted up the computer, and plugged in a custommade network card that granted her direct access to the shadowy reaches of the deep web, her IP address. completely obfuscated

Even the sharpeyed hounds from the Schnabel family couldn’t sniff out her midnight digital excursions

A message from Erek popped up: [Boss, got the scoop. Ashlyn’s insisting on a hospital visit, probably cause of that morning call from Vincent.


[Yeah, the sleazeball seems keen on marrying you off to Ellsworth, that notorious money pit of a gambler. Need us to handle it?

[No need to dirty our hands. Let Ellsworth’s creditors knock on his door.

Ellsworth was up to his neck in debt, and those underground casinos in Linefort City had some ties to Polaris Star

Back in the day, when Noella had learned the art of gambling stones with Master Hector, they’d dominated the underground scene with nothing but a deck of cards, inadvertently gaining some shady assets

Thankfully, their operations had been smooth sailing, no 

messes ma 

Erek chuckled and replied: [Roger that, Boss. You’ve always been too kind. Phecda and the crew are retrieving Old Mrs. Lambert’s DNA as we speak. Now we just need Vincent’s. Want me to draw some bloodfrom him?

Erek had been itching for a chance to teach Vincent a lesson

Without their boss’s discreet support, Vincent wouldn’t have made a dime. Yet, he mistook Noella’s goodwill for his supposed business acumen. Such a man belonged under a bridge, collecting cans

[I’ll handle it myself. Where are they now?

[Headed to Imperial West Hospital. I’ll be outside to cover you.

With an affirmation, Noella closed her palmsized computer, swiftly disassembled it, and transformed it into an inconspicuous trinket on her desk

With everything in place, she slipped out of her room, unnoticed by anyone



In the dead of night, at Imperial West Hospital, Vincent, wheelchairbound, was wheeled in by Belinda, with a few slackers from the Fuller family trailing behind

Malcom Fuller stopped a passing nurse with a grin, Excuse me, we’re looking for Marcel’s wife. Could you tell us where her room is?” 

Ashlyn’s in ICU. It’s not visiting hours. Come back at eight in the morning.” 

Vincent was baffled

How did Ashlyn end up in ICU? She sounded fine when he called earlier! If Ashlyn was ill, where would they find Noella

Malcom grew desperate. Where do we find Noella now? I don’t care; she’s gotta marry Ellsworth!” 

Vincent was equally vexed

Glancing around the hospital corridor, he suddenly spotted a familiar figure at the end

Quick, push me over there!” 

Belinda wheeled him towards the figure. You’re Noella’s father, right? You’re the one who took her away last time. Remember me?” 

Wren, busy with paperwork for Marcel, looked puzzled at Vincent

Who was this? He seemed vaguely familiar

Vincent hurried to jog his memory. That time when you were gatekeeping for the SchnabelsWe’ve met before!” 

As he thought about it. Noella’s father must’ve been a security guard for the Schnabels, which was how she got to khow them

Wren frowned. You’re Noella’s former foster father? I’m busy, step aside.” 

Everyone in the Schnabel family knew these people had never been good to Noella. If it weren’t for the watchful eyes in the hospital, Wren would’ve slapped them

Noella was so kind and sensible, and yet they treated her like dirt

Vincent, still thinking about Emerald County’s subsidies, was reluctant to let Wren go. Look, it’s like a family feud. We’re all Noella’s fathers, we’re family” 


Family? I’m not Noella’s father. What do you want, exactly?” 

Vincent rubbed his hands together. Well, we heard about some subsidies at Emerald County. We did raise Noella for years, so shouldn’t we get a little something?” 

Wren realized they were there for money. Considering you turned down a contract worth a ten billion before, you’re asking for favors now? Too late!” 

Vincent was stunned



Chapter 136 

A ten billion! What was it about? When

YouCan you tell me, what exactly is the status of Noella’s birth parents?” 

If they were ordinary people, how could they afford a contract worth a ten billion

Wren motioned for a few commandos. Get them out of here. They’re an eyesore.” 

He couldn’t be bothered to exchange another word with them! After giving Ms. Noella a hard time in the past, now that they saw an opportunity to benefit from her, they shamelessly tried to cozy up

The nerve

No! Don’t throw me out! Tell me who Noella’s parents really are!” 

Wren looked at him with utter contempt. Pfft, I haven’t seen someone this shameless in a long time. Get lost!” 

Watching the group being thrown out, Wren finally took a deep breath of relief

Vincent was utterly confused

Belinda, do you think Noella’s family can actually pull off a ten billion deal?” 


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