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The Killer Queen (Noella Briony) novel Chapter 138

Chapter 138 

Under the veil of the deepening night, Noella stood with a guarded expression, sizing up the figure before her

The individual opposite did the same, taking her in

With her slender waist and long legs wrapped in a sleek black trench coat made of some hightech fabric, she was the epitome of icy allure. Her striking legs were accentuated by thighhigh leather boots, perfectly complementing the motorcycle she stood beside

Even with her helmet on, obscuring her face, Walden Gruber felt an undeniable pull, convinced that beneath it lay a breathtaking beauty

He casually slipped his hands into his jeans pockets, maintaining a safe distance

Evening, Wise Fool. Allow me to introduce myselfI’m Walden Gruber of the Gruber family. You can call me Walden.” 

How did you know me?” 

Walden was clad in a rugged brown parka layered over a turtleneck sweater. His hair styled in modern undercut with a hint of a rogue’s charm. His smile, a mix of nonchalance and inscrutability, left Noella with a sense of mystery

The Gruber family has its ways of finding information when it needs to.” 

What do you want from me?” 

The Gruber family, a name second only to the Pollacks and the Schnabels, had made significant strides in various sectors. Before Beckett took over the reins of his family’s empire, the Grubers had even outpaced the Schnabels in influence

But the Schnabel sons were exceptional, and with the majority of patents flowing directly from Elara’s lab, the Grubers didn’t even get the chance to bid on them

And as for the Pollack family? Ever since Palmer had taken control of the Pollack Group, the Grubers hadn’t even managed to sneak a fly past their doors

Walden observed Noella, her aura radiating an icy detachment, and offered her a disarming smile. I’d like to propose a collaboration with your Obelisk Organization. Would you consider granting me the opportunity?” 


I’m willing to pay handsomely. Name your price.” 

Noella frowned at the man before her. I’m not in need of money, but if you persist in blocking my way, I can’t guarantee I won’t accept a contract from your opponentsending you to meet your maker sooner than you’d like.” 

Walden’s smile froze instantly


This woman was audacious to the extremel Yet he knew all too well that as the leader of a toptier assassination ring on the deep web, her threats were no joke

Wise Fool, my request is simple. I just want Ms. Schnabel’s recent travel Itinerary, nothing more. I’d also like to be friends.” 

A paparazzo would fetch that information faster and with more professionalism than I. I won’t help you, nor will I be your friend. The Obelisk Organization only makes friends with those about to die.” 

Those who befriended her often ended up at her own hands

Of course, I’m aware that Obelisk specializes in killing. If you take out the head of the Pollack family, I’ll pay you a billion.” 

A flicker of obsession sparked in Walden’s eyes. In his mind, no one could resist the allure of money. Unless, of course, it wasn’t enough

Noella glanced at him emotionlessly and simply stated, Move aside! I won’t say it twice.” 

She was pressed for time: heading to the lab at this hour was already a stretch, and this fool was blocking her path. Ever heard the phrase, Let sleeping dogs lie? If you Gruber family can’t teach its dogs manners, perhaps it shouldn’t keep them.” 

Noella revved up her bike and zoomed past Walden, slicing through the night air with the grace. of a gust of wind

Walden’s face flushed with anger

Was she insinuating he was a dog

His expensive parka now sported a fresh tear, a near miss to his skin, evidence of her serious. intent

As the motorcycle and its enigmatic rider disappeared into the night, Walden’s lips curled into a smirk

Interesting. Challenging

Find out who she really is. I’m intrigued,he ordered

Yes, sir. Since she’s declined the contract, we should head back. Tomorrow’s the grand opening of Ms. Schnabel’s gallery, and we must show our support.” 

Walden nodded, tossed his parka into a nearby trash can, and slid into his luxury car to leave

The following morning, the Schnabel family was a flurry of activity

Sienna rose early, applying extra care to her appearance, even switching necklaces several times

Does the pearl look better, or should I go with the diamond? Or perhaps the ruby is more 




Darling, you look stunning in anything!” 

Tristan was distracted, dark circles under his eyes

Sienna spared him a glance and began dabbing at his face

Losing sleep is one thing, but on the night before our daughter’s big day? What if you embarrass her?” 

Right, right, cover these up for me. Can’t let our little star down!” 

Once ready, Sienna admired the reflection of the elegant lady in the mirror, brimming with satisfaction. This was her debut at her daughter’s gallery, and she was determined to dazzle. to make her daughter proud

She knocked gently on Noella’s door, her voice soft, Darling, are you up yet?” 

Just a moment.” 

We’ll wait for you downstairs for breakfast. Don’t forget to wear the dress I picked out for you!Noella responded, swiftly getting ready. After a latenight lab visit and a return home to sort through a heap of matters, she hadn’t slept a wink

Fortunately, she was not prone to dark circlesa touch of makeup would be enough to captivate, without letting anyone in the Schnabel family sense anything amiss

As expected, the results confirmed Noella’s suspicions- Vincent was not Old Mrs. Lambert’s 


The DNA match suggested that Vincent was probably a child Mrs. Lambert had taken in years



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