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The Killer Queen (Noella Briony) novel Chapter 139

Chapter 139 

Noella slid into Palmer’s sleek sedan and immediately felt the intensity of his gazeit never wavered from her for a second. His hand clutched hers, and he seemed reluctant to let go

Ease up.she said

Can I just hold it for a moment? I’ve been missing my fiancée all night. I’ve missed your terribly.” 

Noella shot Palmer a look. Someone’s put a price on your head, a tempting one at that. I’m considering taking the offer.” 

Palmer chuckled but released her hand, shifting closer to her instead. He may not have been holding her hand anymore, but he was definitely closer now

Leaning in, Palmer’s presence enveloped her as he whispered, If you want my life, darling, feel free to try and take it.” 

You keep talking like that, and I might just take you up on it,Noella retorted

After all, no one would turn down money

Palmer pulled out a checkbook, scribbled his signature, and handed it to Noella

Whatever they’re offering. I’ll match it. Consider this a down payment to reclaim my life. In the meantime, it’s in the safekeeping of my betrothed.” 

Could one’s life be entrusted to safekeeping

Noella pinched the thin check between her fingers, noting that the amount was left for her to fill 

  1. in

Can I know who wants me dead?” 

The Gruber family,she replied

Palmer didn’t seem surprised. Why didn’t you agree to their offer?” 

Noella met Palmer’s teasing gaze with cool detachment. It’s not worth it. Keeping you around, I can still make money.” 

She waved the check in her hand. Even if she had refused Walden’s request, Palmer would still have given her the same amount. Killing him just didn’t add up

Noella preferred a steady income, and maybe there were other reasons she couldn’t quite 


Palmer buried his head into the crook of Noella’s neck, laughing, his shoulders trembling lightly. Was his fiancée always this adorable? Her reason was both pragmatic and irresistible

I’ll drop you off soon; I’ve got some business at the corporation. In the meantime, would you 


mind taking care of Grandpa?” 

Noella nodded in agreement

With several bodyguards around Sexton, safety wasn’t an issue; it was the old man’s health that concerned Palmer more

Outside the gallery, Sexton watched Palmer’s car disappear into the distance and grumbled, That kid! Dropping Noella off and then just leaving? Is the company really that important? Can’t he just spend more time with Noella!” 

Sexton knew the Pollack Group kept Palmer busy, but he disapproved of his grandson’s neglect. in wooing his fiancée. Did Palmer realize how exceptional Noella was? What if she caught. someone else’s eye while he was away? Seeing that Noella didn’t seem too fond of Palmer yet. that kid really should worry

Sexton was genuinely concerned

Outside, the press had already taken their places. As soon as Noella appeared, the cameras went live, trained on the Schnabel family

Travis was stunned by the turnout

Had Ms. Noella brought the whole family? Was this her idea of not worrying about the 

exhibition? But the Schnabel’s presence wouldn’t matter at an art exhibition. Those highbrow artists were only there for the paintings

Dressed in a sharp suit, Walden emerged from the crowd like a celebrity. Upon seeing Noella, surrounded by the Schnabels, a flash of admiration crossed his eyes

Ms. Schnabel, you’re even more stunning in person than during your birthday live stream. My apologies for not introducing myselfI’m Walden Gruber.” 

Beckett stepped in front of Noella, his stare icy. Stay away from my sister.” 

Their family wasn’t exactly friends with the Grubers, but they maintained civility in public

Walden just shrugged and greeted a few of the elders. I heard there was an exhibit at Ms. Schnabel’s gallery today, but I don’t see any artwork. Are we here to watch a Schnabel family reunion? If you wish to gather, there’s no need to use the guise of an art exhibition.” 

Standing beside Noella. Stirling frowned. That guy’s still as obnoxious as ever!” 

You don’t like him?” 

Who would? He’s a bastard child, and even the Grubers don’t take him seriously. A few years back, he tried to court Elara and got a beating from us. When he found out she wasn’t a Schnabel by birth, he insulted her and got another beating.” 

Walden was just a Gruber bastard? For a bastard to dare go after Palmer, the Grubers were truly wild

Noella hadn’t realized the depth of the bad blood between Walden and the Schnabel siblings


Chapter 139 

And then?” 

Then our parents made us apologize, and we beat him up again in the hospital. We almost gave him a complex. After that, Ulrich treated his injuries, and he stayed in the ICU for about three months. The Grubers have kept him away from us since.” 

Recalling those events, Stirling felt his fists itching again

The way Walden had looked at his sister earlier had not gone unnoticed by the Schnabel. brothers, whose glares were anything but friendly

Noella covered her mouth, hiding her amusement

The Schnabels always protected their own

Jasper cautioned, Noella, stay away from that guy. He’s dangerous and will stop at nothing to get what he wants. If he harasses you, tell us and we’ll handle it!” 


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