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The Lycan King’s Second Chance Mate (Ashanti) novel Chapter 109

Chapter 0109



I wasn’t able to talk to Alpha Reagan the moment I left the dungeon because he was in an important meeting so I was taken to a private lounge in the building to wait for him. I paced about, slept, watched TV, and lost my mind waiting for him.

I need to talk to him. He needs to know that Hayley is innocent. I know as of now, there’s no evidence to prove that Rhea and Alina are involved in this, but I’m certain that if an investigation is carried out, they will find something that links those girls to this crime.

They can’t go Scott–free this time around. They need to be punished!


I’m startled out my skin when someone suddenly calls my name from the door. I lifelessly turn around to look and there comes Alpha Reagan, breezing into the lounge in all his glory.

“Alpha Reagan,” I call, sucking in a deep breath. He stops a few meters away from me and trains his eyes on my face. This lounge is quite spacious, but now that he’s in here with me, I feel like the walls of the room have closed in on us and there’s barely any space to move. The room suddenly feels so tight and full of his scent.

I’m supposed to have evaporated into nothingness by now. How am I still standing here?

“You wanted to see me?”

“Yes. I uh…” I thread my fingers through my hair and exhale heavily. “I wanted to see you.

“I’m here and you have my undivided attention.” He says it so cooly, blood sings in my veins.

I have his undivided attention.

I wish

1 tell him not to say things like that because when he does, it makes my heart beat out of co…rol and puts naughty thoughts in my head.

“Right,” I whisper. “Alpha Reagan.” I take two steps closer to him. “This might sound absurd, but I… I think… no… not I think… I…uh…”

“Ashanti,” The Man calls my name in the calmest voice ever. I stop blabbering and look at him. He smiles and my jelly knees almost give way for me to reach the ground. I have to muster up all my strength to keep myself standing.

“Relax… calm down and tell me what it is you want to tell me.” I nod my head and take in a deep breath, hoping it’ll calm my raging nerves, but that doesn’t happen. My bones are snapping into fragments within and nerves are all over the place. I’m going to pass out soon. Take in a deep breath and say what you want to say.” I take in another deep breath and train my eyes on him.

Despite the war going on in my body, I have talk. Someone’s life is on the line here. This is” not the time for me to get anxious.

“Alpha Reagan.” I start all over. He simply nods his head. “Hayley is innocent.” His eyes widen in shock, then darken when my words settle in his brain.


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