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The Lycan King’s Second Chance Mate (Ashanti) novel Chapter 150

Chapter 0150 


Thank you, Ward.I say to the driver when he parks in front of the building. We just arrived at Alpha Reagan’s chamber building

You are welcome. Have fun.I simply nod and get out of the car with an oxblood turned face

Have fun

A decent way to say Enjoy having sex with Alpha Reagan.” 

I head straight to the door and I’m surprised to get into the house and meet Charlotte waiting for me

Ma’am Charlotte, hello. I hope you’re not surprised that I’m here so early. Alpha Reagan asked me to come. He even sent a driver.” 

I’m aware of that my dear. Please follow me.I blink my eyes in surprise. I find it strange that she’s asking me to follow her today. For the past days, she simply let me go to the room. all by myself

I daintily follow her up the flight of stairs and when we get to the staircase landing, she takes the hallway on the left, instead of the right which leads to Alpha Reagan’s bedroom

Ma’am Charlotte, the bedroom is the other way.She stops in her tracks and smiles at me

She’s always smiling

I know, but I need to show you something first.She turns and continues to lead the way. My heart starts pounding in my chest. As we walk further in the hallway, I start hearing faint feminine voices coming from one of the rooms at a distance. We finally get to the room and Ma’am Charlotte knocks on the door. Almost immediately, the door is opened by a girl about my age and my mouth drops to the floor when I see what’s going on in it

It looks like a spacious living room that has been turned into a shopping mall and there are about five flamboyantly dressed girls organising stuff here and there

I shoot Charlotte a confused stare

What’s going on here?” 


se designers and everything you see in here were sent over for you by Alpha Reagan. So in there and get anything you want.My mouth hangs open in shock. My head, my eyes

mind is pinning as I step into the room, eyes and mouth agape

All of this for me

There are so many dresses and I’m confused. Am I supposed to choose one from this multitude? That would be an impossible thing to do

I have never seen anything like this in my life

Miss Ashanti.One of the women calls. She has on the most beautiful outfit I have ever seen in my life and her heels are so damn high. Do her feet not hurt

+15 BONUS 

And look at her slick blonde hair, all that nicely done makeup

Standing before this woman makes me feel so little. So insignificant. So local. I feel ashamed. I almost bow for her

It’s an honour for me to serve you, Ashanti. My name is Cassandra and those are my colleagues, Edna, Jade, Sofia and Kelly. We are here to help you choose whatever it is you want. I swallow dryly as I look at the others. They all bow curtly as well and all I can do is smile at them. My eyes travel to the area where the clothes have been set up and I’m totally awed

Everything screams expensive

One moment please.Cassandra nods and goes to meet the others. I rush back to Charlotte. Ma’am Charlotte, I know this is not allowed, but please I need to speak with Alpha Reagan.I’m almost trembling as I speak. To my greatest shock, she takes out a phone and dials Alpha Reagan’s number

Right now I don’t really care if my call is going to disturb him. I need him to tell me what’s going on. He never told me anything about designers and a shopping spree let alone transferring an entire supermarket to this place

He should have at least given me a heads up

He’s on the line.Charlotte hands me the phone. I press it against my ears and rub my chest with my free hand to calm my raging heart beats

Alpha Reagan.I call in a harsh whisper


That voice

That deep, soft and enticing voice comes through and I close my eyes and exhale heavily to pack up the courage to talk

Alpha Reagan. What’s going on here?” 

Is something wrong? Should I come over?He asks, alarmed

No, I meanyes, something is up, but you don’t have to come over.” 

What’s wrong Ashanti?” 

designers! The clothes.” 

Ohthey came already?” 

Yes!I whisper harshly. There’s five of them and I think they brought an entire mall with them. How am I supposed to choose from all thesemy breath hitches. I let out a heavy sigh of exasperation. You never even gave me a warning!” 

I wanted to surprise you

You wanted toI stop and let out a deep sigh before finally saying; This is too much.” 

He laughs on the other end of the phone


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