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The Lycan King’s Second Chance Mate (Ashanti) novel Chapter 155

Chapter 0155 


Are you sure it’s okay for you to do this?I raise the question the moment we step out of the arena. He looks at me with surprisefilled eyes

I don’t see anything bad in me walking you back to your chambers after training, Ashanti.” 

I know there’s nothing bad in doing that. I didn’t say there was. I’m just, you know…. wondering.” 

Wondering?He stops walking and looks at me. I swallow dryly. Nod

Yes. Wondering.” 

What are you wondering about?His brows crease

If this is even appropriate. The Lycan King, walking an ordinary Harem girl back to her quarters.” 

The Lycan King has the right to do as he pleases. I’m sure you know that.” 

I’m well aware of that.” 

Then hit the nail on the head already.” 

Alpha Reagan, if people see usI look around and notice how ironic my statement is because people are already gawking at us right now. Just take a look around right now. People have seen us. The news will spread throughout the pack and misconceptions about the kind of relationship we have will be born and you and I both know that won’t be a good thing.I say calmly, but firmly

Misconceptions about the relationship we have will be born.He repeats my statement so calmly, it’s almost a whisper. That’s deep. Care to expatiate?” 

People could say we are dating, when clearly, we aren’t. They could say you’re trying to court me, which is a lie. That’s what I mean.‘ 

Are we dating?He asks out of nowhere. Hot air rushes out through my nostrils. I can hear my heart beating in my throat

No.I whisper almost inaudibly

Am I courting you?He fires another question. I want to swallow, but my throat has gone dry like a hot dessert. Right now I’m so thirsty, I could dry up a waterfall. I suck in a deep 


No.Another whisper

What kind of relationship do we have?” 

My heart falls into the pit of my stomach. My ears start itching from nervousness

The same relationship you’ve been having with other Harem girls for the past years.I calmly respond and he nods his head


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Good. So let them talk. We know what’s going on between. You and me. That’s all what matters. Okay?” 

Okay.I nod my head and smile despite the sadness I feel in my heart

We are not dating. He’s not courting me

He considers what we have as nothing special. He still sees me as a Harem girl who comes to his chambers every night to pleasure him

Nothing else

Reality has slapped my face like a hundred hands

Through out the walk to the quarters, I’m awfully calm and the best I can give him is one word replies to his questions. I am so heartbroken and disappointed


in myself

I knew I better than to have taken his sweet gestures as anything. I shouldn’t have expected too much. But how could I not when he did all these things for me

Just how

We’re here.His voice interrupts my thoughts. I look at him and force a smile

Thank you for walking me home.The girls around are looking at us in awe

For nothing.” 

I’ll just go in now.I turn to leave but he holds me back

Just like that? Not even a hug.I almost roll my eyes at his request

He wants me to hug him after telling me there’s nothing going on between us


I’m sweating all over and so are you. Hugging you right now will be kind ofuncomfortable 

or both of us. Gross even.” 

Are you trying to say it’s nasty when we sweat and still hold each other during sex?Now it’s my turn to palm his lips to stop him from talking further. I’m almost on my toes as I struggle to keep my hand stretched up to his mouth since he’s so far up there. I’m a tall girl, but this man towers me with his height and physique

What?The question comes out as a muffled mess under my palm

Stop saying such in public.He chuckles and removes my hand from his lips

Now you see that I wasn’t exaggerating when I did the same thing back then, right?” 

That’s not the point.” 

Anyway, enough with the bickering. Tomorrow. Twelve noon. I’ll be coming to pick you up so we can go for a drive around the pack. Put on comfortable shoes because we’ll be doing a lot of walking.My mouth hangs open upon hearing that

All the sadness in my heart suddenly dissipates and I can feel excitement sprouting from the 

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pit of my stomach, growing branches that spread into every corner of my body. The brooding look on my face has been wiped off and replaced by amusement

Going out for a drive with him tomorrow

I can’t believe it

Are youare you serious?” 


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