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The Lycan King’s Second Chance Mate (Ashanti) novel Chapter 163

Chapter 0163 


I’m rummaging through my closet for what to wear and go over to Alpha Reagan’s chambers. It’s almost five pin and the driver will be here any time soon to pick me up. I finally settle for a pair of pink shorts and a black fitting blouse and since the weather is a bit chilly this evening, I throw a white hoodieover it and take out my sneakers from the shoe section. I’m not going to wear them now, I’ll do so when the servant comes to announce the driver’s arrival. 

I look at myself in the mirror, satisfied with my outfit. It’s casual, but cute. 

The moment I get into the bedroom, there’s a knock on the room door. 

My heart skips a beat everytime I hear that knock even though they’re going to give me the same news. That’s because hearing that the driver has arrived to pick me up excites me and there’s not a day I won’t be excited to go spend the night with Alpha Reagan. 

“Come in.” I signal as I sit on the bed and start putting on my shoes. 

The driver arrived earlier than I thought he would. 

“Ashanti.” The servant’s familiar voice calls. 

“Tell the driver I’ll be there in a minute.” I say, not even sparing her a glance. 

“Ashanti, there’s no driver.” She calmly tells me. I stop trying to put on my shoe and look at her. Brows creased. 


“Alpha Reagan called. He said to tell you not to come over tonight.” Her words slap my face like a hundred hands would. My heart runs into my stomach, my ears start itching and my palms get all sweaty. 

He doesn’t want to spend the night with me today. 

That’s completely normal right? Why then do I feel so hurt? 

“Oh… okay.” I say trying to keep a cheerful look despite my urge to burst into tears. 

“Yeah. So there’s no need to get dressed.” Then she leaves. I tug off my shoes, pull myself up onto my bed and allow myself to hit the pillow behind me. 

“Why doesn’t he want to spend the night with me?” I ask rhetorically, sounding like a pathetic, desperate idiot. I close my eyes and try to steady my raging heart beats, but my nerves are not cooperating. 

I haul myself up from the bed so fast that my head hits the headboard and I’m actually grateful. I take a moment to appreciate the pain. The thought of him telling me to stay because he wants to spend the night with another girl is causing me an unbearable amount of agony. 

I stand up. Start pacing the length of my room. I open my mouth to shout, to fight, to swing my fists, but my vocal cords are cut and my arms are heavy. 

Why doesn’t he want to spend the night with me? 


I tremble on my spot when the door swings open. At the speed of light, I spin around to see who it is, hoping it’s the servant who has come to tell me she was just playing with me, but all my hopes are thrown off a cliff when my eyes land on Tessa. I almost roll my eyes in dismay. 

“Why are you crying?” She asks, alarmed, walking over to me. My hands touch my face and that’s when I realise I’ve been shedding tears without knowing. “Ashanti.” She calls in a concerned tone. 

I try to talk but there’s a knot in my throat preventing me from doing so. 

“Ashanti.” She calls my name again and I can’t hold it in anymore. I crash into her arms and burst into tears. I am frayed and falling apart. I cry hard and she doesn’t say anything. She simply comforts me and leads me to the bed to sit on it. 

“What happened?” She asks calmly and I look up at her. 

“He doesn’t want me any more. 


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