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The Lycan King’s Second Chance Mate (Ashanti) novel Chapter 177

e!” I cry out angrily.
“Yeah, I’d be in a very bad spot if that were to happen to me Getting my hopes up like that will definitely mess me up, but you have to move on. If at all that’s the case though.”
“What do you mean by if at all?”
“I don’t know either. I’m just trying to make you feel better.”
“Well, you’re doing a terrible job at it!” She laughs lightly, shaking her head.
‘Right. I’m
sorry.” She starts sorting the clothes. White from brightly coloured and brightly coloured from darker ones. I smile at her. “You know…. just yesterday they were talking trash about your sister as well.”
“Rhea?” She looks at me and nods, then goes back to sorting
“What did they say about her?”
I am truly eager to know what trash they are speaking about Rhea. These H**m girls will
never cease to amaze me.
“You no longer live here with us, that’s why you haven’t heard.”
“Heard what?” Now, I’m impatient. She throws the last white tank top with the pile of other white clothes and focuses her gaze on me. “Rumour. well… I won’t really call it a rumor
she because it’s true. Rhea has been sleeping around with numerous Lycan men. They say doesn’t even have a class she chooses from. She just sleeps with anyone. Soldier, Rich, poor, ugly, handsome… she’s in their beds. All of them. She’s usually the topic of discussion when two of three Lycan men meet. They talk about their sexual experience with her. I overheard a few talking about the size of her… you know… that thing.” She points to the space between my legs and my face turns red. “The size, the feel of it… it was terrible! The men call her Booty call.”” A small gasp escapes my lips.
This is not good at all!
“Oh Rhea. What has she done!
“She has tarnished her reputation with her own hands. If you’d ask me, I’d say it serves her right. That’s her Karma for telling all those lies against you and teaming with Aline to make your life miserable in this H**m.”
“What? Am I wrong?”
She’s not, but I won’t tell her that.
“How about we just focus on…”
I thought this moment would never come.
Someone showing up out of the blue and screaming my name.
“Rhea.” Someone calls and the girls in the room burst into laughter. I even hear one of them whisper “Booty Call”, referring to Rhea, but she ignores them and makes her way over to me with a dark smile plastered at the side of her lips.
“You don’t look as miserable as I thought you would.” Her dark smile spreads all over face. I roll my eyes, hard.
“What do you want?”
“To let you know your days in that Premium Residence are numbered. Soon, you and that ugly friend of yours called Tessa will be sent back to this H**m quarters. I hope you know that.”
“Rhea, don’t you have anything else to do with your time?” I ask, completely amazed by how much she’s invested in my life.
She came all the way from wherever she was just to tell me this?
“Yeah…” Says Kelly, strong forward. “Don’t you have Lycan men waiting to f**k you? I’m sure you have a terrible itch in your p**y right now, go get it scratched already and stop talking nonsense already!”
“Kelly!” I warn. She gives me a naughty frown and steps aside. Rhea’s face has gone totally red and the rest of the girls are laughing at her.
“Rhea, how about you leave right now before they embarrass you even more?”
“You, you…” She points to me and then to the rest of the girls in the r
pay for this!” She cries and storms away.
The laughter continues.
room. …all of you will
I can see Kelly trying hard to hold hers in so as not to offend me. But what she doesn’t know is that I’m at the verge of laughing too.
Rhea has no idea the mess she just put herself


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