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The Lycan King’s Second Chance Mate (Ashanti) novel Chapter 184

Chapter 0184
Twenty minutes later, I’m standing before Alpha Reagan’s bedroom door with my heart in my throat. A mixture of worry and fear colls in my stomach as I try to imagine what will happen when I get in there..
Will he seize my lips in a harsh kiss? Bend me over his bend and f k me from behind like the last time? Horror skates through me, causing me to shiver from head to toe.
I’m so scared and nervous. I wish I could turn around and run away.
After contemplating for long, I exhale a long-held breath and rap my knuckles twice against the wooden door I’m in front of. I take a step back as I wait for a reply to come and it does almost immediately. I brush my sweaty palms over my dress before creaking the door open. My head goes in first and my eyes scan the scenario of the room before my whole body follows. The familiar feel and smell of the bedroom envelopes me as I close the door behind me. My eyes are searching. Searching for Alpha Reagan and they finally find him sitting on a sofa in the sitting area, his back facing me.
“Good evening, Alpha.” I greet him with a curt bow.
“You’re here.”
“Yes, I am.”
“You know what to do.” He says with lethal calmness and without sparing me a glance still. I nod my head, even though he can’t see it because he’s backing me and then I head straight to
the bathroom.
My mind is with the moon as I take my shower. I need to try and distract myself from all this tension and fear, else I’ll snap or go crazy.
When I’m done bathing, I walk into the closet where I apply his lotion on my body and throw on one of his shirts with no underwear. I go back to the livingroom and meet him in the same
position I left him a while ago.
“I’m done.” I announce, My voice sounds so small and unsure. I release a shaky breath when he picks up the TV remote from the table and turns off the TV. My eyes follow his body form as he heaves himself from the sofa and finally turns to look at me.
He’s shirtless and looking smashing as always. My eyes go down to his waist which, on it, lies on the waistband of the black sweat pants he’s putting on. The bulge I see further down makes my thighs clench and my body burns until I think I’ll collapse into a pile of ash on the floor.
That’s how hot he is. Hot enough to burn me to ashes.
As he walks towards me, the ice pools in his eyes melt, revealing the blazing inferno that heated me from head to toe.
“Why are you looking at me as though it’s your first time seeing me shirtless?” He asks and stops barely a few inches in front of me, looking down at my face with his emotionless clear my throat.
eyes. I
“Nothing.” I reply dryly. He scoffs.
“Anyway. I’m sure you’ve been informed about the upcoming competition.” He switches to a completely unrelated topic and I’m not even surprised. He’s so good at doing that.
“Yes. Delta Kyle made the announcement today after training.”
“Good. Just so you know, I’ll be rooting for you.” My cheeks burn as I maintain eye contact with him. “So…” He holds my chin in his right hand and stares deep into my eyes. His thick dark brows are lowered. “Don’t disappoint me.” He whispers rapidly. My pulse throbs through every inch of my body. My skin tingles with his gentle caresses on my cheeks. A mixture of fear and sweetness pools in my belly and I try my best to keep myself upright on my jelly- turned knees.
This man knows how to make my insides melt and catch fire at the same time with just a few
“I… I…” I croak. Stutter. “I’ll have that in mind as I fight.”
His hand drops from my face to my stomach and I suck in a deep breath when I feel fingers slide all the way down to my p u s s y. His other hand gently holds my neck and my eyes shut close when his index finger locates my c i t and starts rubbing over it. A soft moan escapes my throat and I part my legs to give him more access to what he’s looking for.
“How can you be so wet already?” He whispers with a husky voice. My eyes snap open. My entire body quivers from his hand-work on my c
and my breath has gone erratic. I’m climbing on my toes and falling back down as I take it all that he’s giving me. “You seem to like this very much.”
“L… I… like it when you do that,” I whisper breathlessly to him and squirm when he gives a gentle squeeze on my c l it. “F u c . if you keep doing that I’m going to come too soon.”
He stops.
Our gazes meet.
apart before settling between them. Sparks break through across my body as he rubs his hard, veiny k against my pink p u s s y lips. My heart rate goes from steady to ra pid at the sight of his muscular c o k pressed against my p s s y. My hand reaches for his strong arms and grabs it tight. To my surprise, he looks up at me.
“Please…” I beg, almost breathlessly. He’s rubbing the tip of his c c k up and down my p s y and it feels too good, it makes me cry out in pleasure.
“Why are you begging me?”
“I’m begging you to f u c k me already.” As if waiting for me to say that, he slams his k deep into me. I convulse. A groan hitches in my throat when I f ee l his d i k hit my guts.
God, he’s big.
He’s hard.
He’s stretching my p s s y to its limit. I can feel every inch of his big co k.
He slides out of me, taking out my wetness and rubs it all over my p u ss y.
“Like that?”
“Yes, please.” My hand goes over to my throbbing c li t and starts rubbing it:
He takes a kneeling posture and holds my legs pulling me down, closer to his body.
No sweet words. No foreplay. No kissing.
He f u c k s me like it’s his last day on earth.


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