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The Lycan King’s Second Chance Mate (Ashanti) novel Chapter 190

Chapter 0190
“I understand. You have every right to feel that way.”
“I don’t think you understand. You’ve never been in this kind of situation, have you?”
“You think I haven’t?” He asks with a smile. I nod my head. “Have a seat.”
“sit down.” He says calmly and I do as told. He sits down as well and faces me. “On the day of my coronation as Beta of this pack, I had to fight Alpha Reagan in this same studium. It’s kind of like a ritual that is always carried out when
a new Beta is crowned. The Beta has to fight with the Lycan King to show his strength. I was barely eighteen years old. I remember stepping out of the stadium and being welcomed with a loud cheer from a large crowd. All the high ranking officials of the pack were present including every other Alpha from every other Lucan pack. I cannot begin to describe how terrified I felt that day. The cheering got even louder when Alpha Reagan stepped out from his own end. I almost fainted. We stepped into a circle and the whistle was blown for us to start fighting. There was no coach. They just left us to fight until we had no energy left in us. Alpha Reagan beat me, okay?” Laughter follows his last sentence. I can’t hold mine in so I join him. He looks at me and nods. “I’d been training my whole life for that day and when it finally came, I knew I was going to beat Alpha Reagan to pulp, but I forgot the fact that he had also been training for that day and he had the same goal as me. Coupled with that he’s the Alpha. He’s stronger, faster, more deadly than I’ll ever be. I got the eating of my life from him again.” a
“Why did they make you guys fight with each other? It doesn’t make sense.”
“You know, just like the Beta of the pack, the Delta is the Alpha’s advisor, defender, protector and friend. We are bound by oath to help him rule this pack until death separates us. Now, they make us fight on the coronation day to mark the first and last time we fight with each other. From then on, we only have to fight against other people. That’s why there was no coach. That’s why they let us beat ourselves till we have no energy left in us. According to our ancestors, that fight cancels every other fight we were meant to have with each other in the
“So, it is expected that from then on, you two will not fight with each other ever again?”
“Exactly.” He confirms. I scoff.
“And how’s that going?”
“Pretty well. It’s been almost ten years and we’ve never raised our fists against each other. Neither has Beta Ronald
“So, does it mean you had the same fight with Beta Ronald?”
“Well, Beta Ronald had his own coronation day and on that day, he fought with Alpha Reagan. Their fight took place before mine. And on the day all three of us were presented to the Pack. members as Alpha Beta and Delta we fought ourselves in the same circle with the same crowd.”
“That’s ridiculous!”
“That’s why it’s called a ritual. Most rituals are ridiculous.”
He sighs and rises to his feet.
“So. Trust me when I say I completely understand how you feel right now.”
“Now, I do.”
“Good.” He takes my hand in his and kisses them. “Forget about the knives that are slicing your guts into tiny bits of pieces. Forget about the drums playing in your heart and focus on the
game. Lycan or not, you are a terrific warrior and you’ll win all those duels. It won’t be easy, but you’ll win. I know you will!”
“Thank you.” I smile heartily as I feel my confidence shoot up to the highest level.
I can’t wait to go out there and kick a s s.
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