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The Lycan King’s Second Chance Mate (Ashanti) novel Chapter 199

Chapter 0199
“Why won’t anyone tell me what’s going on?” I ask the guard who ushers me into a dimly lit room, but I get no response from him. I was napping in my bedroom when armed soldiers barged in and asked me to follow them. They escorted me out of the Harem quarters and brought me to the castle dungeon where they had me locked up in a cell. Now, I’ve been brought into this dimly lit, shabby looking room without anyone telling me what’s going on.
“Sit.” The one word order comes and I quickly sit on the chair that has been pulled out for me. There’s a table In front of me and a chair on the other side. My cuffed hands rest on my lap as I take inventory of the room. It’s almost completely dark and cold and has an eerie feeling that’s drowning me in fear.
Why have I been arrested?
A question I still haven’t had an answer to.
It couldn’t be because of the set-up Alina and I planned. She promised to make sure even if the plan backfires, it won’t be traced to me or her.
“Alright…” I look at the guard standing by my side. “Now, I’m begging you. Please tell me what’s going on.”
“You will know soon.” The guards says curtly and looks away from me. I know he’s not going
nswer any other question, so I seal my lips and impatiently wait for what’s going to
A few minutes later, the room door is opened by a guard who steps in and peeks around in for a few seconds before stepping aside for someone else to come in. Every organ in my body freezes when Alpha Reagan steps into the room. I almost evaporate on my seat. At the speed of light, I rise and bow down my head as I offer him a greeting.
“Good day, Alpha Reagan.”
No response.
All I hear is his footsteps coming closer to the table I’m seated at. Soon, I can feel him standing right before me, but I keep my head down because I’ve not be instructed to lift it up.
“Leave us.” The Alpha’s gruff voice deciphers and the next thing I hear is retreating footsteps and the sound of the door closing. I nearly swallow my heart. I’m alone in this room with Alpha Reagan.
I wonder what I’ve done to warrant this.
“Look at me.” The order I’ve been waiting for comes through. I sigh with relief and raise my
head to meet his gaze. I flinch in terror when face. He looks like he’s going to eat me raw.
That is not a good sign.
If that’s
If I’ve been brought to the dungeon and my hands bound, it means I’ve done something very bad and the only bad thing I’ve been involved in lately is the poisoning and set-up. why I’ve been brought here, then it’s over for me.
“What did Ashanti ever do to deserve all this hatred you have for her?” He asks, his voice filled with dark undertones. My heart melts.
It definitely has to do with the set up.
But how?
How did they trace it back to me?
Alina said…
“When I ask you a question, you give me and answer without any delay.” I quickly nod my head and swallow dryly. “Now answer my question. Why do you hate Ashanti so much?” His voice is deeper and more dangerous as he repeats the question. My fingernails dig into my palms, almost causing them to bleed.
I’m so nervous, I can’t even think straight.
1-out my mind, I try to look for reasons why I hate Ashanti. The first one being because she’s her woman’s daughter. Second, she’s the firstborn, so that makes her our father’s heir. She’ll inherit the throne and become Alpha of our Pack when he’s no more. She’s a great fighter and no matter how much I try to deny it, she’s better than me in every way.
Those are a few reasons why I hate her, but of course I can’t say that to the Alpha. He’s in love with her and badmouthing her in his presence is equivalent to a death sentence.
“L… uh… I don’t hate Ashanti.” I lie, which is a big mistake. His gaze darkens. A low growl escapes his throat as he takes a step closer to me. His piercing brown eyes pin me in place with it’s spikes and I draw in a deep breath and shake my head. “I… hate her because she’s our father’s favourite child. He always treats her differently, specially, simply because her mother was his true mate. I hate her for that.”
“To the extent that you’d want to see her hanged in public for a crime she did not commit?” My jaw drops. My eyebrows touch my hairline as my eyes widen in shock.
I’m here because of the set up. The plan backfired and now I’m a suspect.
This is messed up.
“I… I don’t know what you are talking about.”
“Don’t even try to feign innocence on the subject, Rhea, there’s evidence. You orchestrated the poisoning of Ashanti’s duel opponents and attempted to murder the guest Alphas who came to watch the competition and tried to make it look like it was Ashanti’s doing. You failed.” His words land their blow and I’m struck and speechless as I process the words. My eyes flick from his burning gaze and I plaster them on the wall ahead, asking myself how this is possible.
Alina said she made sure nothing will be traced back to us.
Does this mean she was arrested as well?
This is not good.
“I know about the previous set ups you’ve done to make things hard for Ashanti in that . I only turned a blind eye to them because I thought there was a simple
misunderstanding between the two of you, after all, siblings fight. But after witnessing this, I’ve come to the conclusion that this is more than a sibling brawl. This is enmity. Raw hatred that’s heavy on your side. You will be punished accordingly for your crimes, so brace yourself.” His verdict comes through and world fades out of focus. The only I see is his silhouette breezing out of the room and his footsteps sounds like echoes in my ears.
My eyes water. A painful lump forms in my throat and I try to swallow it to no avail.
What the fuck did I get myself into?


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