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The Lycan King’s Second Chance Mate (Ashanti) novel Chapter 206


“Ashanti…” He whispers my name and reaches out for my left hand. I rear back angrily, ripping my hand away from his hold. If I let him hold my hand, a torrent of butterflies will take flight in my stomach, my heart will go soft and I will not address this issue with the severity I had planned to address it with. He won't take my point seriously.

“Don't “ I release a shaky breath and try to steady my voice. “One minute we were happy and everything was fine between us and the next, everything had gone down the drain. You started treating me like some worthless creature who wasn't deserving of your affection.” I cry out with tears burning at the back of my eyelids. He's shaking his head, trying to deny everything I just said but I know he's lying.

“You are not a worthless creature and I most certainly didn't treat you that way.”

“You did!” I insist, raising my voice and he opens his mouth to say something, but it seems like words fail him because he doesn't. He shuts his mouth and heaves out of exasperated breath. My heart is pounding as I watch him turn around and run his fingers through his hair, groaning and cursing under his breath and looking just as frustrated about the situation as I am. When he turns to face me again, he looks like he's about to cry.

“I got confused. Scared. Frustrated as well. The elders…” His voice breaks. “They kept asking to know if you're the one I've chosen to be my second chance mate and I didn't know what to tell them. I didn't even know what my answer was. That's why I started being such a jerk to you. I know saying sorry doesn't change how hard I've been on you lately, but I'm sorry.”

“I was hurt by your sudden change of attitude towards me, but what tore me apart was your lack of communication. You were mad about something, but you wouldn't even share it with me. I felt worthless. Am I just a whore to you like every other girl? Can I be replaced by just anyone out there?” I ask with a broken voice and he starts shaking his head again.

“No.” He whispers painfully. “No. No. Of course not. You're not a whore and I don't see you as one. You are irreplaceable!”

“Liar!” I call out angrily, almost raising my voice. I feel sick to my stomach. His misty eyes lock into mine.

“I'm not telling lies, Ashanti.” He steps closer and blood heats beneath my skin. I draw in a loud, deep breath and swallow the snakes in my throat. The fluttering sensation in my stomach makes me angsty and memories of all the harsh words he said to me are threatening to take over my tear ducts. I just need to blink and my face will become a waterfall. He takes my left hand again and this time around, I don't pull it back. I let him bring it to his mouth and he plants a kiss on it. A kiss that makes me burn. “You are important to me.” His voice is a nervous, shaky thing. “Very important.” He emphasises. He's staring at me, unblinking, his Adam's apple bobbing in his throat.

He's not lying.

He means those words.

“I'm not going to lie to you that I'm ready for…” He sighs. “That I'm ready for our next move. I'm not.” He closes his eyes and heaves out a shaky breath. He's nervous.

His hands are vibrating like there's current buzzing through him. His eyes are searching my face for what I do not know. His voice… it keeps breaking as he talks. That is not something I have ever experienced with him.

He's always very fluent. He always knows what to say, when to say it and how to say it. He always has everything under control, but right now his emotions have overshadowed him. He cannot control them.

He's scared.

“I still need time to figure everything out, but I promise to treat you better from now on.” His eyes are calm and humble. My heart is about to fall out of my body. I cannot believe he just said that. I open my mouth to speak but fail. “Things will be better between us from now on. I promise to be better.”


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