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The Lycan King's Secret Baby (Freya and Jaxon) novel Chapter 5



I have never thought too deeply about my job. If I did, I would have realized how much I hated it and how much! wanted nothing more than to stab my boss in her eyes. I have refused to think that much because at the end of the day, that job paid my bills and helped me with everything I needed to do. At the end of the day it was because of that job I hated so much that I had food on my table

It didn’t matter that my boss was the biggest bitch on the planet and it didn’t matter that she made sure to treat me like a slave while overworking and underpaying me. It didn’t matter that I was the youngest in the office and was the brunt of a lot of stupid and sexist jokes. It didn’t matter because they were human and I was not and I was trying my best to keep a low profile

Freya,I heard my boss snap and I looked up at her. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn’t notice she had 


My boss- Peggy, is the heir to a million dollar enterprise I currently work as. She is the daughter of the CEO and the old man is rarely around so Peggy runs everything. How I got the job was a stroke of luck if I am being honest. She had thrown out every other person who interviewed for the role. I wanted to work as a cleaner but 

she called me over and told me that if I could get her coffee order right then she would hire me as her assistant

I was so desperate for a job and for some money that I did as she asked and she hired me. I quickly learnt why all her employees quit within two weeks because Peggy is for lack of better words- a bitch. She makes my step sisters look like saints but I was determined not to let her run me out of a job

I don’t pay you to sit around and daydream,she sneered. I have a meeting by 5 and I need you to cancel it. Make up some excuse for the man but I have to go shopping with my friends.” 

You want me to cancel your meeting so you can go shopping.” 

I’m glad you understand.” 

Without another word, she walked away from my table leaving me to deal with the consequences of her actions. I wished I could say I was surprised but she does this so often that I am surprised the company hasn’t declared bankruptcy yet. I cast a glance at the clock and sighed when I realized that I had less than an hour before the day 

was over

During that one hour, I was sent to get coffee twice and called to clean up three of her messes. She seemed to forget that I wasn’t the cleaner but I wouldn’t dare correct her because I needed her and not the other way



around. When the clock chimed 5, I was wiping down her desk

I need you to run out and pick an order for me,she began and I bit my tongue to prevent myself from saying something. It’s about half an hour away from here. It should take a total of an hour plus to pick it up and bring it back.” 

I can’t,I said and I saw her visibly freeze as she lifted her eyes and narrowed them at me

What did you say?” 

I said I can’t. I have something to do right now and you know that. You can send the driver to pick it up or maybe wait until tomorrow.” 

I own you, you little bitch,she spat. If I ask you to pick up my order then you will.” 

I’m sorry but I can’t.” 

I gave her a small smile and walked out of her office. She was too shocked to speak and I knew I would face the consequences later but I couldn’t bring myself to care. Before she could snap herself out of the reverie of shock, I grabbed my bags and left the office. I hopped into my car and prayed that I wouldn’t be late because I had been given a warning the last time

I got the daycare just as they were about to close and I had barely gotten out of the car before I was approached by an older woman and a squealing toddler. The toddler was placed on the floor and I barely had time to brace myself before my daughter barreled into my legs

I made it just in time,I said to the head of the daycare and she hummed. Thank you for waiting for me.” 

It’s fine, have a good day Freya, and you too Kiara.” 

I looked down at my daughter who had the same mass of curly blond hair on her head and soft blue eyes that I had. She had the most infectious smile and I couldn’t stop myself from smiling back at her

Despite the

way things had turned out, I was grateful for my daughter. I was terrified when I got here and I didn’t know the first thing about being a mother. I also wasn’t sure I wanted any reminders of Jaxon but I knew

couldn’t fail my own child

Kiara was the reason I stuck with that horrible job. She was the reason I stayed in this town and made it a home. I wanted to begible to give her the life I never had. I placed her in her car seat and turned around to the driver’s seat. I was about get in when I felt the hair at the back of my neck stand up



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