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The Lycan King's Secret Baby (Freya and Jaxon) novel Chapter 6


I stared deep into the eyes of a man I never thought I would see again. His hair had grown out a little more and was now reaching his shoulders in dark curls. His dark eyes were as intense as always and I fought the urge to get captured in their gaze. He was leaning against the doorway and his eyes bore holes into mine

My mate, Jaxon stood there

His beta must have seen me and reported back to him and he must have found a way to follow me home. My *mouth dried up and I was expertly aware of the fact that my daughter was standing behind me, less than two 

feet away from her father

It has been a while Freya, don’t you think?he asked. Of all the places I expected you to go, it wasn’t here. I have been looking for you.” 

I tried to step back and lock myself in the house but his hand reached out and wrapped around my upper arm. I could feel the searing heat of his hold from under my clothes and sparks erupted where he grabbed me. His eyes held mine and I could see that he was unaffected by us touching and that was what had me wrenching my hand out of his grip

You should go,I warned

He was about to say something when I felt my daughter’s hand on my leg as she poked her head around my body. His eyes found her and I saw him take a step back in shock. His eyes went from hers to mine and I saw him open and close his mouth like a fish out of water

Out of instinct, I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and pulled her closer. I saw awareness settle in his eyes and I let out a small sigh. I knew one day he would have found out about her, I didn’t expect it to be today

I know what you’re going to say, I began. She=” 

How long did it take before you slept with someone else?” 

I was so shocked by his question that I turned to him so fast and almost got whiplash. There was a hardened look in his eyes and I wanted nothing more than to slap that look off his face. He was avoiding Kiara’s eyes but was also avoiding mine and I scoffed

You think I spt with someone else?I asked and he finally turned to me

How else could you have a child?” 



Maybe because you were fucking me you bastard,I seethed under my breath before grabbing my daughter’s arm and pushing past him but he stopped me

Are you saying she’s mine?he asked and I rolled my eyes

Of course she’s yours. Who else’s would she be?I asked. You can go fuck yourself honestly.” 

You’re going back with me.” 

I’d like to see you make me.” 


There are guards around this building and I have told them to do whatever it takes to get you home with me. I know you don’t want to get hurt and I know you don’t want our daughter to get hurt so choose wisely.” 

I stared at him hoping he was bluffing but there was 

o ounce of insincerity in his eyes and I let out a small growl. I was out of options and he knew it so I did what I did best, I turned away from him and stalked out of the building

The first person I came in contact with was his Beta. He took a double take when he saw Kiara and I but I ignored him and made my way over to my car and took out Kiara’s car seat then I handed it over to him. He cocked his head to me in confusion and I fought the urge to roll my eyes

I’m not putting my daughter in a car without a car seat,I said simply. If you want me to go with you then you’re going to put it in.” 

He hesitated for a second but took it from me and I watched as he assembled. During that short time I debated- running away but I could see the number of guards watching and I knew I wouldn’t get far especially considering 

that Kiara was with me so I stayed still

Who are these men mummy?Kiara asked softly and I debated how to answer her

They’re people from mummy’s past,I explained and although she looked confused, she nodded. We are going to stay with them for a while but I promise it won’t be forever.” 

I thought you knew better than to make promises you can’t keep,Jaxon’s voice resounded from behind me and I froze. I felt him walk over to me and he leaned down into my ear. Don’t lie to your daughter, Freya. It will be forever because I’m not letting you go.” 

I pushed away from him and settled into the car seeing that his Beta was done arranging the car seat, I made. sure Kiara was setled and I saw Jaxon arrange our boxes into the trunk of the car before settling into the driver’s 




His Beta settled into the passenger side and I almost rolled my eyes once I realized that we had the two most powerful men watching us and that we were going to be stuck on the long journey with the very man I didn’t want to see- lucky me

During the car ride, I learnt that the Beta’s name was Aiden and apart from that, I basically tuned out of the entire conversation they were having in front. Kiara was shy so she didn’t speak once during the ride and instead settled for holding my hand tightly in hers

I couldn’t imagine how she must have felt to be uprooting her entire life just to start over somewhere else. She also knew nothing about werewolves save from the fairytales that I had told her. I was going to tell her the truth when she was older because I didn’t want to risk saying something to the other wolves and they would have 

realized that I was a runt

I was angry with Jaxon for making me leave behind a life I had worked so hard to build. Yes I might have hated my job, but it was mine. It was something I had gotten for myself and I wanted to do it. Kiara had friends in her day care and now she might have to start all over again because of Jaxon and the thought had me seething

Mummy,Ifelt a little tug on my sleeve and I turned to face my daughter. She gestured for me to lean down so she could whisper. I want to pee.” 

My eyes widened as what she said settled. I had completely forgotten how long we were driving and I was so consumed by my anger that I didn’t tell them to make a rest stop when we passed a gas station earlier and stopped for snacks for her

We need to stop,I said suddenly and both men looked at me through the mirror but neither of them stopped

Kiara needs to pee.” 

Her name is Kiara?Jaxon’s voice came out softer than I had ever heard it and I hated to admit what it did to 


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