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The Lycan King's Secret Baby (Freya and Jaxon) novel Chapter 7


We arrived at the palace by nighttime and I was shocked to see what a visceral effect seeing the palace had on me. I wanted to do nothing but run in the other direction but Jaxon kept a close eye on me. He probably knew how much I wanted to run and he knew I had every right to do so

Jaxon led me to the same room I used earlier and I wanted nothing more than to scream when I saw it. He tried to get another room for Kiara and my first instinct was to refuse but when Kiara saw the massive room that he had prepared for her she wanted to stay there and I couldn’t refuse her. She seemed so excited and it broke my heart to stay away from her but I didn’t want to make her sad

Jaxon tried to talk to me before I went to bed and I slammed the door in his face. I was worried he would make me pay for it later but I also couldn’t bring myself to care because he deserved that and every other thing I was going to throw his way seeing as he said all those rude things about me all those years ago and I was yet to forget the things he did

I knew he stood outside my door for a few minutes. Even though I was in bed, I could feel him and I refused to move or even breathe until I felt him leave. After he did that, I realized I couldn’t fall asleep and that was how

stayed up all night until the sun rose

As soon as I saw that it was morning, I went to get freshened up and I had just finished getting dressed when I got a knock on my door and my first thought was that it was Jaxon but the person knocked too softly to be him

I pulled the door open and was shocked to see two maids walk into my room. They were both young, maybe a year or two younger than me and one had brown hair while the other had strawberry blond hair. They bowed to. me and busied themselves around my room while I stared in confusion

I’m sorry but what are you doing here?I asked unable to keep the confusion and slight defensive note from creeping into my tone and they both froze

My apologies,” the one with brown hair said. His majesty sent us to take care of the room while you go for 


I don’t need anyone to take care of the room and I’m not going for breakfast.” 

This time I saw them both stiffen and they glanced between each other as if they were unsure of what to say. They had probably never heard anyone refuse a direct order from Jaxon before but I didn’t care because I was too concerned on giving Jaxon a piece of my mind

I left them in there and stormed out of the room


044% 14:24 



The last time I was here, I didn’t have a chance to explore so the grounds due to being Jaxon’s imprisoned mate and it was still a bit confusing. It took a while but I finally got to the dining room and I took a double take when I noticed Jaxon and Kiara sitting at the table. She was seated next to him and he was helping her slice through some pancakes

Kiara lifted her eyes and saw me and a smile pulled at the corner of her l*ps. Mummy look, he cut my food just like

you do.” 

I walked over to them and sure enough Jaxon had cut her pancakes into small bite sized pieces like I usually do for her. For some reason, it caused a pang of jealousy and something bitter to burn in my chest. He didn’t get to just swoop in and be the perfect dad when I spent months trying to find a way to get her to eat

You could have just waited for me.” I said as I walked over and placed a kiss on her hair. I would have done it for you.” 

I’m her father, it was no problem.Hearing Jaxon utter those words had my spine straightening and I turned to him

Jaxon, can I have a word please?” 

He seemed confused but he nodded and followed me out of the dining and towards the door. Once I noticed that we were a few feet away from Kiara and she wouldn’t overhear us, I turned to him with daggers and poison in my eyes

You had no right to do that,I seethed and he genuinely looked taken aback. I could have and would have done it for her.” 

I’m her father.” 

You haven’t been for the past three years of her life.” 

That wasn’t my fault, you were the one who ran away.” 

If you didn’t-I stopped myself mid sentence and let out a sigh. I could see that he wanted to hear what I wanted to say but I took a deep breath and spoke much calmer, I don’t need you disrupting what she already knows, I don’t need maids in my room every morning and I don’t need to be here. You have millions of whores who can bear you a child, let me take mine.” 

I don’t haveeny whores.” 

It took a second for his words to settle and when they did, I turned to him with a raised brow. He didn’t have to 



lie to me, I already knew. It infuriated me to know that he was trying to lie to me and I wanted to scream

If you 

want this to work,I seethed in a low tone. The last you should be doing is lying to me. I don’t care about your other women, what I care about is my daughter and how she will inevitably get hurt in this situation.” 


I’m not going to hurt her, and I’m not going to hurt you

Just leave us alone.” 

I didn’t wait for him to respond before I brushed past him and went to sit next to Kiara. She had finished the pieces he had cut for her and I took up my duty and started doing the others. When Jaxon walked back up to us, I refused to meet his eyes but Kiara was very happy to see him

It shocked me because she had always been a shy child and watching her warm up to Jaxon in less than twenty four hours was frustrating to say the least. If she got too attached to him then it would make it harder to leave and I couldn’t allow that happen

Mummy,” she began slowly as I finally finished with her food and started eating mine. “Is he really my daddy?” 

I didn’t want to lie to her so I nodded He is.” 

Why didn’t you come to see us?she directed the him freeze with his fork on his 

question at Jaxon and I saw way to his mouth. Everyone else had their daddies except Ally whose daddy is in heaven.” 

eyes and


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