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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin novel Chapter 113


“That’s it, Love…” He groans, his hands cupping my breasts as I ride him. We’re still on the floor, the smell of sex in the air and the passion between us reaching new heights,

We’re a mess. We’ve been rolling around kissing, fucking, and making out like it’s the last fucking time - losing track of time, but never wanting this night to end.

I bend down, kissing his lips roughly. He growls, meeting my thrusts with his own rough ones before he flips us over. One of his hands brushes my hair back and he lifts my leg to his hips, ramming into me.

“Fuck!” I cry out.

He speeds up impossibly harder, the pain and pleasure of his rough thrusts sending me to fucking cloud nine and I don’t hold back the screams of pleasure as I feel my release nearing.

“You’re.” Thrust. “So.” Thrust. “Tight.” He growls, his voice laced with pleasure as he rams into me. “And you’re mine.”

Just as he says those possessive words, I come undone, and so does he, shooting his load into me. I pull back, despite my mind blanking, my entire body shudders from the earth-shattering orgasm and I push him onto his back. Crawling down, I wrap my hand around his cock and pump it, wanting to taste him.

“Sky…” he groans, trailing off when I stick my tongue out and lick the swollen tip of his huge cock. I can taste myself on him and I taste pretty good, but it’s the taste of him that drives me nuts.

“I want to taste you,” I purr, as I milk his cock for the last few ropes of his cum.

He’s sexy as hell, his godly body glistening with a layer of sweat, his chest heaving, and he’s all fucking mine. Swallowing every last drop I pull back, a small pop sounding as I release his cock from between my lips and lick them as he yanks me close and kisses my neck, breathing heavily.

I drop onto him, feeling exhausted too, my entire body covered with hickeys and marks from our lovemaking. Sweat and sex juice mixed in too, the perfect way to end the night…

“I love you,” he says, his voice serious as he strokes my sore ass from the few hard slaps he had given it earlier when he bent me over on all fours.

I bite my lip as he kneads my ass, delivering another light tap to it, making me moan against him as he caresses the skin.

“I love you too, Magic Fingers. Fuck, I should change that to magic everything,” I murmur, making him chuckle.

“Oh, yeah?”

“Yeah… and next time I want to save some of your cum to glaze my donuts and brownies with. The perfect iced donuts. Ice, get it?”

He moves back so he can see my face better, and cocks a brow. I smirk back at him.

“One point for me. Did I shock you?” I tease.


“Well… you’re an addiction… and I love the taste of you,” I purr seductively, wrapping my hand around his cock. “Mm, I could milk this cock day and night… I wonder how many times you could come?”

“I don’t know. Although it sounds enticing, I’m also a tad scared. I can imagine you testing that,” he jokes.

I snicker, “Yeah, maybe next time you piss me off, I’ll tie you up or some shit, but I still want some of that special icing,” I say, kissing his lips.

‘Mm, only I prefer to do the tying,” he replies huskily through the link as he kisses me back.

I’m ok with that too…

We move back, and his fingers go to his neck as my gaze falls to my mark on his neck and I tilt my head. His hair is in the way, but I can tell it’s healed.

“Mind if I take a look at it?” he asks, just before I’m about to reach up to move his hair back. I shake my head, as he lifts me bridal style and carries me through to the bedroom. I’m glad he did, because my legs are gone.

“Not really surprising that we didn’t make it to the bedroom,” I say, kissing his chest.

The feeling of fulfilment is fucking real. “You’re really mine…”

“I was yours even before you marked me. However, there truly is something unique and precious about being marked by the person you love,” he replies.

Brushing his hair back, I’m about to reply when I stare at the mark, curious to see the form it’s taken, but it has thrown me off. It is fucking gorgeous, trust me and I’m not saying it because it’s mine, but it’s also different…damn unique but…

“That mark is…”

“It’s formed completely?” he asks, a glimmer of curiosity in his eyes.

“Yeah… it’s….” I begin, but he kisses my lips as he places me on the bed and I almost flinch. “Fuck,”

He chuckles. “You did say harder.”

“Yeah, trust me, and you delivered just the way I like it,” I reply with a smirk, laying back on the cushions. My pussy feels sore and achy, but damn, I loved it.

“As much as I want to hold you forever, I’m curious to see it,” he whispers, moving back, and pulling the bedsheet over me.

Damn, my man is fucking hot…

He walks over to the mirror, and I can’t help but admire the way he walks and that ass…

I bite my lip, watching the muscles flex in his thighs as he reaches the mirror and tilts his head, looking at his mark.

A surge of emotions rushes through me and I know they’re his. My own emotions rise with approval, the Lycan within me satisfied by his reaction. It’s intense and makes my heart thump.

Pride, happiness, approval, and love.

“It’s completed…” he says, running his fingers over it.

“Yeah…. But it’s interesting, right?” I say, sitting up. He’s frowning now as he observes it…

“Yeah… your eyes earlier…” He turns sharply as he heads out of the room and he’s back in s seconds with his phone, taking a picture of his mark before he comes over to the bed.

He gets into the sheets, pulling it over us slightly and I can’t help but pout at the fact that he only covered me up to my thighs yet he covered my favourite toy right up.

“Why are you covering the mega-size popsicle up?”

He smirks. “Because I need your attention on me. Earlier when you Hulk-smashed me into the floor-”

I smack his shoulder, making him laugh. “Hey, that was weird…”

“Yeah, well, your eyes changed… they were purple, but the pupils became slits.”


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