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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin novel Chapter 114


This morning I felt an odd wave of power rush through me and instantly found myself lowering my head in submission.

The excitement that this was Apophis’ bestowing me with what he had promised, ready to bestow me with my rightfully earned powers. But it felt too… light. There was no dark raw power that I’m used to.

There is no change in my power, and I feel unsettled. It almost feels like something has awakened, but nothing has changed! To make matters worse, Apophis has not reached out to me again.

Then, I learned everyone felt it, and by everyone, I mean the entire Solaris bloodline, including those packs in America.

The reason behind it is unknown, but it’s making me uneasy. What is that? We have to rule out magic if even those abroad felt it, but something just isn’t right.

I’ve been trying to summon Apophis, trying to call him forth, but he hasn’t answered. It’s evening now and I’m making my way to the woods, not far from where the first serpent had been killed. There’s a tear in the veil around here, one that no one even knows of, and they never will.

I smirk coldly. Don’t they get it? This is needed…

Apophis didn’t need to explain in detail for me to know that his plan and beliefs are best for us. If the Gods walk upon earth once more, destroying this barrier between the worlds, it will make this world a place of great power.

We could rid the world of humans entirely, we don’t need them. Imagine, only the strong will survive, and we will all become gods in our own rights.

Just imagining the possibilities excites me. I pull my hood up, scanning the trees, before I enter the woods, making my way deeper and deeper into it.

Ah… the ancient burial ground...

With the naked eye, one would not think it used to be one. It doesn’t even look like a cemetery anymore. With time, everything has become covered, buried into the ground or destroyed, but I know what it used to be.

A graveyard that thousands of years ago was the burial pit for Apophis’ dead. His slaves and beasts that were killed, and a place that was used to cultivate his power.

How intriguing… Thousands of years ago, this was a pit of darkness and death.

I keep going, heading down the slightly rock path that is fully surrounded by brambles and trees.

I’m close now.

I frown as the thorns snag at my top before I finally stop at a narrow crack between two jagged rocks. It looks like it just links onto the huge rocky cliff behind it, buried behind the trees, but I know better.

A place no human could get into. From the outside, it looks like a dead end, anyway.

Smiling, I tilt my head, calling upon the power that Apophis has blessed me with so far and focus on it.

I feel my body shift and the excruciating pain of transforming tears through me as my body changes and reforms. I drop forward now in my new form, slithering through the gap.

It’s more like a transformation by magic. It’s not the same as it usually is when we shift to our wolves, and my body does not like it. I can feel it trying to reject my new form.

I hiss as I speed up, the darkness around me is getting heavier as all moonlight is blocked out. Soon I’m past the narrow area and I transform back, cursing under my breath- it takes a toll on me too… I brush the gravel from my clothes.

The only benefit is we don’t have to get undressed and dressed every time. I now stare ahead into the pitch-black darkness, seeing the slight wavering in the air, a glitch in the matrix even… but that is the veil…

The tear that will benefit us. I walk closer to it. A part of me wants to know what would happen if I cross through. The excitement makes me reach for it when a darkness begins to envelop me.

“Apophis.” I whisper, his presence is strong here, and the first question that comes to my mind is, why has he not come forth? I killed Royce several days ago, yet Apophis has not approached me again.

“Can you hear me?” I ask the darkness.

Irritation rushes through me, and my eyes flash. “I killed my brother as you commanded! The Lycan is next, and the plan is already set out, yet I have not heard anything but silence from you! You owe me power!”

I clench my fists, fire swirling around them.

What if he just got me to obey and wasn’t planning on giving me the power he promised?

“Apophis!” I shout.

‘Remember that I am the God, not you!’ The menacing snarl comes from all around and a violent wind whips up, swirling around me and cutting into my skin. The sheer power forces me to the ground, and I find myself lowering my head.

“Do forgive me, but I only mean well. I killed my own brother to show you I am loyal to you-”

He lets out a menacing chuckle. “For me? You wanted him gone, remember that!’ he hisses.

I look up, seeing the thick purple and black smoke seeping through the crack in the veil.

“Yes…” I say, trying to squash the sliver of fear that is rising within me.

He’s extremely angry… the rage I can feel in the air is making me tremble, squeezing around me. The tendrils of smoke wrap around my chest, and my neck, blocking my windpipe.

“What have I done that displeases you?” I manage to choke out.

Something has happened, but I have no idea what?

‘He’s alive. Did you not feel it? The Solaris Bastard King is alive!’ His shrill hiss of rage makes me flinch as I’m thrown back, and the pain in my head and ears, makes me clutch my head and it takes a moment for his words to register through the pain.


My heart thuds as I look up at him. “No, I killed him with bullets that cannot be-”


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