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The Lycan's Revengeful Rejected Mate (Katherine) novel Chapter 113

Chapter 113 


I wouldn’t hide anything anymore. I don’t know how it happened, but it already did, and I was ready to accept it fully

My feelings

I wasn’t going to deny them anymore and prove stubborn about how much or how badly I wanted him

We were almost at the mansion. Now and then. Tanya would cock her head toward my direction to stare at me, and I knew she was just checking up on me whether I was fine or not

This didn’t stop me from thinking about Leo, How the hell would I make him understand that I wasn’t willing to let go of the man who had sacrificed so much protecting me from my exmate and evil stepsister in the past

I rubbed the tears that rolled down to my cheek

Kath, are you alright?Tanya asked and I nodded my head slowly

Please increase the speed. Tanya. I need to get there in a hurry.I said to her without averting my gaze towards her as I was so focused on seeing Leo today to hear from him again 

This was me not giving up even after everything he had said to me the last time

Tanya increased the speed limit and in a few hours, we were almost close to the blood moon pack

She halted the car

I don’t think I can go in there, Katherine.” 

Why? What’s wrong?” 

My brother. It’s clear that I chose Tristan over him after what happened a month ago, and I think I’d be the last person Leo would want to see right now. I’m very sure he hates me to his bones, and if I come anywhere close to the pack he’ll just kill me.” 


I know what I’m saying, Katherine. If there’s anybody Leo hates more than anything right now, it’s me. Come on, you need to hurry if you want to see him, otherwise, he’ll be gone soon.Tanya cut in, and I heaved

Alright. Thank you, Tanya.” 

I’ll be waiting out here for you. If I don’t see you in an hour, I’ll assume everything went well and You’re going to be staying here.” 

Okay. You can leave if you don’t see me in an hour, and I think I can find my back, Tanya.” 

And let my other brother kill me? I’m not taking chances, Katherine. Remember we still have that evil witch sister of yours and that’s maniac m” 

Tanya suddenly paused and shut her eyes, tightening her grip on the wheel and I watched as she groaned aloud


Hey, are you okay?” 

She nodded her head without opening her eyes

Chapter 113 

I’m fine.She uttered and finally opened her eyes. Was something bothering her

Go on now, I would leave the car here and hurry somewhere to check up on an old friend. It won’t be up to 30 minutes, okay.” 

Okay,” I responded and stepped out of the car

Once I was done waving my hands at Tanya, I began walking towards the gate. They were guards at the entrance, but the gates were opened once they saw me and I walked in

Nothing changed

Everything was still the same as it had always been one month ago

I was heading towards the entrance of the main mansion when I suddenly heard a voice behind me and I froze


I turned back to see Blake standing behind me, and I smiled

Damn, I really missed him so much. Blake was someone I would never forget even if I left here for a whole year. Seeing him again made me remember how he would always be so clingy around me all in the name of protecting me as Leo had instructed and I would beg him not to trail behind me

Blake.I called and without a warning, I ran toward him and hugged him tight

It’s been a month and yet you haven’t changed a bit. You’re still always behind me.” I chuckled when I said this and broke the hug

What are you doing here? You aren’t supposed to be here?” 

This made the smile I had on my face vanish completely and I raised my gaze at him

What are you talking about, Blake? I came here to see Leo. Is everything alright with him? Did something happen to him or is there something going on that I’m not supposed to know?” 

Blake remained quiet, leaving my curiosity to grow even more nearly reaching its peak

I’ll escort you out of the pack immediately. Some other time you can come to see the Alpha, but right now he’s busy.” 

I suddenly heard a scream, and I arched my brows

What’s that? Is everything alright over there, Blake?” 

There was still silence from him

“Why aren’t you answering me, Blake? Is everything alright with Leo? Did something happen? No….. Wait, that sounded like a lady’s screamFuck” 

I began to walk, but Blake held my arm when I had taken just two steps


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