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The Lycan's Revengeful Rejected Mate (Katherine) novel Chapter 116

Chapter 116 


Hello, mate

My heart skipped a beat when I saw her, and I had no idea why

It wasn’t me. It just couldn’t be me

Damn, it was this fucking mate bond messing with my head and my emotions. I couldn’t believe that for a second, I felt happy when I saw her face

She began to walk closer to me and then I thought again 

Just right when I needed her most. She came at the right time and I didn’t need to struggle to find her

What are you here for?” 

I had to pretend like I didn’t need her or I didn’t want something from her if I didn’t want to be suspicious. She was a Lycan, and there was no damn way I would be a match with Tanya if I were to get on her bad side 

But were the rumors true about Lycan

If they were, then I had all the opportunity in the world to get exactly what I wanted from Tanya

“To see you. Why else would I come to the Blue Crest pack, Alpha Zane.” She said and began to take steps closer to me, but I didn’t move

I was an Alpha after all, and deep down I was fucking scared of her but I didn’t want to show it because it would make me look weak in her eyes and if there was one thing I had learned about Lycan’s while dealing with alpha Leo, it was the fact that they always preyed on their enemies weaknesses

You’re trespassing and” 

I suddenly felt her finger drawing invisible lines around my face, and I suddenly lost it

All the words I was about to utter, I could no longer form them in my head anymore and it was just so blank. I was so blank as I stared at her 

You feel it too don’t you?She questioned

Feel what? What do you feel?” 

She took her hand away and fluttered her lashes multiple times

Alpha Zane, or should I drop the formality and call you Zane? After all, you’re my mate” 

I’m not,” I responded almost immediately without taking my gaze away from her and she scoffed aloud

That was brave of you, Zane.” 

I knew what she was talking about and I could feel it too. The strong pull of the mate bond. Fuck, it was messing with my head badly and it wanted me to have her all to myself

I placed my hands behind me and clutched them so tight so I could refrain from doing anything stupid all in the name of mate bond

What’s happening? What did you do? What are you scared of

Fuck! I almost forgot. She was a Lycan and Lycans were born with special abilities. They were not only stronger, but they had abilities too

What was hers

Was she properly reading my mind or hearing my thoughts? Damn it

Why is your heart beating so fast? I’m not going to bite you, Zane.” She uttered and I let out a deep sigh. It wasn’t any of what I had thought

You should leave. Here isn’t a place you should be. You made it clear you would reject me whenever we meet again,” 

I knew what I wanted, and I knew what I was doing. I had to find out if Tanya would be able to help me, but then there was no way I could provoke her

You don’t get to say when I wish to reject you, Zane. It’s my decision to make and I’ll let you know when to do that.” 

I chuckled at her words 

Why don’t I get a say. I don’t mind if you do the rejection and I accept it. After all, I once rejected my first mate so I deserve this.” 

Your first mate

You still 

think about her?” 

Katherine cheated and killed” 

“You still believe that?” 

I arched my brows


Keep going please, I muttered to myself as I wanted her to keep talking about Katherine

I guess you’re even more stupid than I had expected. Then she heaved deeply and turned to leave, but halted again. This time, she had a smirk on her face and it made me wonder what could be running through her mind

Think well, Zane. Look back on your time together and ask yourself, would sweet Katherine ever be able to cheat on you, talk more, or kill your father?” 

I knew the truth already so there was no need for this

My only mistake was I didn’t think like this from the beginning, but I still hoped things weren’t too damaged to be repaired

I was about to respond when she began moving backward

Think about it, Zane. I’ll be back for an answer next time.Our gaze were still very fixated on each other, and I heard her voice one more time before she suddenly vanished

See you soon, mate.” 

As soon as she was gone, I released my clenched fingers still staring at the path she sped off

Damn! I didn’t get any useful answers now. Maybe I had to keep trying my best. This was all for Katherine and so I could even go as far as putting up with a mate who was much stronger than I was

If there was one thing I had learned from all of these talks

It was that Tanya was certainly interested in me, and it wasn’t just the mate bond

Clupter 11 


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