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The Omega's Sweetest Revenge novel Chapter 10

CHAPTER 10: The News From Calyx

THE WHOLE PLACE was a mess when Alpha Karius arrived at his mansion. He clenched his jaw at the sight of those bloody wolves as the fire started to consume the side of the house. He immediately commanded the other wolves to start helping the injured wolves. They are now trying to kill the fire as he looked at the intruders.

He clenched his jaw at that sight. His pack, obviously, is not in good shape right now. He can't help but to also blame himself for what happened. If only he didn't pay too much attention to his irritation towards Gianna, maybe this will not happen. Maybe he was able to stop everything.

Surprisingly, the intruders stopped from attacking the Moon Stone Pack when they felt the Alpha aura of Alpha Karius. As they should. Because Alpha Karius won't think twice to fight back if ever they won't stop from harming his pack members. It angers him how they easily get inside his pack, knowing that they have strong force plus they already merged with another pack. It somehow makes him think that they are not just ordinary wolves, or packs.

Alpha Karius decided to talk to one of them through the mind link.

"How dare you lay a finger on my pack! What the fuck do you want, huh?" Alpha Karius asked as his wolf stepped forward. The intruders unconsciously stepped back while looking at him with fear. His black wolf is emitting a dark light, making everyone shiver and tremble.

One of them decided to talk through the mind link. "We came here to get one of our pack members. She's here..." His brows furrowed, for that reason, they decided to harm his pack? What a petty reason!

"And you decided to make a mess here without even asking me if who the fuck that pack member that you want to get?!"

"Trust me. You wouldn't want to give her to us if you'd know who it is," the wolf calmly answered as if he's not even affected by his Alpha aura, or maybe he was just pretending to be tough since Alpha Karius could also sense the hesitation in his tone.

"So, you resorted to killing my pack members?! How dare you all!" Alpha Karius roared and made sure that they saw his sharp canines. Even the whole Moon Stone Pack felt his powerful and dangerous alpha aura that they all looked down, not wanting to look at him. "Who the hell are you looking for? Everyone here is my pack member. They are all mine!"

"You're wrong." The wolf intruder chuckled insultingly through the mind link as his wolf shook its head, like he was also disappointed by what Alpha Karius said. "She's ours. And we saw everyone here hurted her, even your Luna. It's time for her to go back to us... her real family and pack."

Alpha Karius couldn't help but to feel confused about what the wolf just said. Who among his pack members are they talking about? Who could it be that they want to get?

He clenched his jaw. One thing is for sure, he will protect his pack no matter what happens.


"WHAT THE HELL have you done, Gianna?" Alpha Karius asked Gianna with his gritted teeth the moment she stepped inside the room. It was actually his room, but Gianna insisted on staying there so he had no other choice but to stay in his secret house to not see her often. It actually irritates him, he had to move out from his own mansion.

Gianna flashed her most pitiful face, her lips quivering a bit with her teary eyes. "I... I-I'm sorry, Karius--"

"It's Alpha Karius to you, Gianna," he said, cutting her off from speaking. He almost rolled his eyes at her for calling him that way. Even... Lilian doesn't even call him by his first name. Thinking about her, Alpha Karius suddenly missed her. What he had with her is gone now. He needs to accept that painful truth. She's better off without him. And he would be a big asshole if he will still continue seeing her in secret.

After everything that they had been through, Alpha Karius finally came to realize that a woman like Lilian shouldn't be kept as a secret. She's a nice and amazing woman, he felt bad for keeping their relationship hidden.

If Alpha Karius was able to keep up with Gianna's crazy antics the past few days, well, not now... not anymore. And heck, he did let her call him by his first name the previous days because he knew she was doing his pack a damn favor but he can't do this anymore. He's done with her. Anyone can call him selfish now but he doesn't care anymore.

She gulped, her expression changed a bit and was shocked for a second. "A-Alpha Karius..."

"You punished an Omega without even informing me. You made everyone hate her, without even hearing her side properly. You accused her of something that she didn't do. Now, how do you want me to react about it, hmm?" Alpha Karius asked as he brushed his own hair with his fingers in a frustrated manner.

"W-Why are you even defending that damn Omega, anyway?! You should side with me! I'm your Luna!" She told him, not realizing that she already raised her voice to him.


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