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The Omega's Sweetest Revenge novel Chapter 12

CHAPTER 12: The Talk With Penny

"SHOULD I KILL him?" Calyx asked seriously as they left the room. Alpha Karius remained silent, still trying to calm himself from what he did earlier. He obviously snapped and didn't stop himself from punching the man a while ago.

Alpha Karius shook his head. "No need. And find his family. Make sure that they are protected," he replied as they left the abandoned house. Calyx just nodded as an answer but inside his mind, he's not really in favor of what Alpha Karius told him to do. The wolf did wrong to him but here he is, still willing to help him despite what he did instead of killing him.

Alpha Karius wasn't really like this before. He's actually ruthless but after he met Lilian, the omega that owned his heart, he somehow softened. Calyx actually liked that change in him since he became more sensitive to what's happening to his pack. He would help anyone as long as he can. Just like now...

But he couldn't help but to feel sad especially that Alpha Karius is hurting now after what he found out about Lilian. She's... dead. Even Calyx couldn't believe that news but he couldn't afford to lie to Alpha Kariha even though he couldn't really accept it. Calyx knew how hard it was for him to accept it. But as a loyal and trusted Beta of Alpha Karius, he will always be there for him, not just as a servant but also as a friend.

Sighing, Alpha Karius left Calyx with the man. He went to his mansion again, not to visit the injured wolves but to look for Gianna. Some of the wolves are even shocked at his presence when he got there since they thought he already left. Maybe they are already used to the fact that he's not really staying in his mansion that much anymore after Gianna came. But they didn't say a word about it. They all followed what Gianna always told them to do.

Alpha Karius went inside his mansion with his usual intimidating expression.

"A-Alpha Karius, we thought you already left," Nadia said, the old woman who's also the head of the helpers here as she glanced at him nervously. She bowed her head a bit to show some respect.

"Where's Gianna?" He asked, not minding what she just said.

"S-She's in her room. We think that she's not really feeling well since she didn't get out the whole day."

He just nodded at her and walked towards the stairs then went to the second floor where the room that Gianna is occupying. He knocked first before opening the room and saw Gianna sitting on the bed and didn't even notice his presence since she's staring at the wall like it was the most interesting thing that she saw all her life.

"Gianna," he called her name, making her flinch a bit. Alpha Karius saw how she gulped in shock but it was all changed to her helpless expression.

"A-Alpha Karius..." she called him, slightly trembling. She stood up from where she's sitting. "I... I suppose you have changed your mind. I know you love me. You were just bluffing the last time we talked, right?" She chuckled nervously as she took a step closer to him and touched his arm.

Alpha Karius dodged her touch immediately as he stared at her without any hint of emotion on his face. He could clearly see on her face the stress as she said those words. "That's not the reason why I see you. And no, Gianna. I'm sorry to burst your bubble but I'm not in love with you. I am here to officially kick you out of my pack together with your other packmates," he told him straight, not minding her emotions anymore.

He wanted this done as soon as possible. If he needed to say cruel things to her just to kick her out of his pack, then so be it. She's too much anyway. He wanted to stop everything that she's doing to his own pack.

Gianna's expression changed to her mad expression. She glared at her as her tears formed at the corner of her eyes. "W-What the hell are you saying, Alpha Karius? You can't just make me leave this pack! You need us! You need our pack! We're doing you all a favor here! If we're not here, the rogues will attack you soon."

He sighed. "You know what I realized? When the pack seemed to not trust me now, I did a self reflection. It was me who's really at fault here. I should've put my trust in them first so they would also trust me in return. I should trust my pack and their capabilities. I'm sure we can beat every rogue that will come to us if we have trust with one another..." He paused as a bitter smile formed on his lips. "And that was my mistake. We can do this. I shouldn't have asked for your help in the first place..."

Her eyes turned to slit. "How sure are you that you could even do it? And everyone is looking up to you! I'm the perfect Luna that you could have--"

"I'll be the one to decide on that matter." He cut her off from speaking.

Gianna laughed bitterly. "Oh, cut your crap, Alpha Karius. I know damn well the reason why you can't love me. You love that Omega, right?" She smirked.

Alpha Karius clenched his jaw. So, she knew, huh. How did she find out about it? He's not sure anymore. He glared at her, not minding to answer her.

She laughed again like she's mocking Alpha Karius. "You had a secret relationship with an Omega. I knew it from the very beginning. You have a low standard by the way. Poor her. She didn't even have the chance to be introduced in the whole pack and was just content at being the hidden whore of the great Alpha of Moon Stone Pack," she taunted him, making Alpha Karius' boiled in anger. "And you're selfish and a coward, Alpha Karius. It was all your fault. Don't put all the blame on me because it was you who did the stupid things here."

His hand balled into fist and tried so hard to not hit her on the face. He's trying so hard to not hurt her since she's still a woman. How could he call her Lilian a... whore?! He's not his whore! "Fucking. Shut. Up!" He shouted at her face.

"Why? You can't accept the fact that you fucked up so bad that you weren't able to save your Omega?" She smirked. "Well, I don't care. At least, I was able to give her the best punishment of her life. Who knows... she must be dead by now!" She laughed like a mad man again making Alpha Karius suddenly see red all over the place.

He suddenly grabbed Gianna's neck and gripped it so tight, making her unable to breathe properly. He pinned her to the wall as she tried to remove his hand on her neck. His nails dug on her skin.

"L-Let go of me..." Gianna said as she try to catch her own breath. Her foot couldn't reach the floor anymore since Alpha Karius effortlessly pulled her up as he choked her mercilessly. A lone tear escaped from Gianna's eyes making Alpha Karius smirked.


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