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The Omega's Sweetest Revenge novel Chapter 18

CHAPTER 18: The Comeback

SEEING THE WOLVES looking at Lilian makes her burst out in laughter. They are obviously checking her out like she's some random celebrity. It was obvious that they were admiring her looks. They even heard them murmuring that maybe she's a Luna from a known pack.

"Who is she?"

"She's a new face. Maybe she's a Luna from the Genesis Pack."

"Yeah, maybe. The Alpha from that pack hasn't introduced his Luna yet."

"I must admit that she's pretty and sexy. Look at those curves!"

Lilian smirked on what she heard. Even the female wolves are talking about her. She looked at Calista on her side. It was obvious that some of the wolves were looking at her with their mocking expressions. But instead of being affected, she remained elegant and just raised her brow to everyone who would glance at her direction.

"Oh, Calista! This is the second time that you attended this event!"

Calista's glance went to the voluptuous female wolf wearing a burgundy revealing gown going in their direction. Lilian is not familiar with her but based on the expression of the other wolves, this wolf is a higher ranked wolf. It was obvious that some of the wolves were intimidated by her presence.

"Florence," said Calista with her serious expression. "Good evening," Calista greeted formally. Lilian suddenly sensed the uneasiness on her face but it was masked by a small smirk on her lips as her brow raised a bit looking at the woman named Florence.

The woman that Calista called Florence giggled. "The ever formal and stiff Calista! What's new? How are you? Are you still the trying hard she-wolf Alpha? Oh, ops!" She giggled again as she covered her lips in a sophisticated manner, like she didn't try to offend Calista through her words.

Lilian pursed her lips on what she heard as she tilted her head a bit. It was obvious that this woman named Florence was insulting Calista through her words. Lilian tried to calm herself to not scratch her on the face using her sharp claws. Her gaze went to Calista. She still looked unaffected like the words of Florence didn't even hurt her.

"Yeah, I'm still the 'trying hard' she-wolf Alpha of the Midnight pack. At least I'm not the trying hard wolf who almost stole someone else's mate before. That's more gross, right?" Calista said with a smirk on her lips.

The taunting smile on Florence's lips disappeared in just a snap after what she heard on Calista. She was about to say something again when the big double doors opened again revealing a familiar woman with some wolves flocking around her as if they were guarding her. The attention of the wolves went to her as she took her way towards the center.

Lilian tensed a bit as her hand balled into fist seeing the woman again. It was Gianna... the woman who humiliated and accused her for something that she didn't do before... the Luna of her previous pack. But why is she alone? Isn't he supposed to be with her Alpha in going here? Why is she with the wolves guarding her and not... Alpha Karius?

Her blood boils just seeing her smiling widely in front of the crowd as if she's the real main event in the party. Lilian couldn't take how she is able to smile widely like that as if she didn't hurt someone before. It seems like everything has been so easy for her for the past year. And Lilian couldn't accept it.

Lilian spent her time training herself to be stronger so that once she faces them again, she's ready and won't back down anymore unlike before. She had it rough. She can't remember anymore how many bruises she got just so she could learn in her training. She can't remember anymore how she managed to study many things about wolves and other creatures.

And here is Gianna... who seems to have everyone on her side. It was as if she didn't have a hard time... unlike her. No matter how Lilian denies it, her heart hurts as she compares their state for the past year. She clenched her jaw at that idea.

It was obvious that everyone was admiring her as she waved her hand to the wolves around. She's wearing an outfit almost the same as Lilian but just different in color. They have the same style, sweetheart neckline with a high slit on the left leg and it's also backless but the color is white.

Lilian wanted to smirk at her outfit. The color white gown of Gianna is very opposite to her rotten attitude. It doesn't suit her. Her wolf is even agreeing to her own thoughts, making her smirk wider while looking at Gianna. Her wolf suddenly wanted to brush off the smile on Gianna's lips.

"Calm your wolf." Lilian heard Calista whisper beside her, making her calm a bit. "It's not yet time to show your claws. Let the wolves find their mates first."


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